Public Declaration of Sovereignty and Freedom, Expatriation, and Dissolution of all Previous National and Political Allegiance

in sovereignty •  8 years ago 

In the course of a lifetime, when one discovers and submits to a truth that evinces

at the confluence of all which is physical, spiritual, and reasonable in a natural

world; and there find that which had previously been accepted as truth to be a yoke

of ignorance and fear; and those who fitted the yoke, secured its place, and

assigned its encumbrances, to be interlopers between would-be-beasts and

sovereign beings. Thus, but one recourse presents itself in remedying the ignorance

born from having accepted institutionalized sanctimony that perfunctorily

acknowledges a Creator, yet compels servitude and obedience to earthly authority,

with but one choice, that is, to claim a rightful place in this world which the

Supreme Creator within has provided for all, as equals amongst all, rulers above

none, sovereigns amongst sovereigns, and bound only by the moral duty to live the

term of a life as peaceably and prosperously as possible at whatever trades deemed

just and at no expense to any other.

We have met with such a truth, as We have come to know it, understand it,

embrace it, and now choose to be ruled by it for the rest of our days. By the

Creation Story, Law by clan Mothers and Natural Law.

We, commonly known and hereafter referred to as, Sovereign Free People, given

the birth name and not in Capitus Dominutia Maxima by our natural parents,

hereby make known to all members of Mankind, lovers of Liberty, children of

Peace and the world; as well as tyrants, oppressors, usurpers, rulers, and

presumed authority, the following Public Declaration.

Be it known that We, Sovereign Free People, are in full control of our physical and

mental faculties.

Be it known that We, Sovereign Free People, make the following Declaration

voluntarily, freely, and absent any outside influence, coercion, or duress.

Be it known that We, Sovereign Free People, accept full responsibility for our life

and the actions taken in the exercise thereof.

Be it known that We, Sovereign Free People, are healthy, fit, of no physical or

mental incapacity whatsoever, and are fully aware, educated, informed, and


Be it known that We, Sovereign Free People, stand before our inner Creator;

thankful for all of the power and freedom We possess as a consequence of our

birth; and in doing so avow to submit to NO earthly authority, be it political,

societal, or otherwise unnatural, and will with every fiber of our being resist to the

death any attempt of conscription, recruitment, accountability, allegiance,

obligation, submission, compliance, or subordination by any man, woman, person,

or entity.

Be it known that We, Sovereign Free People, desire peace, tolerance, freedom,

liberty, and accountability for ourselves and all mankind and that We will stand

fast against any power, will, or force that may result in our transgressing from

those principles.

Be it known that We, Sovereign Free People, believe and affirm that We are

ultimately responsible for our actions in this life, subject to the Supreme Arbiter of

the Universe, and as such will not allow others to guide or command us to act in

ways inconsistent with our Conscience for which We will personally be held to


Be it known that We, Sovereign Free People, will submit only to the pains of

punishment for transgressing upon the like rights, property, and liberty of free-

born, natural beings. All other edicts, laws, regulations, or methods of control are

disavowed and inconsequential in the exercise of our life.

Be it known that We, Sovereign Free People, hereby set forth the following

statements in Declaring our Freedom and Sovereignty, claiming our Expatriation,

and Dissolving all previous National and Political Allegiance:

We are all natural-born, independent, free men and women who, at the time of our

birth, entered this world under the care of our natural parents and in full

possession of all the rights, faculties, freedoms, and power We would ever possess

for the term of our natural life.

We aver only to a natural world, and disavow constructs, artifices, and entities

created by the mind and hand of man when such may deem to bind or subject us to

any power exercised thereunder.

We understand, believe, and have come to know that there is NO power on this

earth superior to the personal power endowed to us by our inner Creator. There

may be superior force designed to compel our obedience and compliance, but such

force, when exercised by unjust power, is nothing more than naked aggression,

tyranny, and evil.

We reserve our natural right to exercise any and all means of self-defense with any

and all modalities or devices at our disposal against any and all aggressors that

may result in harm or death to ourselves or others who may assail any of us, or all

of us.

