Who is behind the balloon flyer that provokes North Korean bombing Korea-Korea Liaison Building ?

in south •  4 years ago 

On the afternoon of June 16, with a few loud noises, black smoke billowed from above the Kaesong Industrial Zone in North Korea.

North Korea bombed the North Korea-South Korea Liaison Office Building...

When it was blown up, the Korea-South Korea Liaison Office actually opened for less than two years.

Two years ago, in April 2018, North Korean leaders met in Panmunjom and signed the Panmunjom Declaration. In the "Declaration", the two sides agreed to start the DPRK-ROK Liaison Office as soon as possible.

As the name implies, this office is prepared for exchanges between North Korea and South Korea, such as government talks, non-governmental exchange assistance, etc., to provide some convenience for people to come and go.

On September 14, 2018, the office was officially unveiled and began operations.

However, contrary to expectations, this office did not play its imaginary role. Kim Jong-un himself once said, "It is useless to contact the office."

Not long after the office was established, the DPRK withdrew from the office once due to the deterioration of the relationship between the two parties.

Recently, relations between the two sides have deteriorated again. On June 9, North Korea announced that it would "cut off all communication lines between North Korea and South Korea."

On June 13, Kim Hae-Jung, the first deputy minister of the Workers’ Party of Korea, said in a speech, "You will soon see the tragic sight of the useless North Korea-Korea Joint Liaison Office being razed to the ground."

On the morning of June 16, the General Staff of the Korean People's Army issued a press communique, saying that North Korea has re-deployed its troops and that "the army has maintained its foolproof state of preparation."

That afternoon, the Korea-Korea Liaison Office became cold.

There is a saying that North Korea was so angry this time that it exploded all the buildings. The most direct fuse was the balloon flyer that flew over from South Korea.

A leaflet bursts like this?

Because they put Mrs. Kim Jong-un’s face on the Japanese actress on the leaflet, and the method was extremely damn...

Who sent this leaflet?

It is a Korean NGO, and the members of these so-called NGOs are mainly "North Korean defectors."

The so-called "North Korean defectors" refer to those who left North Korea through abnormal channels, also known as "North Korean defectors."

Most of them are so-called "North Korean refugees".

Only now, "North Korean defectors" are also used to refer to individuals or organizations that support North Koreans to leave North Korea, such as the "Free North Korean Movement Alliance", "Oizumi", and the North Korean Freedom Federation and other NGOs.
These people have nothing else to do all day long, just to find ways to encourage North Koreans to leave North Korea.

But we all know that North Korea is relatively blocked, and information is difficult to pass in.

So, these people started up balloon flyers. This balloon is not a normal balloon, but a balloon several meters in size.

People went to a station near the national border, tied things to balloons, and then let the wind bring them over.


Balloon flyers can be roughly divided into two types, either political flyers or various materials.

Some flyers bitterly talked about how bad North Korea is and how brutal officials are, and their lives are really fierce.

If there are artistic cells, two comics will come; if there are two, there will be a long story for you.

Some directly insulted North Korean leaders and others threatened them by putting photos of Saddam and Gaddafi on them.


Some will tell you how happy you are in South Korea, and the rest let the Korean people experience it for themselves.

The supplies depend on the dish.

I heard that most Koreans are poor? Yes, I put you a ladle 1 dollar note in the balloon;

I heard that Koreans can't eat enough? Yes, I will find a mineral water bottle to fill you with rice, and then let the balloons be delivered;


I heard that Koreans are disconnected Yes, I will give you the entire USB flash drive. Putting Korean dramas in the USB flash drive is enough for you to watch for a long time. By the way, I can also tell you that all Koreans are handsome men and beauties, and I want to find someone to go there quickly.

The most amazing thing is that some people heard that the North Korean people's love for Holi Youpai is irreplaceable. They stuffed the chocolate pie directly into the balloons, suggesting that you only need to come to South Korea, how much you want to eat this thing.

In short, South Korea is all-encompassing in the distribution of leaflets for psychological warfare: from the early surrender of beautiful women to the subsequent attack on leaders, to fabricate political "secret stories", to the current food temptation...

Faced with these balloons, North Korea has not thought of away. The North Korean government has verbally protested to South Korea many times, but South Korea cannot manage it at all.

In 2014, according to South Korean media, North Korea used anti-aircraft machine guns to fire and fire those balloon balloons even in the Yeoncheon area of Gyeonggi-do, and many bullets landed in South Korea.

North Korea releases flyers to South Korea
Because of the issue of balloon flyers, North Korea has negotiated with South Korea many times this month and wants to let them manage.

On the other side of Korea, Qingwatai has actually sent a message long ago, saying that handing out leaflets to North Korea is not good for reunification.

They also sent police to guard on the border.


But these NGOs don't listen to the government at all.

So North Korea took a tough stance, and by the way, let Jin and Zheng come out to stand in prestige.
Over the years, the gang of defectors and the NGOs that funded them have actually made troubles. Moreover, every time they make trouble, they choose a particularly good time.

Whenever the DPRK-ROK relations or Sino-ROK relations improve, these NGOs will perform.

