"For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." - Roman's 10:3,4
Since dead religion doesn't have a finished work of redemption in which to rest, it attempts to establish it's own righteousness with more and more fleshly rules. "Taste Not! " "Touch Not! " "Don't go here! " "Don't wear that!" "Don't say that! " Dead religion peddles the lie of salvation and/or assurance of salvation wrought by Christ working in concert with the works of our hands. Dead religion says, "Christ isn't the end of the law for righteousness, only the beginning of a better law-keeping you!"
Does your pastor spend his time preaching you into an inescapable legalistic pit of "touch not, taste not, wear not" despair each Sunday? Or does he proclaim a complete redemption in Christ conditioned solely on His perfect and complete redemptive work? Can your pastor say "Amen!" to Romans 10:3,4 or will he attempt to explain the clear teaching of Scripture away with more dead religious works-righteousness? Is he "ignorant of the righteousness of God?"
The Gospel is the finished work of Christ. He saves His people apart from the works of the law. Anything else, anything less, is a false, non-saving gospel.
Church link is www.horizonsbaptist.org
My after thoughts:
May your "ears" be blessed through hearing the truth of the gospel according to His will. The gospel in which man is decisively humbled and the sovereign God of the universe exalted in His glory. Soli Deo Gloria!