We reserve our right to possess anything We may call "property", that We have

acquired by our own just, peaceful efforts, and which may consist of any plant,

animal, mineral, composition, machine, device, drug, weapon, or product; We may

possess such for our own purposes, defined by our own intentions, and that which

does not pose an immediate threat or harm to the life or property of another.

Any attempt to deprive us of our "property" will be met with defense thereof to

whatever extent necessary to preserve such.

We unequivocally declare that We are the Supreme earthly authority over our

physical person; spiritually bound to our inner Creator, and subject only to the just

adjudication by our own Creator for all of our earthly transgressions. We are a

Sovereign power unto ourselves, posing no threat whatsoever to the just exercise of

the like Sovereignty of other autonomous, self- determinate Living People.

We admit to having submitted to the demands and will of others who exercised

influence and authority over us, at times to our detriment, without our full

informed consent; but rather out of intimidation, fear, and ignorance.

We do not acknowledge any authority, power, or jurisdiction as a consequence of

our physical presence, wherever such may be claimed; nor submit to any of the

aforementioned as a consequence of our actions in enjoying or exercising any of our

natural rights in a peaceable manner.

We do not seek the consent, acknowledgement, approval, permission, or recognition

of anybody or anything in our display of honor or obedience to our inner Creator;

the manner in which We worship; or the actions we may take in the exercise of any

and all gifts, blessings, freedom, or rights.


We believe We are bestowed by an inner guidance of our Supreme Oneness. We

believe it is our right and duty to defend, with force if necessary, any intrusion or

interference with our relationship with our inner Creator.

We have not adopted or accepted any definition of rights, liberty, freedoms, or

identity promulgated by any earthly power. We have not attempted to enumerate

any of our rights, as endowed by said inner Creator, for such a list would be too

exhaustive to undertake and possibly construed by others to be a definitive list of our rights, which are indescribable, boundless, and beyond the comprehension of

artificial constructs.

It is our belief and understanding that the man-made artifice known as

"government", or 'Corporate Government” once served a purpose in effecting a

consenting People's desire for the mutual protection of life, liberty, and property. It

is our belief that government is an anachronistic relic of a time where

circumstances induced people to trade Natural Rights for privileges and benefits

derived from the Civil Power. It is our belief that a pattern exists where

government no longer operates under the intended desire of consenting People for

the mutual protection of life, liberty, and property, but has deviated to a course of

abuse, violence, theft, deceit, fraud, and coercion; operating to the detriment of

those who choose to not consent, and to the benefit of those who seek out

government as a proxy for effecting the pursuit and furtherance of various self-


We believe the ONLY legitimate function of government, of any kind, to be for the

mutual benefit of those explicitly forming such government and submitting to its

jurisdiction for the sole purpose of protecting life, liberty, and property. Any other

action undertaken in the name of ANY government that is inconsistent with the

aforesaid concepts is unjust, unlawful, repugnant, and non-binding upon any

Sovereign and Free man or woman.

We believe that government is NOT sovereign; that sovereignty begins with the

Inner Creator; is bestowed to those it creates; and cannot be surrendered, waived,

transferred, or assigned to any unnatural entity that may then possess sovereignty

superior or equal to that which created it.

Therefore, it is NOT possible for government to claim the status of a sovereign as

compared to that of the People who choose to create such government. We

recognize and understand that government has organized and mobilized a force

comprised of individuals who are armed, trained, and presumably empowered with

"authority" to enforce laws, edicts, proclamations, rules, ordinances, and

regulations in the name of "public safety", "national security", "common good",

"police power", and other contrivances used to placate people into accepting an

armed, standing presence designed to compel obedience and compliance.

We recognize and understand that those individuals comprising this force are

morally bound, obligated, and reasonable in adhering to the laws of nature and

respecting the sovereignty of others. They are assumed to be reasonable and

responsible for their individual actions. We therefore assume that any action taken upon them, against our life, liberty, or property, is purposeful, intentional, and deliberate.

We will deem any action taken by them, against our life, liberty, or property, to be

an act of aggression. We will defend with force to whatever degree and with any

means at our disposal, and to whatever consequence possible, our life, liberty, and

property against any and all actors exercising such force.

