The questions that scientists can`t answer!

in space •  4 years ago 

Our world is hidden with a a lot of secrets that are yet to be discovered and strange mysteries that are yet to be solved. In this article are top 7 questions that scientists can not answer.

  1. What are black holes?


You may have heard about them before. These are the places in the universe with so much gravity that even light can not escape from it. What are they? Why are they? No one is able to answer !

It is believed that there are over 1 million black holes in the milky way alone. According to the scientists, when a massive star dies, it turns into a black hole. Some consider that black holes are the pathway into another universe while others believe that you can travel through time if you happen to pass through blackhole.

But can you enter it alive?

Nah ! There is a point near black hole called event horizon after cropsiing which there is no turning back. The gravity increases so much that our body will be ripped apart !

The Nearest Black Hole?

The nearest black hole is about 3000 light years away. It means if you are abroad on fastest spacecraft ever made on earth, it will take more than 12 Million years ! So there is no need to be afraid of them, as they won`t eat our earth.

  1. The Dark Matter


When the word matter appears, the first thing that comes to your mind are the solid, liquid, gases and plasma. But let me reveal unto you another form of matter, a form that is invisible and yet constitutes 90% of the universe.

It is considered as a fluid that act as a spider`s web to bind every planet, star, galaxy, and heavenly body in its place. The answer to the question “what black matter is made up of?” is unanswered. There is proof of its existance but it has not yet been revealed to the eye.

Can it be another atom? An atom yet undiscovered? Can it be a type of plasma? Or may be just a Gravity? Who knows !

  1. What is dark energy?


As there is dark matter that binds every part of universe as a sticky substance, there is this dark energy that scientists believe is the reason behind the ever expanding unvierse. In 1990s, the scientists came up with the idea that there is some force or a substance opposing the gravity. They called it The Dark Energy.

According to some hypotheses, it is considered as a shifting energy field called Quintessence that makes upto 70 percent of the known universe.

Albert Einstein already proposed this concept earlrier but it was revealed later on in 1990s.

  1. The second sun


If we consider the star systems of our Milkyway galaxy, about 80 percent of them have purpotedly binary system which means that they have 2 suns.

Scientists believe that another sun was sighted which they called “Nemesis”. More studies by scientists have provided the evidence by observing a Young Stars` cluster in our galaxy. The stars with the properties such as that of sun are formed in pairs.

But Nemesis is still a mystery until scientist find another spot, another star just like our sun.

  1. The peculiar behaviour of uranus and neptune:

Scientists say that there are atleast eight worlds yet undiscovered at the fringes of space corner. The strange behaviour of uranus and neptune`s orbital trajectories is one of the evidence that there is some gigantic gravitational body that is throwing these planets out of their orbits.

Previously pluto was considered to be planet, but at the end it was found that it isnt. the status of pluto changed to being a star.

  1. Antimatter:


Ytou have heard about matter, but what is antimatter?

As the name indicates, Its opposite to matter. It has same mass as that of matter particle but has opposite charge.

So what would happen if matter combines with anti matter?

When matter combines with antimatter, annihilation takes place. For example, if electron and its antiparticle positron combines with eachother, they will be consumed. But when and why did the antiparticles formed?

Scientists believe that antimatter was formed with the bigbang, but why it was formed? The mystery has yet to be solved.

  1. The presence of multiuniverse


Scientists believe that just like ours, more than millions of other universe also exist. Scientists have presented different theories such as The butterfly effect, The chaos Theory, or The theory of daughter universes.

There is no experimental basis to all of these theories as they have not yet been proved. But do these multiple universe, or often called the parallel universe really exist?

In 2010, a scientist named Stephen M Feeny studied the data of Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. After analyzing the data completely, he claimed that our universe collided with a parallel universe in the distant past.

That is a long debate ! We will Cover the Topic “ Do Multiuniverse really exist? And What are The Evidence of parallel worlds?” in another article.

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