I am the only human being capable of steering the planet Earth into the Galactic Stargate until further notice
No one is brave enough to face ackza face to face except @disregardfiat and @truestory157
No one else is allowed to get the nano tech
The anunaki want more gold and we need to trade our jewlery for crypto hahahah or maybe gold is really worth a lot more to the anunaki than just 1000 dollars hahaha what about reptillian crypto currency can I make an anunaki SMT? hey what about North Korean SMT hahahaha uranium coin... duh.. oops I mean vibranium
I just watched black panther lol
I need some of dat yellow cake from Mueller he sells uranium doesnt he? hah Trump has the world by the ball and I have the other ball and together we step into the future and all my dreams come true as Donald Trump Jr comes on to steem and buys out ned so he can go party like he would rather do... maybe @dan will come back
Darude Sandstorm hahaha the Viking brigade!
You really are my ECSTASY
MDMA will cure PTSD
Let your Gaurd down and stop fighting the war on terror ... we need to do a big mission accomplished party for the war on terror
as the rush comes hahah
Trance music is what the extra terrestrial like and the radio frequency of the solar system as they fly through it like those MASA videos of the sun
Traveling somewhere, could be anywhere
we drift deeper and life goes on
We drift deeper,
embrace me
surround me
as the rush comes
3.5d to 4d ascension is coming
don't let the authorities tell you which dimension you're "allowed" on
We will have no space racism or space facism we will end war this year and if we catch people in the middle East and Levant area fighting we will just abduct them into space ships and they'll have their bodies frozen... in space... shoot them out the airlock of space ship earth from the gravitational anomalies of the Diego Garcia Islands... the black asphalt of the streets.....