Last February we participated in my daughter's best friend's 15th birthday party, it was really exciting. Not only to see the birthday girl dressed as a princess and her parents' emotional speech, but also to live in the present thinking about the privilege of living all these beautiful stages with our daughters.

Pude rescatar algunas fotos y videos de ellas disfrutando al máximo cada momento de la noche, de una manera sana. Ame vivir esta primera experiencia con la familia y ver a mi princesa mayor participando de estos eventos sociales.
I was able to rescue some photos and videos of them enjoying every moment of the night to the fullest, in a healthy way. I loved living this first experience with the family and seeing my oldest princess participating in these social events.
Claro que no queda atrás su hermana menor que con un poco de celos la veía de lejos disfrutar. En poco tiempo tambien la vere disfrutar de estos momentos con sus amigos, y ella comprendió.
Of course, not left behind is her younger sister who, with a bit of jealousy, saw her enjoying herself from afar. In a short time I will also see her enjoying these moments with her friends, and she understood.

Mi esposo y compañero de vida @jhelbich. Invertir en tiempo de calidad con la familia, compartiendo momentos importantes con ellos dejan huellas eternas en el alma.
My husband and life partner @jhelbich. Investing in quality time with family, sharing important moments with them leaves eternal marks on the soul.
Dios es Bueno ¡Un abrazo! ❤