in soviet •  2 years ago 

Russian empire was booming economically and going through industrialization at the turn of 20th century, not a factory producing cheap labour and soldiers as rich communist reporter in this video claims. Then he fast tracks through the reasons for Bolshevik revolution as something completely caused internally without any imperialist West influence and involvement, which is absurd to suggest since Lenin was recruited by German Masons while Stalin in turn was collaborating with the British Masons, and since Russia was asked in 1907 to join the West allies in WWI against Austro-Hungarian, German, and Ottoman empires, which it did and helped to win it at the cost of 4.5 million dead and wounded, with promise of Constantinople.

Thus as Russian army was about to enter Constantinople the West has backstabbed Russia by sending captured German army to Russia disguised as "Latvian Shooters" "Латышские Стрельцы" to instigate military coup aka Bolshevik "colour red" revolution and killing royal family with ensued thereafter genocide of Slavs in Russia and Ukraine (Holodomor) at the tune of over 110 million during Stalin's regime alone, plus 26 to 49 million sacrificed during WWII, meanwhile promoting Ukranization policy, setting random Ukranian borders by removing Donbas and Crimea from Russia and giving it to Ukraine by drunk Soviet party leaders without any referendums for local populations.

Then also the CIA was training nazis in Ukraine since the end of WWII that were used in 2014 coup that started eight years of war against Russian population of East Ukraine who traditionally voted for pro Russian government and after the coup have voted overwhelmingly, around 97%, to separate and join Russia. So, no, the Bolshevik revolution was not caused by Russia's social backwardness but rather the Soviet regime was forced on Russia by competing Western powers as first infiltration then invasion led by Masonic Babylonian Satanic Khazarian Central Banking Mafia, the whole point of Count Leo Tolstoy in his War and Peace epic.

The Ukrainian language, originally simply a Russian regional dialect, was artificially created during the Austro-Hungarian empire occupation of Western Ukraine when language committees were formed stuffed with mainly Polish linguists who were methodically replacing Russian words with their equivalent taken from other Slavic languages such as Polish, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Romanian etc. thus producing a Pig Russian of sorts. Still to this day most of Ukraine speaks Russian with only far Western parts speaking Ukrainian.

Ukraine name itself was only started being used in reference to this Southern Russian border region after 1917 revolution, before then the region was referred to as Little Russia or Малороссия (Malorossia) or as Krai meaning region or edge or border region in Russian language that was used to denote any border region not only at Ukraine.

It took pro Russian factions until '70s to wrestle control of the Soviet Union back to Russia and during that time Soviet Union started to help African and other developing nations around the world to gain economic and political independence from Western corporate imperialism and colonialism. Nowadays the fight is still raging on in West Africa against the colonial regimes of France, EU, US and NATO by extension.

Anyway, in this video interview here is a rich white elite kid playing communist, and an honest journalist apparently, as though the communist central committee's command and control is absolute abomination for the ruling capitalist elites. It is not, but instead it is their, Masons', intellectual baby birthed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, last was more focused on starting feminism, and who were both, surprise, Masons funded by, another surprise, Rothschild's central bank, as they have also funded French, American, Chinese and Russian revolutions to name a few, in order to, obviously, farther their own interests and not that of the proletariat. Enjoy the video conversation with this in mind. Enough Said.

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