funny some question weather they are alone in the universe when theres been literally multiple interstellar civilizations to evolve in just OUR SOLAR SYSTEMS JUST FUCKING OURS! man and imagine even if there was only 1 in 110 solar systems which is low balling that shit alot there or even 1~10 per entire galaxy there's a fuckload of awesomeness out here!
i mean seriously there billions upon billions just in our unvierse if not more! And then there's quintillions upon sextillions of other universes! and many races including yours shorlty have already figured out how 2 travel between univeres or will or shortly or did thousands upon thousands of years ago!
Oh yea also there multiple universes and realties that co-exist and u can merge with in this one.
I've already met nature spirts, dragons ,fairies angels,demons, ghosts, gay ghosts lesbian ghosts, tranny ghosts.
Oh yea and then we can talk with different aspects of anything in the entire unvierse even solid objects such a hailrious illusion we played with ourselves there in the lower realms of separation!
Literally everything you can imagine already exists or u can create threw your imagination!
wow holy shit i just realised we can even talk with single and mult-celled what you call microbial life!