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![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmYxa2sq3TVG2CJMMq6WGzNCqj1SLkLZmFS1grVVQknFeu/image.png) | @areare | Mi amor por XCARET, MÉXICO. | 25.893 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-07/22/11/enhanced/webdr09/enhanced-buzz-19695-1406043258-21.jpg?downsize=715:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto) | @vickaboleyn | Johnny Bravo: Una breve reflex ... | 25.688 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmWf6V2s2qDyyndcg3D1r1USTP6NvJjSdfafRgT1sGxE5t/trastorno-de-personalidades-multiples.jpeg) | @sophiaarteaga | Síndrome de personalidad múlti ... | 25.539 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmbtBkM3TkJ5J6S7caKZeSVzWmpe5hqA6N5PoU95n81K2L/painting-911804_1920.jpg) | @sdain | My others ilustrations! | 25.652 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmdGZqdvPHWpnGyjd8XfX1wNXXYQNEcgTvXNgD2cF8gEyC/IMG_20170324_125607.jpg) | @patry | Bienvenidos a mi casa en los A ... | 26.186 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmRQ1YCgxd9jaMz9uCdCR1a7kQtvMNyRPQRXbsG7yCRXq9/pi_ver2.jpg) | @psicomar | Psicología de las películas 2: ... | 26.002 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s16.postimg.org/kixn7nlfp/vegetables-905382_960_720.jpg) | @jlufer | Alimentos orgánicos regionales ... | 39.849 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.blogenfermedades.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/consejos-utiles-para-prevenir-enfermedades.jpg) | @freecreative | Es Mejor Prevenir una Mala Sa ... | 26.534 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmRjvNZtpyYKhxhAKpoRq7F2Cyjc9NLz8eJDct6fqRK5WZ/267133_2079308633678_7436652_o.jpg) | @ssanthiago | Una Tardecita En San Francisco ... | 26.194 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/hTTbfAe.jpg?1) | @inventa | como hacer una fuente de volta ... | 26.989 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmRG38vPHsyqBvgt2PTkJgxw8mekfG4cxkMWCkLA3Jseau/CampusParty%20Girls.PNG) | @lumitblockchain | Jalisco Campus Party #CPMX8 Pa ... | 14.246 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://img.esteem.ws/3184d2gvzm.jpg) | @marpa | Escrito 1 | 14.662 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://img.esteem.ws/u0woxdsbcs.jpg) | @veneciadulcinea | Venecia a contraluz (Soy Liber ... | 13.927 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmfUqu4sv4BXsG7vUt5Ua3UMgB3GDueeNUyp9sGMfshVPK/IMG_20170710_135938909%5B1%5D.jpg) | @cristiangalvan | MI INTRODUCCIÓN - UN COMUNICAD ... | 15.139 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmY1mh2Wpnd3MC23Se7pdr5Ke37iS4bdtjwsMLNApnoqe3/playa_2.jpg) | @malonmar | Today, one year ago - Hoy hace ... | 14.672 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmUjkBHKGUW4HhzH2fr5kJxeuWv1WtXiR9Kww4jtAa2Jx4/8.jpg) | @soyjoseluis | NO ME DEJAN TRANQUILO... ME PE ... | 37.641 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmPRVFPkdTMMzt9J9UoLuzLuonVkJS1LuXgpRaHg1V1NUy/Captura%20de%20pantalla%202017-07-10%20a%20las%2021.27.48.png) | @javigmateo | 1. Estructura genómica del VHC | 16.823 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmVExcf6CGgeW6GnTNmBQfWfomN3u8U3WJVyQinn8y97mU/SHor_steemit.JPG) | @zenkly | El gato de Schrödinger y otros ... | 11.398 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://sites.ieee.org/uruguay/files/2017/06/CIS-GTC-VGGE-001-1024x576.jpg) | @animus | Hacia la búsqueda de un vocabu ... | 19.969 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/07/18/steemit.jpg) | @hall-e324 | ¿Que hacer ahora que el precio ... | 12.976 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://esp.rt.com/actualidad/public_images/2015.09/article/55f8aeabc46188bd238b4614.jpg) | @freddbrito | Universos Paralelos: ¿Es una p ... | 11.244 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmezre3AQyti4NeH8C74s7Z26iftvznkEDgpj6sckiB7TL/IMG_20170710_111157.jpg) | @gunsmasterrock | Hola a todos feliz inicio de s ... | 11.474 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmVxD2aRK5tCrqyKWTYqVB2xxhoUfkg3WWvy7Lxv5GTdZY/WIN_20170429_16_36_03_Pro.jpg) | @criptovida | Es un gusto para mí presentarm ... | 11.707 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/xXLdcbM.jpg) | @dontstopmenow | Ésta es la vida real? | 14.652 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmUxKwrwTuANghC9bAyrWJat7LiCV1eD1KAGgY4TaTbesD/19437574_10154670759303302_4428588551753991960_n.jpg) | @andresgft | Un saludos a toda la comunidad ... | 14.944 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.nintenderos.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/space-invaders.png) | @yaniria1 | Para los Gamer Nostálgicos de ... | 12.205 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steem.io/images/steem.png) | @share2win | Que son las Cryptomonedas?. . ... | 11.692 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmdcf74MA3dYJw7S9F6AuqMBRCqKCeK2pNYicYd22MAbxQ/MariposaColores.jpg) | @edrivegom | Foto del dia - Picture Day | 12.197 SBD |
