in spanish •  8 years ago 

Admirar, mas allá de tu propio ser y descubrir que solo al mirar sus ojos encuentras la plenitud estando seguro de que mientras este a tu lado diciendo te amo habrá una esperanza transformadora que te permitirá replantear tu futuro, tus sueños, tus esperanzas y tu...

Misma, vida, amar es entregarte sin reservas, sin miedos aun sabiendo que el 50% de posibilidad puede ser un fracaso y un dolor, amar es confiar apesar de las dudas y es vencer el mismo tiempo y la distancia, es...

Admirar su belleza cada día para intentar encontrar la verdadera razón de por que no puedes ya estar sin ella y es entender que es tan importante para ti como el aire que....

Respiras, si amas darás tu vida en cambio de nada, soñaras sueños ajenos y cumplirás metas conjuntas si amas entenderás que el yo murió y que solo existe el nosotros, entenderás que solo en lo cálido de su regazo y en la dulzura de sus labios tal vez seras feliz pero en verdad amar es tomar ese tal vez y volverlo una realidad día a día sin importar lo grises que sean...


To admire beyond your own being and discover that only when looking at your eyes you find the fullness being sure that while this next to you saying I love you there will be a transforming hope that will allow you to rethink your future, your dreams, your hopes and your .. .

Same life, to love is to surrender without reservations, without fears even knowing that 50% of possibility can be a failure and a pain, to love is to trust despite the doubts and is to overcome the same time and distance, is ...

Admiring her beauty every day to try to find the real reason why you can not be without her and is to understand that it is as important to you as the air you ....

You breathe, if you love you will give your life for nothing, you will dream dreams of others and you will fulfill joint goals if you love you will understand that the self died and that there is only the us, you will understand that only in the warm of his lap and in the sweetness of his lips such You will be happy but in truth to love is to take that maybe and make it a reality day by day no matter how gray they are ...

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El amor es voluntad

pero mas aun el amor es comprometerte a muchas cosas

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