Regular AR Verb Conjugation in Spanish L14

in spanish •  7 years ago 

There are 3 classes of verbs in Spanish: AR, ER, and IR verbs. They are so named because the endings end with AR, ER, or IR. They are each conjugated differently .

Let's learn how to conjugate AR verbs.

The endings are as follows:

-o (yo form) = I
-as (tú form) = you
-a (él, ella, usted) = he/she/ you formal
-amos (nosotros(as) = we
-áis (vosotros(as)) = you all (Spain)
-an (ustedes, ellos, ellas)= you all, they (mas. and fem)

Now that we know the endings, lets conjugate some verbs.

llamar (pronounced yamar) means 'to call'
We take off the AR ending so we are left with 'llam' and we add our new endings depending on the subject of the sentence.
So, if I want to say 'I call', I would say 'Yo llamo.'

Here is the verb completely conjugated in the present tense

yo llamo
tú llamas
ella llama
nosotros/nosotras llamamos
vosotros/vosotras llamáis
ustedes/ellos/ellas llaman

Here are some sentences using the verb llamar.

Tengo que llamar la policía. = I have to call the police
Te llamo mañana = I will call you tomorrow
Mi hermano llama a mi tía. = My brother calls my aunt. ***Notice that whenever we do something TO someone else, like call them, we need to add a personal 'a' before the person.
Greg y Johnny llaman a sus padres = Greg and Johnny call their parents
Mi esposa me llama todos los días = My wife calls me everyday.

Other verbs that are conjugated the same as llamar are: hablar (to speak), cargar (to carry), tirar (to throw), caminar (to walk), estudiar (to study), etc.

Other sentences using AR verbs:

Tiras la pelota muy rápido = You throw the ball very fast.
Los hermanos caminan en la calle. = The brothers are walking in the street.
Los maestros estudian mucho en su profesión = Teachers study a lot in their profession.

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