Why is the same media that embraced Tim Ballard now slamming Sound of Freedom! Are the same people who are against humanity knowing they are Sovereign and Free also against the Light shining on the Darkness of Child Sex Trafficking? Why is that?

in soundoffreedom •  last year  (edited)

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Came across this article recently after dropping in posts and in various articles for years information on those who attempted to keep this movie from being made and off the shelves.

First let's just do a quick review on the Light we have been trying to shine on a vey dark subject which some do not like to talk about, but as I have said now for Years in reports, just because it is Uncomfortable, does not mean we should continue to Shove it under the Rug!

For #WhatLiesBeneath is far more Uncomfortable and damaging for the most vulnerable of victims.
Why I and other soldiers, warriors and guardians of children heeded the call many years ago when we saw evidence first hand of what was going on~ This Right Here! There is a knowing deep inside of us. The God Spark and spirit that is within us as we are created in His Image and will continue to STAND up!
Proverbs 31:8-9 says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Would one way to keep the Truth from rising to the top be
*get those on the side of good to be divided and start throwing shade and negativity at those who produced, directed and distributed a movie that threatens their very control and profits [so their trafficking scheme]?

Always OVERstand the situation rather than just understand.
You submitting to try to Understand puts you Beneath the controllers and under their spell where they will attempt to distract and slam.

Check out who the people who helped get this movie out there are involved in.
Do you find it interesting and Obvious as to why they would be targets of corporate owned media and gatekeepers?

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Note Producer and Director!

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Directed by Alejandro Monteverde
Written by
Rod Barr
Alejandro Monteverde
Produced by Eduardo Verastegui
Gorka Gómez
Andreu Aec
Edited by Brian Scofield
Music by Javier Navarrete
Santa Fe Films
Distributed by Angel Studios

So someone who played Jesus in The Passion of Christ and Hollywood blacklisted Mel Gibson for doing that movie and someone who May run for President of Mexico and supports Life and Humanity?

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Stay Focused! Where your Attention goes the Energy flows! Those who Seek to control and distract you Know this! You do NOT have to allow them to distract, confuse and confound. You KNOW in your Heart what is right~ What have we all been working on bringing down?

What do they [side of darkness] not want a Light shown upon?
Why is that?
Does it keep humanity enslaved while bringing them profits?
This is NOT only about human [including children] trafficking, but also drug trafficking, weapons trafficking and organ trafficking. Now why would people try to distract, divide and get those on the side of good to throw shade on this movie and those who got it DONE?

Think about it. You Know WHY! Remember in Ezekiel a type of satan was named on HOW he got his wealth and prestige~ Check it out Ezekiel 28:18
“Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.”


Both from Mexico? WHAT is going on at the border that corporate owned media and gatekeepers do Not want humanity to catch on to?

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Remember how much they went up against those with boots on the ground and how they targeted people who dared to report on it? https://steemit.com/pedogate/@artistiquejewels/abandoned-camp-in-tucson-az-discovered-by-vets-on-patrol-a-complete-overview-with-photos-and-links

Consider Billy the Kid,

Here is a Facebook Frames thread I did from 2021 based on my years of research, experience in New Mexico [I was born in Albuquerque, Grandfather worked at Sandia Laboratory other families involved with Los Alamos Laboratory where I had teachers from High School at a private school and went to, worked at the University of New Mexico with visits to border schools, reservations and annex University in Santa Fe.

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Flip through to see evidence and source links throughout.


Full Billy the Kid article found here,

Consider what was in the movie done years ago, filmed in New Mexico~

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Check out this video that contains clips from the movie.
Beware, there is language and shooting so please use caution and view away from the sight of your children.

I Timothy 1:8
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

People like Billy the Kid didn't take it lightly.
Just as those who Stand up Against the evil of today. . .he was called an outlaw while good was called evil and evil, good.

Young Guns HD Blaze Of Glory Jon Bon Jovi Unofficial Video

Have you seen this evidence of how much shade they attempt to throw on this?
Why are they not MORE concerned about the Children being abused?
The victims?

Has this Same Corporate owned media spoken about "Victim Shaming" for other people, but when it comes to the littles and most vulnerable in our population, WHY are so many trying to name call or yell "Conspiracy Theorist?"

An industry that has been PROVEN to exist?

Are there not Obvious Tells here of attempts to cover up what Truly lies beneath?

Why is that do you suppose?

Whose control and profits does this threaten? You know who!

Check out the attempted slams from The Guardian and Rolling Stone then consider what #TimBallard says in an interview.

Yes, it is on Corporate owned media where sometimes they allow you to hear from a variety of people.

