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Reading paragraphs like this:

"To understand the answer to these questions, it is important that you first understand that Jesus is not asking sinners to accept Him. Jesus will only accept those who are given to Him by the Father (John 6:36-39; 44; 65; 10:26-27). The only proper wedding garment for entrance into the wedding feast is the righteousness of Christ credited to us (1 Corinthians 5:21). If we come dressed in any other righteousness, such as the filthy rags of our own self-righteousness (Isaiah 64:6), we will be cast away."

I got to wonder what is the point of the rest of the article... If sinners can't repent, and the elect can't refuse God's grace, then why waste your breath. The "chosen" can't mess up bad enough to be rejected, and the "sinners" can't repent and are doomed no mater what. Why waste the effort either way?

Another gem:

The view that Jesus died for all makes God unjust because it teaches that God condemns men whose sins have been atoned for. Further, it teaches that Jesus died for the sins of men who are already in hell and lastly it makes salvation the result of works and not of grace.

This is an unworkable paragraph. First, if someone is in Christ, there is no condemnation. Second, The author assumes knowledge of the present location of dead people, in a hell he got from Dante and Plato, not the Bible. Third, he is assuming that to accept love and forgiveness is a "work." This is a flat out misunderstanding of what the Bible teaches about works/works of the law/self imputed righteousness. He actually goes on to quote Romans 3:20 later on!

Last one I'll comment on:

In summary, if the object of your faith is the righteousness of Christ credit to you, then you are wearing the proper wedding garments, and you can have confidence that you will be received into the great wedding feast. If, however, you are clothed in the hope that your faith is the condition which merits your salvation, then you are still dressed in the filthy rags of your own self-righteousness.

Basically, if you're like me your good. If you guess wrong, you're screwed and Jesus is going to torture you forever.

For anyone reading this who isn't a Christian, Jesus did indeed die for you. He loves you, no matter what this guy says. You CAN be saved.

Calvinism is not Following Jesus, it's following Calvin.

Jesus is Lord.