In order to save the humans the Grand Wizard must get to the new kid before the drought else we manipulate his name and use him to take the sacred relic for us for whomever controls the city controls

the universe don't be fooled by the violence or the pooping or the the ginger ism so you realize that your hair looks like that which is bullsh by the way I mean what do we have to do
who's Rita Hayworth not enough anyway forget that stuff cuz it's it's just there to throw you off the scent what this really is despite the swearing and the dick jokes and the other dick jokes
is gamed about childhood no seriously it's not it's not offensive it's just a tribute to being a kid it's about how we could go anywhere right in our backyard welcome to the kingdom of Koopa keep by those days when making friends was
our biggest concern my name is butters the merciful and the Paladin I live right next door to you we should be friends it's about that one handicapped kid who always ruined everything and with my loot I shall power up my elven
guards with magical songs Vinci with magical songs me OK with magical sounds hmm hmm Megna magical songs have been changing me me alright so maybe it's a little offensive it's south park
the stick of truth for the PlayStation 3 it's me Al Gore you know Al Gore I'm super important when all seriousness though that that really is one of the most endearing things about this game
it's obviously not for everyone and if you're uptight about things you'll never get to appreciate this aspect of it but seriously this game took me right back to 1993 I was playing outside building treehouses as
I would have described it erecting fortresses to appease the earth gods and keep the sacrilegious hordes at bay those are my sisters friends the earth gods I made up I had a had a vibrant imagination at age nine not to mention
a robust vocabulary and a keen understanding of ancient religions as a bright kid is what I'm saying oh you've seen me oh wait you can hey champ how do you like your new room so things start off pretty normally you get to create
yourself as is the case with many video games but when things actually get started you see that that process means a bit more in this one because in the stick of truth you're actually in a South Park episode like you're there you're in South Park you're actually
friends with Eric Cartman well kind of you interred douchebag is that correct are you sure you want to keep the name douchebag very well douchebag and that's where the stick of truth turns into
something special I mean in terms of the core gameplay it's a solid RPG but it's what's built around that RPG that's what makes the game so remarkable I've never seen a licensed game that just embraces
its license more than this one you play this thing and you seriously forget it's a game feels like you're watching an episode of South Park only it's an episode that you happen to be in so you've just moved to South Park
and your parents tell you to go outside and make some friends you immediately run into butters who becomes your very first friend which I couldn't have been happier about but I've always thought that if I lived in South Park
I've been best friends with butters now I am so like five minutes in I was already happy of course it's not long before you find out about the battle over the all-powerful stick of truth which is an eternal battle for control
of the universe in a fun game and they need more kids to play so you're in luck Cartman gives you a sword and some armor a lesson in the magic power of farts remember digs at you and then
you're off South Park is yours to conquer at least before it gets dark behold the distant realm of downtown home of corrupt merchants Lords and homeless people so the entire town
is yours to explore if you're a fan of the show it's gonna blow you away I mean just walking down the street looks like it does on the show the houses have the same layouts as they do on the show
it's amazing how detailed it is just exploring the town and talking to all the characters that alone is fun for longtime fans the rest of the games not bad either these land hold many dangers
new candy yeah you will for the wrong around so what about the gameplay well again it's the context more than the mechanics that makes this game great but the mechanics are good to stick of truth is similar to a game like Paper Mario and that it's sort of an RPG light as you walk around South Park those
elf kids attack you you have melee and magic attacks and of course they're all ridiculous in fact the game satirizes videogames as much as anything else agent like a wizard only not as COO like
thief never heard of one but interesting do you have so I guess we'll never really be friends so even though the gameplay isn't anything too crazy or complex the humor and presentation make it an insanely fun game to play
and it's big too between the main missions and the side quests and references and 100 or
so characters there's just a ton of stuff to do but it's getting there jpg let's go in sit you know there's plenty of things.