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Now hear what Tim Ballard says and the evidence of how CBS, so corporate owned media once praised what he was exposing and who he was saving, but now many seem to be Against this as they call names and attempt to belittle.
Sound Familiar to how all of us who have been trying to expose this evil against children have put up with for many years now?

Tim Ballard: Pedophiles 'salivating' at media outlets ripping 'Sound of Freedom'

Jesse Waters states remember these are His words [Zuck and mods]

"This movie zeros in on the Human Trafficking Industry and honors a hero.
Someone who saved children from sex slavery.
But to the media, this person Isn't a hero. [Why do you suppose that is?]
Someone who rescues kids from pedophiles is a villain."

From CNN's subtitle, this is Mike Rothschild, who wrote~
**The World's Worst Conspiracy Theories"
This is what Google search and Google books has to say about him,

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Here is what Hatchette has to say about Mike Rothschild,

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Notice what else he has written about~

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Remember the Agent Provocateurs I told you about and how the FIB or as some know them FBI in higher places [not saying every worker is aligned with them talking about those in control] has agent provocateurs and Never has to take responsibility for their actions as they ARE the Powers that Be?
See the evidence in here, this concerns them preying upon challenged people and our Muslim brothers and sisters also.


Hear Mike Rothschild from CNN say,

"these movies are created out of bogus moral panic, bogus statistics, they're created out of fear.
And something like Sound of Freedom, it's specifically is looking at Q anon concepts of these child trafficking rings, that are run by the high level elites."

Hear Mike Rothschild say that the Sound of Freedom movie is specifically looking at Qanon concepts of these child trafficking rings [Hold up~ why if true would child trafficking rings Only be this concept for a despised group of MSM and NOT a concept THEY and others are also concerned about?

Kind of like Trump said when asked about these pedophiles and he responded with something along the lines of, would that be such a bad thing?

Mike Rothschild went on to include~ "that are run by the high level elites."

Which is interesting, I'm not saying Mike Rothschild is linked with them as when you do a search on him little to nothing is said about his family history.

There was a Rothschild family historically that was quite interesting.

If not familiar go here, once again I am not claiming these are his ancestor's, just talking about his known history.
Scroll to the bottom to see their creepy "Dinner Party"from 1972


Also see the synchronicity from actual parties held in more recent times with actual footage in here,


How many times have we told you,
there is Q, there are anons, there is no Qanon?

Check it out~


Work always signed Q.

The corporate owned media is so rattled by 17th letter of the alphabet they like to shout out with anon behind it, that they asked Commander and Chief Trump questions concerning this letter they see as so despicable that their faces appear to contort as they can't seem to conceal their distain for such a contrary letter while spitting out the questions seen in the Presser below.
So much so some of them work themselves up into a frenzy and plenty of platforms suspend and censor anyone who has anything resembling the letter Q and especially if it has anon behind it.

Trump's answer was classic! He wanted to know what would be so wrong with that?
One has to ask if they think with their hearts why isn't the media For Heroes bringing down perpetrators of children OVER the hate coming from those who pretend it isn't even happening?
Why would you Not want children protected?

Facebook Frames the Presser that will Go Down in History President Trump Asked about Q movement and the theory of him secretly saving the world form a satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals!.


According to Jesse Waters, the press is smearing this movie on Child Sex Trafficking as a dangerous conspiracy theory.

I ask you, why are they so desperately trying to distract from proven trafficking cases?
Is what they are doing in trying to slam and throw shade on a serious topic that threatens the lives and well being of children not far more dangerous than their attempts to Slam people rescuing children?

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So how is it that the press is saying that Jim Caviezel is a Qanon guy.

Waters points out this is strange since Jim Caviezel plays Tim Ballard and just a few years ago the same media was celebrating Ballard's heroics.

What gives?
Why do they talk out of both sides of their mouths?

When asked, "why is the media hating this movie?"
Tim Responds, "I can't understand it.
This film was made, produced written 5, 6 years ago before anyone heard the name Qanon.
I still don't know what Qanon is.
In the meantime they're trying to connect it to some conspiracy when like you said, this is a true story.
These are real kids.
I mean, these kids are my friends.
They're young adults, the kids that were rescued.
They're going to come out soon and tell their story.
It's going to be ver awkward when the mainstream media comes after them next and accuses them of being part of some conspiracy when in fact,
they were rescued from a life of rape.

It's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen in the media perhaps.

See more here,

Tim Ballard: Pedophiles 'salivating' at media outlets ripping 'Sound of Freedom'

#SoundOfFreedom, #TimBallard, #JimCaviezel, #OUR,#OperationUndergroundRailroad, #EduardoVerastegui, #AlejandroMonteverde


also archived here,






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