author | Downvotes | Group |
a-0-0 | 494 | |
missrdx | 18 | lovesteem |
bagusalip8899 | 16 | movies |
yliac | 13 | steempress |
beban121 | 9 | movies |
tacosmexico | 8 | colorchallenge |
fire-za | 8 | phishing victim |
rosesmith | 7 | resteem/vote - talhadogan |
albert-camus | 5 | a0b |
go-trump2020 | 5 | a0b |
mikobites | 5 | colorchallenge |
a-0-4 | 5 | a0b |
a-0-0-memes | 5 | a0b |
a-0-killer | 5 | a0b |
acz | 5 | a0b |
a-n | 5 | a0b |
wubba-lubba-dub | 5 | a0b |
upvoteforfree | 5 | bid bot scam |
axiomatic | 5 | colorchallenge |
steemwin | 5 | bid bot scam |
limuf | 5 | a0b |
freeupvote | 5 | bid bot scam |
blockychains | 5 | a0b |
inspiredbynature | 5 | a0b |
karl-marx | 4 | a0b |
a-e | 4 | a0b |
a-better-steemit | 4 | a0b |
azadakar | 4 | Comment Farm |
dreifacher-fluch | 4 | a0b |
pornvax | 4 | pornvax |
betel | 4 | postcards |
marc99.bank | 4 | spam |
makefun | 4 | postcards |
godlike-memes | 4 | a0b |
anekdotes | 4 | postcards |
newsdaily | 4 | postcards |
postcard | 4 | postcards |
peterpan12 | 4 | postcards |
a-poetry-fanatic | 4 | a0b |
fransisco | 4 | lovesteem |
optimus-schleim | 4 | a0b |
capablanca | 4 | a0b |
pixler | 4 | a0b |
a-0.a-0 | 3 | a0b |
a-0christianity | 3 | a0b |
neuehorizonte | 3 | bid bot scam |
diepartei | 3 | a0b |
mathemann | 3 | a0b |
anleitungman | 3 | a0b |
karl-mags | 3 | a0b |
bodyguard | 3 | resteem/vote - talhadogan |
jeremiahams | 3 | movies |
aliaslightning | 3 | a0b |
kidstv | 3 | bid bot scam |
reymarino | 3 | phishing victim |
steemvote | 3 | bid bot scam |
tipau | 3 | a0b |
a-p | 3 | a0b |
biggboss | 3 | movies |
minnowsteemwin | 3 | bid bot scam |
pawngrabberpat | 3 | a0b |
arbeitsloser | 2 | a0b |
moviestream211 | 2 | movies |
oeia6 | 2 | panther |
a-bible-lover | 2 | a0b |
amazingclaire | 2 | colorchallenge |
timmyfox | 2 | colorchallenge |
paulmerell | 2 | colorchallenge |
originalcontent | 2 | a0b |
mariellefarmer | 2 | colorchallenge |
laciedavis | 2 | colorchallenge |
b-6 | 2 | a0b |
ciarahamilton | 2 | colorchallenge |
morganbarnett | 2 | colorchallenge |
msehgal010 | 2 | movies |
bless-you | 2 | a0b |
altcoinsuccess | 2 | manosteel211 |
infokrieg | 2 | bid bot scam |
route3 | 1 | panther |
sssseewqvv11 | 1 | panther |
aber2 | 1 | panther |
wg34 | 1 | panther |
whtwth | 1 | panther |
dsgr | 1 | panther |
natnae | 1 | panther |
zeeexaaewq133 | 1 | panther |
expior | 1 | panther |
aware3 | 1 | panther |
tht11 | 1 | panther |
xb8v5dz | 1 | panther |
nst2 | 1 | panther |
d7i11ty | 1 | panther |
ablee5 | 1 | panther |
i4r3i | 1 | panther |
anct1 | 1 | panther |
tdes | 1 | panther |
restriction123 | 1 | panther |
yru | 1 | panther |
jhsjqb | 1 | panther |
actin1 | 1 | panther |
execute3 | 1 | panther |
ukdt | 1 | panther |
ndtn2 | 1 | panther |
sdfh | 1 | panther |
arrgg | 1 | panther |
ableb2 | 1 | panther |
msyr | 1 | panther |
mtdy | 1 | panther |
ablec3 | 1 | panther |
dmyy | 1 | panther |
msry | 1 | panther |
hhha | 1 | panther |
ablea1 | 1 | panther |
nstw | 1 | panther |
mrre | 1 | panther |
bdaaw | 1 | panther |
natdn | 1 | panther |
abled4 | 1 | panther |
ndzg | 1 | panther |
greener1 | 1 | panther |
nteeat | 1 | panther |
prink1 | 1 | panther |
syrsr | 1 | panther |
byte1 | 1 | panther |
dgrs | 1 | panther |
roccograham | 1 | colorchallenge |
kristineleach | 1 | colorchallenge |
jerrodpearce | 1 | colorchallenge |
socorro | 1 | colorchallenge |
samshepherd | 1 | colorchallenge |
altcoingravity | 1 | manosteel211 |
cropcircles | 1 | bid bot scam |
dfa | 1 | panther |
nvia | 1 | panther |
poiame | 1 | panther |
oiya | 1 | panther |
uyaa | 1 | panther |
vra | 1 | panther |
mipa | 1 | panther |
danpilkington | 1 | colorchallenge |
kerrytunsbridge | 1 | colorchallenge |
ianworthington | 1 | colorchallenge |
carlsmith | 1 | colorchallenge |
samfranky | 1 | colorchallenge |
arturojackson | 1 | colorchallenge |
sarahburton | 1 | colorchallenge |