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![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmQtETdJyjYJG9sNmMQJNZRgJQxL4bqJC2dUXtL5qoXf82/22752_242832607471_4764266_n.jpg) | @mauriciovite | Mi Experiencia en el Museo de ... | 16.660 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmY4mS9qtrqezqdZndpGDiVHwfhapimzTpheawq7qNjo6s/IMG_20170206_113511.jpg) | @danart | Realism! Chloë Grace Moretz! P ... | 11.914 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmUkfmaA2mzZgLzj5YHvLXcaYm4N92k6ko646PFqtcgx7M/image.png) | @jeison19 | Hola, esta es mi primera publi ... | 11.114 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmdscP4AhDcMhMp7GuVFtYLsckAnaNLjHPm9qRGmiy1AbH/19756746_749393501910048_5706024776841635017_n.jpg) | @sarita | Modelando Disfraz de Egipcia ... | 21.370 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmYsevn7hDssj9LQxfBf87rHxqpaMLZvX78tDDBZXRDeDY/DSC_0587.jpg) | @nicolasdosse | DESTINO: Laguna de Rocha | 15.542 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmQGtaieEy46FTobKFbwJ9rCBXEtMUWCsCrvsFLWk6YFfd/IMG_1746.JPG) | @omwith | ‼️🎨Daily painting - Day 47! ; ... | 16.648 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://img.youtube.com/vi/Gu1B87ISkYU/0.jpg) | @elfictron | Como cambiar la contraseña en ... | 17.334 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmRGAtt4fBHZwsuLKcnKjyAb3YRnxwSTV7begKu8oq3f1d/Tito%20en%20Hochschule.JPG) | @titin | Recuerdos de Bremen (1ª parte) | 26.901 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steem.io/images/steem.png) | @dayramsazahara | SEVEN DAYS FOR THE SEVEN KINGD ... | 9.578 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmU6KeQFXWo5Hh3SK2ocbJ4DcfdRovHbf3xcwpWRyCQhTk/IMG_0851LALA.JPG) | @gregoryatk | Amigos, videoclip y despedida ... | 11.555 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmPbhsNjQmeyDcNQDxoGdsxGoBMARFGTZua9t6ftmKhmoa/6-Lecciones-de-Vida-Que-Nos-Da-La-Amistad-Que-Ma%CC%81s-Corazones-Ha-Tocado-en-la-Historia.jpg) | @simnrodrguez | CINÉFILO / CINE FRANCÉS / AMIG ... | 9.770 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/0x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmNpdZkCaoe8S5tYiWaN4Yj6zpYfCMXBaHLcwtafkeipoZ/Lisbon-40.jpg) | @trans-juanmi | Fotografías de Lisboa # 3 - Un ... | 12.764 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXnR2KrLuokqeaia88RvvW1GucaUohVNpcrzic4sanDYd/leaf.jpg) | @mpandrew | El coche eléctrico. Futuro y p ... | 15.178 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://imgoat.com/uploads/4173cb38f0/29648.png) | @dcaroa | Reflejos de Mis sombras 11ª Pa ... | 12.280 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmUMwMr2mruWLLwNGFvBsJoFDU5t7nhAqF89HJXJk4vLLu/IMG-20170709-WA0033.jpg) | @stefanycaldera | Una obra de Amor!! #expansiond ... | 12.818 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmUhKY6f7eySbfyPtxDTvmqRhrNxDnAUtztnqPk6bi6gtN/image.png) | @enriquebustos | Mi presentación en la comunida ... | 8.810 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmcu7ketE6CorhB4ZbrBm9hodedDvKtT2nk3ajZk93oRAj/19866342_10209807110318575_676700951_n.jpg) | @sofijs | Hola steemit. Feliz de pertene ... | 8.984 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmYcDvAtYU14f1FuxjcqunnMwGHBeTcnkBFYUYTPhLuAQo/SJVXGhBWb_720x0.jpg) | @miguelang356 | Mi presentación en Steemit | 12.272 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmNSS9u697mzsKXMps6sCS1NEYkbXab9EL5iYYzqu9MLDh/20160512_210008.jpg) | @horty | ¡Ironman! | 15.291 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmdsc2f1Gq7bpgfev3Tr3g2cc2uQiz1yuZkW2ACaN98pw5/IMG_3148.JPG) | @bursatilonline | UN POCO DE MI | 35.330 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steem.io/images/steem.png) | @velazquez | Post votados por el equipo @ve ... | 27.391 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steem.io/images/steem.png) | @goya | Post votados por el equipo @go ... | 25.365 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steem.io/images/steem.png) | @simon.bolivar | Post votados por el equipo @si ... | 25.440 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steem.io/images/steem.png) | @don.quijote | Post votados por el equipo @do ... | 23.335 