For example, in 2012, it was the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, and it was also the year when Li Mingbo and Park Geun-Hye transferred power.

In January of that year, South Korea's then-President Li Mingbo visited China. On May 2, the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement negotiations were officially launched. For China, the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement is the free trade agreement signed at the time that covers the widest range of topics and involves the largest amount of country trade.

As a result, throughout 2012, the NGOs of the North Korean defectors targeted China from the beginning of the year to the end of the year and did not stop.

From the beginning of the year, NGOs from the North Korean defectors, together with Korean media and Korean conservative politicians, repeatedly hyped the topic of "repatriating North Korean defectors from China."
In February, North Korean NGOs ran to the Chinese Embassy in Seoul and the Consulate General in Gwangju to hold demonstrations, various performances, shouting slogans, and burning five-star red flags. The members went to the Chinese embassy to start a "prayer meeting"...

Their "appeal" is to let China give the North Korean defectors the status of "refugee" and let China bear the pot.
This trend soon swept to the South Korean government official, and with the encouragement of public opinion, it also publicly "screamed" to China.

Successfully threatening the South Korean government, the NGOs of the North Korean defectors will continue to exert pressure on China in the name of "human rights" and go to the United States to seek help. They will "internationalize" the North Korean defectors.

Of course, the United States is happy about this. In March, a hearing on the "North Korean defectors" was held quickly, and American politicians came forward to organize on the international platform. The younger brothers swarmed and demanded that China designate North Korean workers as " refugee".

At the 2012 UN Human Rights Council meeting, representatives of the European Union, the United States, South Korea, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland attacked in groups, and in their speeches called for refugee treatment for the "North Korean defectors."
The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs that year was really busy.

On March 2, the People’s Daily even signed the "Bell" to comment on the matter (all know), directly saying that the Li Mingbo government "does nothing wrong."
Knowing who couldn't afford it, the Korean government gradually suppressed the tone. But NGOs do not care about your suit, but the more they play, the more flowers, the more outrageous and more outrageous.

In the second half of the year, they actually proposed to stand in front of the Chinese embassy in the "Tuobei girl portrait", "Rebecca refugee network" affairs director Pastor Jin Guihao (identity focus) arrogantly said at the end of October: erecting a statue requires 8 million won has been raised to 500,000 yuan. The bronze statue is located at the Yuren Church across the road from the Chinese Embassy ​​and will be "opened" on December 26...

The Korean government, even if it was confusing, knew the benefits and immediately opposed it.
In 2014, South Korea hosted the Incheon Asian Games. North Korea not only sent a sports delegation to participate but also sent a high-level delegation to attend the closing ceremony of the Asian Games, which was the best relationship between the two parties in those years.


On the day the high-level DPRK delegation arrived, the two sides held high-level talks in the form of a "lunch meeting" and agreed to hold high-level talks again in October or November.

However, the performances of the "Northern NGOs" came as scheduled.

On the eve of the agreed "next high-level meeting", anti-DPRK flyers flew frequently.

On September 21 of that year, the NGO "Free Korean Movement United" distributed about 200,000 flyers to North Korea in one day!

In October, Yonhap News Agency reported that North Korea used 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine guns to fire at NGOs flying balloons against the DPRK and carrying anti-DPRK flyers; Frequently.

The border is "crossfire", is this a ghost "high-level meeting"?

The same is true of this incident. After a long-term crisis, the DPRK-ROK relationship seems to have seen a turnaround in 2018 with the summit meeting between the two sides and the signing of the "Panmendian Agreement"; "Diplomacy", under the guidance of the "Korean Peninsula Flag", the North Korean high-level delegation also attended the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics.

Sure enough, when this time comes, the troublemaker is coming...

Why do they always have to do things at the "appropriate time"?

Because they are doing things, some people give money.
Don’t look at these North Korean defectors who have fled to South Korea all day long, and North Korea is in full swing. South Korea has a great flyer. Most of them are really mixed in South Korea.

Because for those who need them, they are just tools, a weapon used to attack North Korea, and the value of the weapon is not high, so there is no need to spend money to maintain it.

Most of them have no life at all in Korea. According to a survey, North Korean defectors are not able to achieve "equality" with Koreans in South Korea. Their wages are only 2/3 of that of Koreans when they work three hours more per week than Koreans.

Therefore, in order to live a nourishing day, some defectors must follow the form of star-making, set up people, tell stories, and cheat investments.

One of the most famous is a girl named Park Yanmei (also translated as Park Yinmei).

In 2009, this 16-year-old Korean girl took the stage to talk about her tragic experience in North Korea and her escape, accusing the "inhuman" North Korean government of its "sincere love", which impressed the audience.

This speech, which was not very concerned, I don't know why it was soon posted on the Internet.

As a witness who bravely pointed out the crimes of North Korea, Park Yan-mei suddenly caught fire and began to speak frequently on stage.

In October 2014, she debuted on the global stage at the "World Youth Leaders Conference" in Dublin.

In the speech, she wiped her tears while covering her mouth; said that when she saw a Hollywood blockbuster, it was like "seeing the shimmer in the dark world"; that she wanted to follow the stars to freedom...

