First let's setup what is Earth is like, well for starters earth has water which is one of the key resources for life on a planet. Also the size of our planet which about 3,959 miles in radius. And is home to all types of plants and animals. One of the main things that we need our planets to be in to be earth like. Are to be in the Goldilocks/Habitable zone which is a zone in a solar system were the planet is located far enough from its sun to be safe temps. But not to far away were the temperatures are too cold, they need to be just right. So now that we know what it is, what is the temperatures they need to be at required temperature range between 0°C and 100°C so water could be there. But the safer temperatures are more is more like 5°C to 40°C. That is the most basics dealt with.
Alright so Kepler-452b, which was discovered in July 2015 and is very interesting planet. And so people say its Earth's bigger, older cousin. Because of its size and age, its size is roughly 60% percent larger in diameter when compared to Earth and its age is about 6 billion years, 1.5 billion years older then our sun! Also it seems to have a good chance of being rocky going off what research tells us. Kepler-452b has a 385-day orbit that is only 5% percent longer than Earth 365-day orbit. And of course is in the habitable zone. It crazy to think that Kepler-452b is 1,400 light years away and has lived longer then Earth, standing at 6 billion years old. It gives us hope for what the Kepler telescope could discover next and could get us closer to finding Earth 2.0 which right now the closest planet to that is mars. But really, find a twin brother to what we live on today Planet Earth!
This artist's concept depicts one possible appearance of the planet Kepler-452b.
I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for any mis info or anything. This is my 2nd article like this and i am still learning. Thanks
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