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in sound-money •  5 years ago 

Electronic Sound Money will be "Sparking" all over the World... And we own the issuing rights... The United States is in very good shape, as far as our Future is concerned...
August 7, 2020... 2.6 Hollywood Time...

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I like the description: "sparking"

If it's Electronic, there's a chance for Sparks... I think We the People are in very good Shape... Trump signed 4 Executive Orders today, by-passing Congress with the extra Powers given him by the National Emergency Defense Production Act... He may be in his Secret Bunker right now... I'm looking for Big things to start happening...
August 8, 2020... 17.0 Hollywood Time...

Hello there! A lot is happening now- President Trump's latest executive orders will help so many people.

Your "Take Home Pay" should show an increase... He's giving us a little taste of what's to come...
August 9, 2020... 15.4 Hollywood Time...

I agree

You may find this Video interesting...She doesn't have my answers...

August 23, 2020... 4.5 Hollywood Time...

Thank you for the video; she presents a dark future