Electric rocket propulsion system.

in spacebooks •  7 years ago 

Maybe it is possible with the correct design, for an amature to use for instance 4 electric drone props, in a new type of configuration, for say a electric rocket. if 4 rotors were doubled and all worked together to go straight up, who knows how high it could get. maybe there is even room i the design for multiple cameras built into it, aerodynamically, to be able to film on extremely high altitudes. in this modern day there is photovoltaic film, might be interesting for the hull to reach even higher. and why not bring some compressed air, to feed the rotors some steady ground for when the air gets thin?

have a look if you can, tell what you think. any idea is welcomed, any thought. be gentle is all i ask :)

electric rocket 01.jpgelectric rocket 02.jpgelectric rocket 03.jpgelectric rocket 04.jpgelectric rocket 05.jpgelectric rocket 06.jpgelectric rocket 07.jpg

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could probably all be 3D printed as well soon.