Love God with all your heart!

in spanish •  4 days ago 

God calls us to give ourselves completely to Him, that is, by calling Him with all our heart, soul and mind.

This means that our love for God must be passionate and sincere, this does not mean that we must act partially or only when everything is fine, this must be a deep and constant love that allows us to always have God present in every decision and every situation of our lives.

In this text He also asks us to use our mind to love Him, what does this mean? This means that we use our understanding, reason, intelligence, all of this will allow us to love God more deeply because what we do we will do consciously and not by impulse or feeling.

God challenges us to stop having a superficial relationship with Him and give ourselves completely, in this way the love of Christ is reflected through our actions, words and even the way we address others, our attitudes and thoughts.

37 Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”

Matthew 22:37

God bless you today and always!

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