The 5 Most Famous People's Stories in Indonesia

in spayol •  7 years ago 

We all know, Indonesia is not only rich in various languages, tribes, food and dance but also has a cultural heritage. One is the folklore passed down by oral parents, grandparents or teachers at school.

In general, folklore is anonymous or its author is unknown. Folklore becomes an integral part of Indonesian culture. Almost all regions in Indonesia have their own folklore. Well, we remember a moment, yuk folklore that we often hear the following story:
Malin Kundang

Still remember the story of Malin Kundang? This story is often published in school textbooks. A child who is cursed becomes stone by his mother for being disobedient. This folklore comes from West Sumatra. If you visit the Air Manis Beach, you will find stones that resemble Malin Kundang and the ships that it uses. People often associate this stone with the Malin Kundang story. Malin Kundang people's story contains a message to all of us to always respect and worship to parents.

Roro Jonggrang

Patung Roro Jonggrang dan Candi Prambanan yang berada di Yogyakarta memiliki kaitan erat dengan cerita Roro Jonggrang. Ceritanya tentang kisah cinta antara Pangeran Bandung Bondowoso dengan Putri Roro Jonggrang yang berakhir tragis. Roro Jonggrang bersedia menerima lamaran Bandung Bondowoso apabila ia menerima tantangan membuat sumur dan membangun seribu candi dalam waktu semalam saja.

Ketika Bandung hampir menyelesaikan candi ke-999, Roro Jonggrang bertindak curang dengan memerintahkan kepada dayang istana dan perempuan desa untuk menumbuk padi dan membakar jerami agar makhluk halus yang membantu Bandung membuat candi mengira bahwa matahari telah terbit. Bandung Bondowoso pun marah dan mengutuk Roro Jonggrang menjadi batu.

Timun Mas

You must have heard the story of Timun Mas through the story of your teacher or your parents as a child. The story begins with a widow named Mbok Sirni who wants a child to be able to accompany the rest of his life. One day when Mbok Sirni went to the field, he was approached by the Giant who said he would give Mbok Sirni a child but on condition that he should give the child again after sixteen. Mbok Sirni also agreed, then the giant gave him cucumber seeds to be planted. From that cucumber comes a baby girl.


Mount Tangkuban Perahu is said to have happened because of the story of Sangkuriang who kicked the boat he made. A child who fell in love with his own mother Dayang Sumbi.

Dayang Sumbi is very confused to think about how to foil his marriage with Sangkuriang. After thinking hard, finally Dayang Sumbi proposed two conditions to Sangkuriang, the first requirement of Dayang Sumbi wanted Citarum river dammed and the second made a large boat to cross the river. These conditions must be completed in one night.

Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih
Cerita rakyat yang satu ini pasti tidak asing di telinga kalian. Kisah ini berasal dari Riau. Bercerita tentang seorang janda yang memiliki dua orang anak gadis, Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih. Keduanya memiliki sifat yang berbeda. Bawang Putih adalah gadis yang baik hati, rajin dan jujur, sedangkan Bawang Putih memiliki sifat malas, sombong dan dengki.

Semua cerita rakyat diatas mengandung pesan moral yang sangat baik untuk anak-anak hingga kini. Walaupun saat ini banyak bermunculan cerita-cerita modern, namun tidak sepantasnya cerita rakyat tersebut hilang terlupakan begitu saja. Yuk, guys jangan sungkan untuk mendongengi anak-anak kecil dengan cerita rakyat, demi melestarikan kebudayaan kita!

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