We do not believe that We are a citizen of any country, a statutory resident, a

statutory person, a taxpayer, or any other creature, fiction, subject, or definition

found in statutes, codes, ordinances, or anywhere else that does not recognize a

natural, free-born person. This statement shall serve as our Declaration of

Expatriation from the corporate governments of the world. We furthermore seek

no benefit, exercise no privilege, pledge no allegiance, lend no support, do not swear

to defend, nor otherwise submit ourselves to any authority or jurisdiction of the

corporate government of any area of the globe.

We are not the holder of, in possession of, claim any property right to, nor accept as

ours any Social Insurance Number, Status Number, Treaty Number, Taxpayer

Identification Number, Drivers License Number, or other identifying number used

in administering privileges and benefits by government. Any prior reference to

such numbers was in error and ascribed to fraud, misrepresntation or deceit and

all such numbers, being the property of those agencies issuing such, are hereafter

surrendered and rescinded.

Our names are not acknowledged in CAPITUS DOMINUTIA MAXIMA. We are

not the holder of, in possession of, claim no property right to, nor accept as ours,

any government issued or commercial document bearing a name in “CAPITUS

DOMINUTIA MAXIMA”. We do not acknowledge nor accept anything to

represent our name if We have not affixed our signature as representing our name.

We cannot be required, nor compelled, to affix our signature to anything against

our will, under direction or demand of another, under threat, duress, or coercion.

We do not claim to have a name, but We choose to use a name. Our name is our

way of having others refer to our person or our title.

Any government issued, or commercial document, bearing a name in CAPITUS

DOMINUTIA MAXIMA, does not reflect our name, since the name in CAPITUS

DOMINUTIA MAXIMA was affixed to such documents by the issuing entity and

are therefore not ours, but instead the property of the issuing entity. Any

documents previously promulgated by government or commercial entities was done

so under fraud, deceit, or coercion and are not binding upon us. We will honour

whatever contractual agreements we have made pursuant to our voluntarily affixing our signature to such documents, provided a substantiation for any

lawful claim can withstand objections based on fraud, duress, or coercion.

We claim as ours, and ours alone, ALL of the products of our industry; arising

from our labor and effort in our natural capacity, and thereby do NOT accept or

acknowledge ANY obligation or duty, either morally or lawfully, to remit ANY tax

or fee for whatever property, compensation, wage, or value We receive in the

marketplace, through private contracts or trades, for the efforts or products

resulting in the application of our physical, spiritual or mental labor.

We are not bound by ANY holding of ANY court where We were not a willing party

to a case giving rise to such holding. NO court, or body of men, can define our

rights; define our understanding of what is reasonable; define our understanding of

privacy; or otherwise make any determination, define standards, or bind us to any

other opinion not of our own.

We do not aver to the theory of submitting to the "will of the majority", "the

betterment of society", "the greater good", or other contrived platitudes used to

invoke emotion and circumvent logic in manipulating the will of the majority to

compel and control the will of the individual. It is our belief that society cannot

exist, absent fully autonomous, independent, and sovereign individuals who may

choose to become a member of society through choice rather than being

conscripted through coercion or fraud.

We hereby renounce, reject, disavow, rescind, and refute any and all prior express

or implied allegiance to all nations and their subdivisions (as well as any other

derivations of a "State of....", any political body, organization, association, or

organized society that We have not purposefully, explicitly, and intentionally

joined. We reject any and all citizenship of any and all jurisdictions found within

the political boundaries under the control of, or defined as, Republics, Nation

States, Kingdoms, Commonwealth, City States, Principalities, Duchy and any

political body, subdivision or entity thereof.

We reject any and all previous applications and issuances of any and all licenses or

permits for actions exercised by us of a personal, non-commercial nature. We

hereby refuse to partake or engage in any scheme, program, plan, or mandate

requiring our coerced participation, in violation of our free will.

Any claim, conscription, adhesion, or duty under any previous license or permit is

null and void.

