in speak •  2 years ago 

How to speak well in public? This exercise scares most people and is one of the most common fears. Here are ten tips to improve public speaking and become a good public speaker. With training, willpower and a bit of method, anyone can successfully express themselves orally and captivate their audience.

Here are some concrete tips for better speaking better in public and gaining charisma, self-confidence and verbal communication.

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  1. Know your audience
    Find out about the nature of your audience, their level of knowledge, the type of organization, the context and the expectations of the audience. Knowing who your message is intended for allows you to choose your level of language, degree of information and calls to action/motivation.

  2. Plan your goal

Create the framework for your speech: subject, objective, angle, main idea and maximum three points with figures and examples. Make sure to capture the audience's attention from the first 10 seconds to have effective and clear communication.

  1. Use body language

Non-verbal communication sends 80% of the message to your interlocutor. Understanding the body language of your body in particular will help you convey an aligned and consistent message between your speech and your attitude. Stand up straight, adopt gestures of openness, a serene expression. Identify then banish his nervous tics and parasitic gestures to convey his ideas clearly and without distraction.

  1. Understand and control stress!

If you feel your heart racing, your breath irregular and you sweat, it's normal! Physiological reactions reflect your emotional state and do not indicate your inability to perform well. On the contrary, stage fright and the associated adrenaline rush can give you the fire and improve your speaking.
5 . Be yourself!
Staying natural is the basis of any type of communication. We are social animals and if you let your personality shine through, your audience will perceive you as a real person who looks like them. You will be more credible if your personality comes through. Don't mimic the great entrepreneur if you're a student, don't be excessively young if you're a senior, even if you present a digital innovation.

  1. Take care of the hook and the conclusion
    The way you set the scene at the start of your speech is decisive in capturing the audience's attention. Starting with “Today, even if everything isn't ready yet, I'm going to try to talk to you about X”? You risk spoiling the atmosphere. The quote, the anecdote or an astonishing figure will have more impact.

Always close with a summary of your point and a powerful idea that your audience will remember.

  1. Don't memorize

If you're reciting, or if you're focused on reading a handout or slide, you're breaking the interpersonal connection with the audience to stay focused on you. The key points or figures on a card are enough. Be able to carry on, even if the overhead projector breaks down. Impregnated by the content of your message and relaxed, you can tell your story like a griot and communicate effectively.

  1. Reduce audiovisual media

To speak better in public, let go of your slides! We want to hear and watch you, not read slides. To avoid the conflict between the eye and the ear, never read information on a slide that you are talking about. The tempo to be respected between visual and auditory memory is delicate. To avoid breaking the connection with the audience, use them sparingly. They should enhance your content and keep your audience's attention, not clutter your speech and body language.

  1. Stay connected with the public
    Keep the link with the audience through your body and capture their non-verbal reactions. With practice, you will be able to sense the audience and adjust your message. Nothing worse than speakers who ignore their audience. Crank up the attention if it's running out of steam, calm things down if they're frowning, and stay in tune with the crowd like a rocker on stage.

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  1. Dare to be humorous
    Insufflate a breath with a touch of humor, it will relax you by reviving the attention of your audience. Laughter makes it easier to retain information and to share an emotion of joy. This personal touch in a speech creates a stronger bond with the audience. There are no standards of perfection in communication. Training allows you to put things into perspective and self-mockery to control your emotions to limit your stress
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