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Hempfarm Masthead
Hemp Revival For Human Survival
Fossil Fuels Vs. Organic Oil
160,000 Said Dying Yearly from Global Warming
By Alister Doyle, Reuters - 9/30/03
MOSCOW (Reuters) - About 160,000 people die every year from side-effects of global warming ranging from malaria to malnutrition and the numbers could almost double by 2020, a group of scientists said on Tuesday. The study, by scientists at the World Health Organization (WHO) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said children in developing nations seemed most vulnerable.
Scientists Seek to Cut Biofuel Price to Expand Use
By Eric Onstad, Reuters
Output of biofuel made from crops such as soybeans and rapeseed is surging in Europe and the United States, but researchers are probing how to expand beyond a limited market by cutting prices and boosting performance.
PRNewswire - 5/30/03
New York and California Asked to Help Reduce Climate Change Gases With Aggressive Renewable Fuels Standard. Citing a new study, The Renewable Energy Action Project (REAP) today asked Congress to implement a more robust Renewable Fuels Standard and called on the New York and California delegation to realize that an aggressive RFS is the best way to reduce climate change gases, reduce petroleum use and create sustainable economic development from coast to coast.
Biodiesel Use in Underground Metal and Non-metal Mines
Steve Howell and J. Alan Weber - MARC-IV, LLC, Consulting
Biodiesel is not a new fuel to North America. In fact, activities date back to the late 70's and early 80's. As a result of the OPEC crisis, a significant amount of research on biodiesel and other domestically produced fuel was conducted by various universities and government agencies. The general conclusion at that time was that biodiesel was a technically acceptable substitute, replacement, or blending stock for conventional petroleum diesel, but that its costs were prohibitive compared to petroleum based diesel fuel. Concern over the health impacts of diesel fuel exhaust and proposed regulations has spurred the recent activities to commercialize biodiesel in North America and opened doors for its use in confined areas such as underground mines.
New Report Highlights Ethanol's Role in Reducing Climate Change
Henry Ford, Charles Kettering and "The Fuel of the Future"
By Bill Kovarik, 1998
When Henry Ford told a New York Times reporter that ethyl alcohol was "the fuel of the future" in 1925, he was expressing an opinion that was widely shared in the automotive industry. "The fuel of the future is going to come from fruit like that sumach out by the road, or from apples, weeds, awdust -- almost anything," he said. "There is fuel in every bit of vegetable matter that can be fermented. There's enough alcohol in one year's yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for a hundred years."
The Diesel Follies
The Problem: Can the truckers of America reduce their fuel emissions without losing jobs? The well considered solution from our Congress is a perfect example of what is wrong with our government. They claim the best solution for the American people is to give our tax money to engine manufacturers so they can sell us cleaner burning engines. In all their research nobody realized that when the Diesel engine was invented in 1895 it was built to be run off clean burning alcohol and vegetable fuels. If we want cleaner burning trucks we just need to power them from cleaner burning fuels.