Today I write to distinguish a strong shake to strengthen the defenses and the inmonulogic system, it is a famous milkshake called in many ways in different countries I know it as three in one
If you want to stay healthy and free of diseases the first thing you should apply is a shake like this to preserve your immunological system in excellent conditions
because this is responsible for defending your body from viruses and infections, who want to seep into your body and we must arm ourselves well
To make this healthy drink we will need the following ingredients:
2 carrots
2 Cloves of garlic
Half an apple
4 Oranges
2 Medium beets
1 liter of water
Sugar not much
Now I present the steps to prepare it
Step 1: Wash all the ingredients well
Step 2: Chop the beets and carrots in small pieces. squeeze the oranges
Step 3: Blend all the ingredients in half a liter of water and liquefy
Step 4: add the other half liter of water little by little and sugar to taste
Step 5: Mix well until you get a homogeneous shake
Step 6: use a colander
This shake will strengthen your defense and give you a lot of energy.
And the most important thing is delicious
Greetings, I hope you like it
And the most important thing is delicious You must consume daily in the mornings for 15 continuous days, This shake will strengthen your defense and give you a lot of energy.
And the most important thing is delicious
Greetings, I hope you like it