Nothing is what it seems

in space •  8 years ago 

I hate posting link but this is WoW

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This was debunked in 2013

Sadhu shows the Sun leading the planets, ahead of them as it goes around the galaxy. This is not just misleading, it’s completely wrong. Sometimes the planets really are ahead of the Sun as we orbit in the Milky Way, and sometimes trail behind it (depending on where they are in their orbit around the Sun).

I thought it was real. Ive got no idea. Sorry for implying. Still a pretty rad gif if you ask me.

Real or not it's a bitch'n perspective and visual representation of the fact that we aren't just hanging out stationary circling the campfire.

Singing cumbya

I have a hard time believing this model.
Think parallax and what you actually see in the sky.

No parallax and it's been same arrangement of constellation for thousands of years. Oh yes...and the north stars doesn't move...ever.

I agree. I have to apply Occam's Razor when I see that animation. The speeds stated in that model just do not compute with my tiny brain when compared to what I see and feel. I have no idea what's really going on, but I too have a very hard time believing that model is my reality. A much simpler explanation seems far more likely from my perspective.

Oh! I am not alone ! People always laugh at my skepticism.

We would believe anything about what is going on beyond what we can see...even if contradicts what our 5 senses tells us.

Sun speed: 450,000 mph
Earth speed: 30 km per second
Earths rotation: 1000mph

Yet I can go outside without a hair blowing in the wind and feel completely stationary...but thats because blah blah blah. (I actually know the physics that explains it but im still skeptic)

We see the sun and moon as the same size but that's because the sun is 400x further and 400x bigger...what a fucking coincidence.

Oh! I am not alone ! People always laugh at my skepticism.

That's what indoctrination has done to people. They are afraid to think for themselves or question anything out of fear of being ridiculed for having a differing opinion than the hive mind. Years ago when I first started questioning authority and everything in general, I would get pretty upset when people would hurl insults my way for speaking my thoughts in public. Now, I see those people for what they really are, scared and threatened by being wrong or lied to by those who taught them everything they "know". I was like them 15 years ago and I now see how foolish I was not to question things I'd been taught and do experiments for myself and basically, think for myself finally.

It has been a real eye opening experience over the past 15 years to see things from an entirely new perspective and to actually welcome ideas that go against the grain of society, instead of instantly ridiculing them as most of us have been taught by public schools. I have learned so much by understanding that I don't know anything at all. :)

That blows my mind every time I see it too.

Everyone knows planets are flat therefore this is wrong. QED.

In other news: Reality is unconcerned with how anyone thinks something works. Also, Occam's Razor doesn't advocate for the simplest solution. It simply states that among competing hypothesis the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

Havent you heard? We are in a giant Truman show actually. Its all one big conspiracy made by the mason and the jesuit...and the jews. ;-P

It simply states that among competing hypothesis the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

Not that I defined Occam's razor in my above statement, but you've apparently combined two sentences from my statement to form that opinion; assuming you're attempting to "correct" what you perceive to be an error. That said, Merriam Webster does define it in this way ...

a scientific and philosophic rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities.

And I maintain ...

I have no idea what's really going on.


Everyone knows planets are flat

If you believe all planets are flat, that's your prerogative; and an interesting counter-perspective to the status quo which is interesting to research. Personally I have no idea and can't individually prove either to be fact, but I do like researching all ideas others put forth. There is certainly some push back to science these days and I can see why considering reports in recent years stating the majority of scientific studies cannot be replicated by others. There's a lot of faith and dogma on all sides it appears. :)

Sadly duplication, while important in any rigorous study, doesn't get grants or headlines and is therefore rarely done. Pop Science will kill us all. Kidding aside I truly believe life on this planet will be wiped by accident before malice -_-.

I like that gif because it shows that we are just on a small spaceship traveling through the universe. Our Sun is orbiting a bigger system and the system is part of a larger star cluster, which is just a small side arm of the Milkyway.

It would be so cool if we could grow into a type 2 civilization soon and start travel the stars.
