Good projects don’t need to be promoted. They will simply succeed! It’s just a matter of time, that’s true, but when something is valuable, it’s going to become famous. Mainstream adoption doesn’t happen overnight, this is also true, but it finally will. Marketing will probably accelerate the adoption process, but it also requires additional funds, that could otherwise be used for developing the product and ensure that edge over the competitors.
If what I stated above is true, then I suppose this article is useless. I don’t need to promote a good project, since it’s going to succeed anyway, right? :)
Well, you know what?
I’m not trying to promote a project here. I know it doesn’t need me to.
I am just happy to have found a great project, so I have to tell why I’m so excited about it. If you didn’t guess already, I’m going to talk about Sparkster.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice!
Because I have so much to say about this project, I will try to organize my thoughts in three main sections: its strong points (the good), its weak points (the bad) and what makes it have such a bright future (the spark). You may already know that I love movies, so I have to admit that I took my inspiration from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (what a distinct title, after all, right?), but modified it a bit, to match our topic. The main characters of the movie were searching for that treasure, while Sparkster will give us a bright future, full of unsuspected treasures.
As you may have already noticed, I plan to publish three articles (this being the first), in order to discuss this promising project and maybe get some feedback from you, so that I can have a second opinion. Let’s start with what I consider to be the strong points of Sparkster.
Part 1 - The Good
I found out about Sparkster some days before the Amsterdam meeting, planned by Ian Balina, where you may know that this project won the first place, out of several other ICOs. This helped Sparkster gain popular attention and got the potential investors already interested. I found this gem some days before, and I saw its potential from the very beginning. Ian Balina just strengthened my conviction that this ICO will succeed.
Now let me tell you why I think in its future: when reviewing such projects, I usually look for several key factors that could make or break them. Sparkster is doing great at each and every one of them. To name the first (as you may already know): it’s all about the team!
We are talking about a large team (considering that the project is still in its ICO phase), with various backgrounds. Some of them worked for some big companies, such as: Cisco, IBM, AT&T, Accenture, HSBC, Wipro, Citi, Pfizer, etc.
Personally, I can’t ask more from a team behind an ICO! I don’t know what you think about it, but for me it’s simply a dream team!
But what’s a team without some skilled advisors, to help it focus on what matters the most and guide its efforts in achieving the best results in the right direction? In Sparkster’s case, we have two hand-picked advisors:
Does anyone need more than MIT, SAP and Oracle? That’s enough of a confirmation for me, that the advisors have what it takes to help the team get the best out of their plan, roadmap and the final product!
Now we are reaching a vital point of this review: the idea. You can have a magnificent team, backed by some high skilled advisors, if they lack the SPARK. :) In a nutshell, Sparkster aims to create a Decentralized Cloud solution, capable of executing tens of millions of transactions per second. But that’s not all: Sparkster will also enable anyone to build Smart Software in plain English. If this is not game-changing, I don’t know what else ever will! This will enable an unimaginable level of adoption for the crypto-sphere, taking things to a totally different level! It’s a vital step that the blockchain technology needs to make and Sparkster is here to make sure that this becomes a reality.
Even if you have a brilliant idea, you could lose the race against other projects that manage to get an important advantage, by achieving some results sooner, as this means that they will always be a step ahead of their competitors. When this gap becomes too significant, the winner is pretty obvious. In case of Sparkster, the roadmap is carefully planned. Most of the public releases are planned for this year, while 2019 should bring integration with other networks (NEO, Cardano, Stellar) and the launch of a platform for Enterprise customers.
I’m here for the technology, and this is precisely why I’m so excited about the potential that Sparkster has. I presume (and hope) that you are interested in the technology as well. But for those of you who are curious about the token metrics, those numbers were carefully chosen as well. It’s simply another wise decision from the Sparkster team!
Just take a look at the image above and let me know if raising $30,000,000 for 67% of the tokens is not an excellent decision, if compared with most of the projects in this space! ;)
If it seems to you that I am trying to shill this project, you don’t have to take my word for granted: just check the Whitepaper and you’ll see why I’m trying to emphasize its importance and the impact it will have, once the product will be fully functional! You can also find more information about the project and discuss with the community on Telegram.
Even if their token sale is planned for July, they have already launched a very challenging bounty campaign, where you can participate and reserve your contribution when the sale will start. Otherwise, you can try to win your status as a token sale participant by participating in a lottery. If you want to make sure that you will be able to contribute during the token sale, I suggest you to join the bounty campaign, because otherwise you take additional risks by hoping to win the lottery. ;)
This is it for this article, I’m sure you’ll spot more good parts of this project. Just make sure you discuss them in the comments! In the next article, I will try to focus on the negative aspects of Sparkster. I didn’t find too many, though, so I encourage you to comment to my Reddit post, in case you have any suggestions about its potential downsides! I'll make sure to include your feedback in my next article. ;)
Until then, don’t forget about the bounty campaign and remember: stay safe , do your own research and only choose the good projects!
PS: In case you have any questions, you can also find me on Bitcointalk!