Episode 1061

in space-alien •  last year 

Full Metal Ox Day 996
Renaissance Year Episode 1061

Planet of the Hybrids

The seven hour Annunaki movie is out on YouTube. It's the latest inspiration for my Space Alien Philosophy, Alien Intervention Theory and the Stolen Evolution series. Maybe I'll add a link. In fact, so as not to give you anything more to freak out over, I'll provide the link by request, if you cannot locate the movie on your own.
I'm fascinated by it, but I've always had the kind of frequency, which I'd call personality back in the day, to believe this stuff.
In this episode we stitched together some clips along the lines of these revelations.
I don't know if this stuff is true or not. So I pretend it's true. It's like one of those logic theorems. Given; humans were the result of cross-breeding between aliens and essentially "apes".
Would descendants of aliens want to not interbreed with hybrids?
Would the apes used in the experiments have ever evolved into homosapiens?
If humanity is seen as an error by the immortal creators, who may actually still exist, wouldn't they try (again) to correct that error?
This is what I'm talking about in this extended episode.
The Gymmy Jamm will be exclusive to the Noxsoma YouTube channel and will eventually show up on Bitchute, & Odysee.com (Someone wrote an article based on a report accusing Odyssey of being a place for white supremacists to raise crypto currency. But that's another story.)
Enjoy. Subscribe. Share. Like. Don't freak out! You can now support the channel via Venmo @noxsoma. Thank you.

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YouTube: The Fitness Journey: Fortnight Fitness, Summer Sculpting. Follow me and decide if it's working. We're keeping the 7 latest workout sessions linked for You! Witness the process & the progress.

A Little Lagging (exclusive)
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Running Redemption

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Track & Bars Park Session 20

Amazing Results
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Monkey Bars Business Session 33
There's A Party Goin On

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Be inspired. Share this episode with seven friends. Seven is a sacred number..

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