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steem.io/images/steem.png) | @sancho.panza | Post votados por el equipo @sa ... | 23.652 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steem.io/images/steem.png) | @frida.kahlo | Post votados por el equipo @fr ... | 22.779 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmSKeH2KLYttaLZweB3118LMJqhMd2GgjoKpvnVz627SgC/IMG_3457%5B1%5D.JPG) | @sgnsteems | Proyecto cartasdeamor #12 (Spa ... | 11.710 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmdWyZeLmXDak4zs1MsYXQLgHvpY81biP17bmw6ingszRc/IMG_20170709_133153.jpg) | @lisabril | Introduce Myself | 12.105 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmVAyuX8pZSoYEaTLRUTfsrXrG5eLbMu1QyvcNfGsy3CQH/DSC_0329.JPG) | @iaso | Sé un Viajero, Explora y Vive! ... | 12.336 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.ivenezuela.travel/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/parque_nacional_turuepano.jpg) | @rjlv190 | Paraiso en el Oriente, Venezue ... | 12.071 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmThb3hJR3VDEdhcbos5bac2ozYXxuQRvpmzPYiHNaPJRP/foto%20bio.jpg) | @masfuerte | MI BIOGRAFÍA..! EN VENEZUELA. | 6.286 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmRuEVjP4kFcepcdMPu5Tkuw8PDjkCisTuz3GZsJ3QvEmt/19867176_10212387778385545_324559614_o.jpg) | @cindycam | "Boca de Cumaná" MAR Y RÍO Jun ... | 18.508 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQme2EcyyXDb82xqe6uZicWjSS3TsmnKfefy556YvYQoBp7/image.png) | @aldealdana | TILAPIA ROJA Y CACHAMA | 9.919 SBD |
![main_image](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemitimages.com/DQmZ99n4qQdpHjUTLKXs7FdvqutofNXthPQ3UceN5Anh6bG/giphy.gif) | @tincho | Soñar NO es gratis! | 45.218 SBD |
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me agrada mucho estos eventos, gracias a @cervantes y un mensaje a @simon.bolivar que venga a liberar a venezuela![](https://steemitimages.com/0x0/https://s5.postimg.org/kb9w0y8fb/giphy.gif)
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Gracias, gracias.
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Gracias por el Apoyo!!
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Muchas gracias
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buenos dias excelente trabajo.. me encantaría que eche un vistazo en mi blog.. gracias de antemano.
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Como se participa xD
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Muchas gracias al equipo de proyecto @cervantes por el apoyo que brindan a mi trabajo.
Felicitaciones a todos los mencionados del día .
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Voted for uh. Seems a great post.
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Importante iniciativa
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Hola amig@ te he añadido en mi listado de cuentas a seguir, si quieres ver el post te dejo el enlace, saludos y sigue así! ;)
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Saludos y felicidades a los votados, me encanta estar de vuelta espero puedan echar un vistazo! hay más :) gracias por el apoyo
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Gracias @cervantes por votar mi post... Inmensamente agradecida, espero seguir generando artículos que sean de crecimiento y aporte a la comunidad de @Steemit
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Muchísimas gracias por su voto! Merecen todo el reconocimiento por la labor que realizan en pro de nuestro idioma y de los autores que lo seguimos levantando como la mejor lengua del mundo. Lamento que mi voto valga tan poco todavía, porque me gustaría premiarlos con mucho más! Un abrazo.
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Felicidades a los seleccionados tremenda iniciativa de @cervantes
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DWD: Es un gran evento algún rato participare <?>
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Muchas gracias equipo Cervantes por su voto y por el apoyo a la comunidad hispanohablante! Saludos desde los Andes.
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Hola amig@ te he añadido en mi listado de cuentas a seguir, si quieres ver el post te dejo el enlace, saludos y sigue así!
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Me agrada y viva venezuela
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hola soy nueva en steemit y me gustaria que vieras mi blog
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Gracias Cervantes ... como puedo pertenecer al grupo cervantes para ser votada en mis articulos?
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