We believe, as evidenced by the actions of any and all government that exists within

the boundaries known by any name as stated herein above, that such government is

antithetical to the concepts of life, liberty, and property for sovereign individuals.

We believe such government is without lawful authority to act on behalf of anyone

or anything against our person. We believe that such government has been shown

to be violent, oppressive, deceitful, thieving, brutal, imperialistic, murderous,

harmful, negligent, and contrary to our life, liberty and property. We believe that

all such governments are not of our doing; and We refuse to participate or assist, in

any manner whatsoever, in lending our energy, permission, power, property, or

consent to such a creation. We believe that such government, as well as those who

act under its authority against our life, liberty, and property, to be our spiritual


We believe a state of conflict now, and for some time, exists between ourselves and


We caution and admonish such government, as well as actors

operating under the presumed authority of such, to cease, desist, and forgo any and

all involvement with us; Sovereign Free People, absent an explicit arrangement,

agreement, contract, duty, or relationship made with our fully informed consent.

We make this attempt at peaceful overture, as a reasonable, conscientious, peaceful,

rational, and sentient being. Any refusal to accept, or act under, this peaceful

overture will be deemed an act of aggression, tyranny, and violence towards us. We

will defend, with like force, to whatever end, and with whatever means, our life,

liberty, property, should we choose.

We believe that we have made every reasonable attempt humanly possible to make

known our thoughts, beliefs, and actions; assert our position and identify ourselves

to all as a reasonable, rational, conscientious, responsible, peaceful, and

understanding natural breathing people. We have petitioned the government. We

have sought the counsel of those who are deemed to be "learned" and with


We have studied and educated ourselves in the ways of morality, philosophy, law,

and society.

We have availed ourselves to the established system in good faith,

adhering to established rules, and sought justice. We have been met with only

threats, lies, violence, deceit, silence and injury. We can do no more, absent a

peaceful Declaration, before being forced to resort to a revolt.

Be it know that We, Sovereign Free People, desire peace, respect life, and are

willing to defend AT ALL COSTS that which is ours. We are first a child of our

inner Creator, second an earthly sentient being, third a man/woman, fourth a member of our chosen society, and last a member of a political body. We will avail

ourselves to protect and defend all just, righteous, and moral individuals who seek

our aid in preserving their like life, liberty, and property.

We abhor ignorance, intolerance, violence, tyranny, oppression, apathy, aggression,

and evil in whatever form, or acted upon in whatever name or authority. Our time

on this earth is temporary and subject to the terms set forth by our inner Creator.

We have but one duty, and that is to live in accordance with the conscience We are

blessed with. As a result of such exercise, mankind and society will incur no burden

on our behalf, suffer no injury, and be none diminished. All of our actions are

voluntarily, purposeful, and wholly our responsibility. We claim no responsibility

for the feelings, thoughts, or acts of others who make themselves subject to

whatever external influence may be perceived by our autonomous actions.

We believe We have a duty, as a condition of the bountiful gifts which our inner

Creator has bestowed upon us, to avail ourselves to others who find comfort, value,

and knowledge in our gifts and who seek to share in that bounty which we enjoy.

We will give charitably, generously, and graciously, as dictated by our will and

capacity alone, and in whatever manner We deem fit for our own benefit.

Therefore, to a candid world be known that We, Sovereign Free People, having

exhausted all reasonable means at our disposal to claim and assert our natural

rights to self-determination, autonomy, sovereignty, and freedom; and as a last

resort, make the aforesaid statement as our Public Declaration of Sovereignty and

Freedom, Expatriation, and Dissolution of all Previous National and Political

Allegiance; and will with all the power possessed by us through our inner Creator,

swear that We will act and live according to the dictates of our conscience, in a

reasonable, responsible, peaceable, and rational manner; will not do intentional

harm to any other or their property; and be accountable only to our inner Creator

for our earthly transgressions, submitting ourselves to just atonement and

compensation for any intentional acts against, or breaches of duty to, the life,

liberty, or property of another., under our own laws.

sqilxw tamxwulaxws; Sovereign Secwepemc Nation!

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Excellent - hoping to read more from you.