Star Wars: The Ether Awakens - Illuminati Ether Space Program Exposed

in space •  9 years ago 

What is the Force in the Star Wars Film Series? It is the Ether. This documentary is a review of the Star Wars films series to determine what the Force used by the Jedi really is. It exposes how the Illuminati have known about the Ether (The Force) for a long time and hid their occult knowledge throughout this Pagan Film Series that is extremely popular.

Also discussed is how the Illuminati have shown off their directed energy space platform in the Star Wars films. This space platform though using a different directed energy than the Free Electron Laser depicted in the Death Star, is similar in that it used directed energy to instill the Fear Doctrine (Project for the New American Century).

I cover the Electric Universe Theory, Star Wars, Ether Science, Nikola Tesla, The Akashic Record, Quintessence, Ether, Directed Energy Weapons, 9/11 Truth, the Illuminati, Illuminati symbolism, the Federal Reserve, the Mark of the Beast, the direct neural interface, transhumanism, the story of Osiris & Isis, Icarus, direct energy programs currently running, the free electron laser, the Death Star, Star Wars, the Force Awakens and so forth.

Special Thanks to Christian Baczyk, for use of his song:

Clips used:

Star Wars Minute:

Destruction of Alderaan:

Darth Vader "Your lack of Faith is disturbing":

Star Wars New Hope Binary Sunset:

Star Wars Empire Strikes Back "My ally is the force":

Yoda warns about the Dark Side:

Emperor Palpatine's speech:

Darth Plagus story:

Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Ending:

Dr. Judy Wood's Evidence for LENR & Directed Energy Weapons used on 9/11:

Understand the financial enslavement by the federal reserve: "The Secret of Oz":

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But do they also have Bitcoin?!