5 facts about space

in space •  6 years ago  (edited)

5 facts about space

Quasars: a quasar is a huge galaxy, in the center of which is a huge black hole. These objects can emit up to 1000 times more energy than the entire Milky Way galaxy.

Diamond planet: In 2004, astronomers discovered a star whose interior is a huge diamond. This planet has a circumference of 1500 kilometers and weighs about 10 quadrillion carats. This star is relatively close to us, because it is 50 light years away.

Additional centimeters in space: In space, people are about 5 cm taller. Because gravity on our planet makes the spine can not fully extend.

Matter in space: matter, energy - these are all known and understandable concepts. The problem is that what is known and understood in this context is just under 5% of the Universe. The remaining 95% is dark matter and the dark energy we do not know.

Sound in space: Cosmic space is almost a perfect vacuum - due to the lack of gases in which sound waves could spread, filled with absolute silence. The fact that the sounds are not heard does not mean that they are not there. They are - in the form of electromagnetic vibrations that we can record and reproduce. But for now, we do not understand it.

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