Games of Thrones llega a su final en su 8va temporada/Games of Thrones comes to an end in its 8th seasonsteemCreated with Sketch.

in spanish •  6 years ago 

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Games of Thrones una serie basada en los escritos de George R.R. Martin y la más vista a nivel mundial, ha llegado a su final y aunque todavía no se conoce la fecha exacta para el estreno del primer episodio de la 8va y última temporada se espera que sea en Abril del 2019.

Esta última temporada rodeada de sorpresas y expectativas, ha generado un clima de incredulidad entre sus seguidores ante la posibilidad de que esta afamada serie no lleguara a su final; no obstante, las declaraciones de Bryan Cogman, el productor ejecutivo de "Game of Thrones" confirmaron lo contrario:
"Es una temporada final increíblemente emocionante, inquietante y agridulce, y creo que honra mucho lo que el autor George R.R. Martin se propuso hacer, que es dar la vuelta a este tipo de historia".
Games of Thrones a series based on the writings of George R.R. Martin and the most watched worldwide, has reached its end and although the exact date for the premiere of the first episode of the 8th and final season is not yet known, it is expected to be in April 2019.

This last season surrounded by surprises and expectations, has generated a climate of disbelief among his followers before the possibility that this famous series will not reach its end; however, the statements of Bryan Cogman, the executive producer of "Game of Thrones" confirmed the opposite:
"It's an incredibly exciting, disturbing and bittersweet final season, and I think it greatly honors what author George RR Martin He proposed to do, which is to turn this kind of story around. "


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Esta temporada contara de solo seis episodios pero cuya duración es de mas de una hora cada uno, a pesar de la poca información en la web sobre la trama se especula que habrán batallas más asombrosas que las vistas en las temporadas anteriores, donde han tardado hasta 55 noches para grabarse dichas escenas.

Con respecto a los guiones has sido escritos por Dave Hill y Bryan Cogman, los dos primeros de esta temporada y los demás estan a cargo de Benioff y Weiss quienes fueron creadores de la serie.
Como dato curioso, los creadores de la serie estan evitando spoilers de esta última temporada y por ello se corre en la web la información del rodaje de varios finales diferentes, acrentando la espectativas del verdadero final de esta saga.
This season will count of only six episodes but whose duration is more than one hour each, despite the little information on the web about the plot it is speculated that there will be more amazing battles than those seen in the previous seasons, where they have taken up 55 nights to record these scenes.

With respect to the scripts have been written by Dave Hill and Bryan Cogman, the first two this season and the rest are in charge of Benioff and Weiss who were creators of the series.

As a curious fact, the creators of the series are avoiding spoilers of this last season and for that reason the information on the filming of several different endings is run on the web, meeting the expectations of the true end of this saga.





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