Her autobiography "In order to live" was also published soon, and was translated into French, German, Western, Japanese, and other multilingual languages at the speed of light...

This series of operations look familiar?

There are different ways to fight against Western countries.

But when Western tooled handed knives, the routine was similar.

However, a girl who fled from North Korea at the age of 13 or 14 had a level of lying far from home. The more times she spoke, the more loopholes there were.

Later, her loopholes were so great that even the American media could not ignore them.

Two months after the American Diplomat's The Diplomat magazine gave a speech in Park Yanmei Dublin, the article bluntly said that the story she told was "strange" and there were serious contradictions:

Sometimes she said she fled directly to South Korea, sometimes she said she went to China first;

Sometimes it was said that her mother was raped during the flight, and sometimes she changed her mouth to say that the victim was herself;

Sometimes it is said that the perpetrator is the North Korean border guard, and sometimes it is said that the perpetrator is Chinese;

For a while, she described vividly how she secretly carried her father’s body to the mountain for burial, while her father became a cremation again;

Regarding the cause of escape, when she gave a speech in Europe, her mother was sentenced to death because she watched the 007 movies; when she gave a speech in Hong Kong, the crime was changed to watching a Korean movie...
When the older North Korean defector heard her say that "an American movie would be executed in North Korea," he laughed directly, and said "ridiculous", and said: "If you don't believe me, ask me, I know 350 A defector, I bet everyone responds."

Park Yan-mei’s self-proclaimed escape route breaks geographical common sense. She said that she once crossed three or four mountains at night to come to the border. However, in fact, she is on the bank of the Yalu River, and there is no mountain to wear at all...

How did Park Yan-mei, who was so full of loopholes, get angry?

Because as long as you can expose North Korea's black material in public opinion and impact the North Korean regime in action, you will have a lot of money on your head.
Behind Park, Yanmei is the financial support of the American NGO-Atlas Foundation.

Park Yanmei also created his own foundation with its support. The official website reads "You can donate online, but what exactly your money will be used for is not clear" is the only thing. What is certain is that you are funding Yanmei's global travel and speeches."

For people like her, the British "Guardian" also picked up countless questions and asked "why the testimony of the defectors is always inconsistent."


The reason why these people dare to be grand and lie unscrupulously lies in the fact that the father behind the gold master is not only rich in money but also ruthless.

On October 18, 2004, then-President Bush Jr. signed the North Korea Human Rights Act passed by both houses of Congress. This bill, which took less than three months from the promulgation to the signing of the president, was pretended to be:

The US government will provide US$2 million in financial assistance to the so-called “promoting” North Korean human rights, democracy and market economy civil organizations in the United States or internationally;

In the next 4 years, US$8 million will be invested to increase the broadcast time of "American propaganda" to North Korea to 12 hours per day;

Provide so-called "humanitarian assistance" of 20 million US dollars per year to North Korean citizens living in countries other than North Korea;

On the grounds that North Korean citizens can acquire Korean nationality in accordance with the South Korean Constitution, North Korean citizens are also allowed to “freely” apply to the United States for “political asylum”.

For such a large sum of money, some North Korean defectors certainly want it. The more outrageous the story, the richer the details, and the more satisfying the Western countries' illusions about North Korea, the greater the possibility of getting money.
With such "support" from the superpowers, the defectors even dare to propose "state-building."

In December 2004, representatives of defectors from various places gathered in Tokyo, Japan, intending to establish an "exile government" aimed at overthrowing the North Korean regime, planning to set up their headquarters in Tokyo and establish a liaison office in Washington.

As for these NGOs, the North Korean side is very clear.

Therefore, the flyer was a fuse, but in the final analysis, the dissatisfaction on the North Korean side was dissatisfaction with South Korea's inability to get rid of the influence of the United States and to talk to North Korea independently.

Jin Youzheng said in his statement, "Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the "Panmendian Declaration" clearly stipulates that all hostile acts such as broadcasting of megaphones and the distribution of leaflets are strictly prohibited along the military demarcation line.

But in a short period of two years, it turned out to be blind to the spread of anti-DPRK leaflets that happened more than once in their own homes. It is clear to everyone that the responsibility lies entirely with the South Korean authorities. "

"The ink of the North-South Agreement is not yet dry, so I dare not say no, and was forced to accept the'South Korea-US Working Group' imposed by the'master', and handle all North Korea-Korea relations issues with the approval of the White House. Tragic consequences.

When the master told them to play the war game, they would go to death. If they threatened them to buy cutting-edge weapons, they would scramble to scavenge the money of the people’s fate, and they would hand it over to the astronomical amount of hard-earned money. "

"In the past two years, the South Korean authorities have not followed the path of national autonomy, but have been keen to promote the whimsical policy of the "first cycle" between North-South relations and North Korea-US relations. The prerequisite within the framework of sanctions'.

Nowadays, North-South relations have been reduced to American playthings. This is entirely a tragedy caused by the obsessive and obsessive pro-American affairs and submissives of the South Korean authorities. "

Both Jin and Zhengzheng have made it clear. Who else can be the person behind this wave of NGOs?


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