keniarichardson | 1 | colorchallenge |
boydsavage | 1 | colorchallenge |
hassienewton | 1 | colorchallenge |
neilpatel | 1 | colorchallenge |
vicbarnes | 1 | colorchallenge |
jeanlucpicard | 1 | colorchallenge |
antoniahenry | 1 | colorchallenge |
dfr31 | 1 | panther |
aeh3a | 1 | panther |
oopoop1111 | 1 | panther |
fgtw4 | 1 | panther |
bfs4s | 1 | panther |
eeeeqqqq2332 | 1 | panther |
rt53 | 1 | panther |
laboratory112 | 1 | panther |
comprehensive11 | 1 | panther |
rtw4 | 1 | panther |
organic123 | 1 | panther |
tu75 | 1 | panther |
painful23123 | 1 | panther |
mill123 | 1 | panther |
oiucwa | 1 | panther |
lineiaz | 1 | panther |
cbwijs | 1 | panther |
mnbbwa | 1 | panther |
prepper | 1 | bid bot scam |
ewsa369 | 1 | panther |
mnaeaew | 1 | panther |
nivua | 1 | panther |
oiua6 | 1 | panther |
et4q | 1 | panther |
opoq | 1 | panther |
cmnvw | 1 | panther |
wdaxea | 1 | panther |
poinadaw | 1 | panther |
xr2ltq | 1 | panther |
belief1 | 1 | panther |
frustrate12 | 1 | panther |
interaction1 | 1 | panther |
fogoot | 1 | panther |
xiayic | 1 | panther |
fangk | 1 | panther |
qunmd | 1 | panther |
asdfz | 1 | panther |
aiteran | 1 | aiteran |
ac796ph | 1 | panther |
qwerz | 1 | panther |
interaction | 1 | panther |
zwerza | 1 | panther |
zaqwer | 1 | panther |
woff7 | 1 | panther |
m98hj | 1 | panther |
top661 | 1 | panther |
wsili | 1 | panther |
iwd542diu | 1 | panther |
byy2 | 1 | panther |
dfgh3c | 1 | panther |
yigeda | 1 | panther |
xiangf | 1 | panther |
warjar | 1 | helix |
yizhi | 1 | panther |
p6one | 1 | panther |
jd77 | 1 | panther |
yituo | 1 | panther |
ky768xa | 1 | panther |
mnca254 | 1 | panther |
qsza6a | 1 | panther |
wafd762 | 1 | panther |
adfw6549 | 1 | panther |
asdfs974 | 1 | panther |
evsaz5 | 1 | panther |
dfaq2547 | 1 | panther |
talhadogan | 1 | resteem/vote - talhadogan |
jhelbich | 1 | |
kevi09 | 1 | lovesteem |
buldogactor | 1 | ishaq |
tophicker2018 | 1 | ishaq |
abdulhanankhan | 1 | abdulhanankhan |
bulblack2018 | 1 | ishaq |
pyu861ov | 1 | panther |
anq940bx | 1 | panther |
rm433mu | 1 | panther |
vn136iq | 1 | panther |
bq772iw | 1 | panther |
sj978la | 1 | panther |
zb553zi | 1 | panther |
werfsz12 | 1 | panther |
sdfez1 | 1 | panther |
dfeza25 | 1 | panther |
gdaaw | 1 | panther |
erw | 1 | panther |
sde1 | 1 | panther |
dfea1 | 1 | panther |
uiaj31v6g | 1 | panther |
peo54 | 1 | panther |
vb4z | 1 | panther |
dfz033 | 1 | panther |
woean54 | 1 | panther |
stst1 | 1 | panther |
menu1 | 1 | panther |
oeia | 1 | panther |
sq081tw | 1 | panther |
rally3 | 1 | panther |
feather3 | 1 | panther |
dfefa6 | 1 | panther |
sfeff98 | 1 | panther |
eawez87 | 1 | panther |
dfez3 | 1 | panther |
boyboy | 1 | panther |
qtgj5b | 1 | panther |
wqwc9hn | 1 | panther |
guyi | 1 | panther |
e8642go | 1 | panther |
f2c14 | 1 | panther |
g599zg | 1 | panther |
brustrate | 1 | panther |
ewt2 | 1 | panther |
sbree | 1 | panther |
ababb | 1 | panther |
hw52 | 1 | panther |
nte3 | 1 | panther |
abww | 1 | panther |
ewq2 | 1 | panther |
politik | 1 | bid bot scam |
wertsd | 1 | panther |
dm0pc46d | 1 | panther |
watertight5 | 1 | panther |
raw2ie53 | 1 | panther |
w6zxaafb | 1 | panther |
vjdp4vd2b | 1 | panther |
i0cqoyx28 | 1 | panther |
fiaxzywu | 1 | panther |
evv9p1xz | 1 | panther |
i68532d0p | 1 | panther |
sti4soc7 | 1 | panther |
p874e1ztx | 1 | panther |
h11tcvaf | 1 | panther |
reckon3 | 1 | panther |
weq21 | 1 | panther |
fe34 | 1 | panther |
jury3 | 1 | panther |
sum3 | 1 | panther |
dawuwu | 1 | panther |
mist3 | 1 | panther |
f39lm3km | 1 | panther |
xohsvazwx | 1 | panther |
q4d1ugyd | 1 | panther |
ok5yssc1 | 1 | panther |
z021hxy4 | 1 | panther |
ie5nagsdt | 1 | panther |
dfq3 | 1 | panther |
*No group listed indicates the flags related to phishing.
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Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons: