"an incredibly powerful electromagnetic field that essentially creates a quantum vacuum around itself that allows it to ignore aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces and remove its own inertial mass from the equation"
"An electric propulsion system uses energy collected by either solar arrays (solar electric propulsion) or a nuclear reactor (nuclear electric propulsion) to generate thrust, eliminating many of the needs and limitations of storing propellants onboard."
"An electric propulsion spacecraft, once it’s in space, is out for a cross-country drive, limited only by the gas in the tank. The initial thrust is quite low, but it can continue accelerating for months or even years, and it can also slow down and change direction."
"But as we prepare to use electric propulsion for more complex science and technology missions, and on human missions for the first time, we’re going to need more power."
"The magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thruster is currently the most powerful form of electromagnetic propulsion. The MPD's ability to efficiently convert megawatts of electric power into thrust makes this technology a prime candidate for economical delivery of lunar and Mars cargo, outer planet rendezvous, and sample return, and for enabling other bold new ventures in deep space robotic and piloted planetary exploration."
"Electromagnetic Propulsion (EMP) consists essentially of two components, one is the electromagnet where electricity is used to generate a magnetic field and the second is propulsion, the process of propelling (pushing) something. EMP, therefore, is the principle of accelerating an object by using the flow of magnetic field and current."
"The drive is so exciting because it produces huge amounts of propulsion that could theoretically blast us to Mars in just 70 days, without the need for heavy and expensive rocket fuel. Instead, it's apparently propelled forward by microwaves bouncing back and forth inside an enclosed chamber, and this is what makes the drive so powerful, and at the same time so controversial."
"While spacecraft do have batteries, they use a better energy source–the sun."
" In 1901 Nikola Tesla was one the first to identify "radiant energy." Tesla says that the source of this energy is our Sun. He concluded that the Sun emits small particles, each carrying so small of a charge, that they move with great velocity, exceeding that of light. Tesla further states that these particles are the neutron particles. Tesla believed that these neutron particles were responsible for all radioactive reactions. Radiant matter is in tune with these neutron particles. Radiant matter is simply a re-transmitter of energy from one state to another.
Stick an antenna up in the air, the higher the better, and wire it to one side of a capacitor, the other going to a good earth ground, and the potential difference will then charge the capacitor."
"A properly tuned system can capture and convert radiant energy"
"Tesla system sends out thousands of horse power"
"The pressure developed in the resonating coil is over half a million volts. "
"Beyond Earth’s protective atmosphere and extending all the way through interplanetary space, electrified particles dominate the scene. Indeed, 99% of the universe is made of this electrified gas, known as plasma."
"A plasma is a gas that is so hot that some or all its constituent atoms are split up into electrons and ions, which can move independently of each other. Because they are made up of electrically charged particles, plasmas can be strongly influenced by electrostatic and electromagnetic fields and forces, which can lead to very complex and interesting behaviour."
"For experts in the field, it comes as no shock that electrically powered systems are the next-generation choice for literally moving space exploration forward. Although chemical propellants remain necessary to escape Earth’s gravity well, once craft are in or beyond orbit, electric propulsion is proving the most promising way to go."
"Estimates indicate that electrically propelled systems can use 90% less fuel for greater results than comparable, conventional chemical propulsion. The weight decrease allows engineers to modify vehicle architectures to better suit individual missions."
"A central power source drives electric propulsion (EP): either sunlight collected by solar arrays — an arrangement favored in most designs — or a nuclear heat source coupled to an electric generator. In either case, electricity interacts with an onboard store of gaseous propellant to create a highly charged plasma, a mix of ions and free electrons. Upon exit, the plasma accelerates craft forward.
High-power solar systems under development use Hall thrusters that can generate speeds of more than 65,000 miles per hour, enough force to move cargo and perform orbital transfers."
"The plasma, mercury based, is pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin and accelerated to 50,000 rpm to create a super-conductive plasma with the resulting gravity disruption"