The community's common goal is to keep the value of SUN to the moon.To really become a bitcoin on TRON,1SUN=1BTC。
Typically, the basis for evaluating a DeFi project is the total locked value (TVL)
Let's compare YFI, the first 10,000 times token of the year.YFI total lock value is $774.9M,market value is $839,154,532,
At present, the total locked value of SUN is $356.7M USD,market value is $25,816,191 USD。
As you can see, SUN's locked value is half that of YFI, and its market value is indeed 1/40 of YFI's. SUN's value is far undervalued.
The problem is the lack of a story, let the higher SUN's price, the higher TVL's price, and the higher TVL's price, the higher coin's price, creating a virtuous circle.
We believe that decentralized governance is such a story.
There are three parties to the community.The first is the developer, the second is the community regulator, and the third is the protocol's liquidity provider (LP) or whoever is profiting from the protocol.
- New pools in the lockup can be voted on by the community.
- The newly launched pool requires the project side to pledge a certain amount of SUN to enable SUN.
- The rest of the SUN COINS, like OKB, can be destroyed all of a sudden.
- The new community governance program offers a solution like YFI.Forum proposal, forum vote, and if either party has sufficient support, then vote on the submit proposal chain.The voting lasted three days.If the specified number is reached, agree or Disagree.
SUN's biggest advantage is safety, because Justin Sun has endorsed it.The biggest problem is not decentralized enough, SUN's community governance is not open and transparent, and community participation is seriously inadequate.Hopefully a more active and transparent community will follow.