Spectrum API running on Telos Mainnet

in spectrum •  5 years ago 


EOS Tribe launched a beta version of it's web-socket streaming Spectrum API on Telos Mainnet (https://www.telosfoundation.io/).

Telos Mainnet Spectrum API web-socket endpoint: wss://api.telos.eostribe.io

This version currently supports subscriptions for get_actions, get_transaction and get_blocks streams.

Here is the sample subscription message for get_actions endpoint:

  "data":  {

Fields description for get_actions:

  • event - type of events, there are two variants: “subscribe” and “unsubscribe”. Required [String].
  • type - type of endpoint. Required [String].
  • data - Contents of this object depends on type argument. Required for get_actions.
  • account - name of account. Required [String].
  • actions - List of actions name. [Object]. If actions are not specified - all actions will be matched.

Endpoint get_blocks - subscribe on new block events:

Request message format for get_blocks endpoint:


Fields description:

  • apikey - key for access and accounting, not using on testnet.[String]
  • event - type of event, there are two variants “subscribe” and “unsubscribe”. To subscribe necessary using "subscribe" * value - this field is mandatory. [String].
  • type - type of endpoint. Required [String].

Below is the sample subscription message for get_transaction endpoint:

  "data": {"account":"eosio"}

Fields description for get_transaction:

  • apikey - key for access and accounting, not using on testnet.[String]
  • event - type of event, there are two variants “subscribe” and “unsubscribe”. To subscribe necessary using "subscribe" value . This field is mandatory. [String].
  • type - type of endpoint. Required [String].
  • data - Contents of this object depends on type argument. Required for get_transaction.
  • account - name of account. Required [String].

Sample JS web-socket client to subscribe for events:

<head><title>Spectrum Web Sockets</title>
let socket = new WebSocket("wss://api.telos.eostribe.io/streaming");

# pick one of declarations:
# 1. get_actions:
var messageBody = {
   "data": {"account":"eosio"}
#2. get_blocks:
var messageBody = {
#3. get_transaction:
var messageBody ={
    "data": {"account":"eosio"}

socket.onopen = function(e) {
  console.log("[open] Connection established");
  console.log("Sending to server: "+JSON.stringify(messageBody));

socket.onmessage = function(event) {
  html_log("[message] Data received from server: "+event.data);

socket.onclose = function(event) {
  if (event.wasClean) {
    html_log("[close] Connection closed cleanly, code=${event.code} reason=${event.reason}");
  } else {
    html_log("[close] Connection died");

socket.onerror = function(error) {
  html_log("[error] ${error.message}");

function html_log(data) {
  var divLog = document.getElementById("log");
  divLog.innerHTML += "<p>"+data+"</p>";

<h2>Spectrum Web Sockets Test: Get Actions</h2>
<div id="log"></div>

Feel free to give it a try and provide your feedback at out Telegram channel: https://t.me/EOSTribe

Original post describing Spectrum API architecture: https://steemit.com/eosio/@eostribe/introducing-spectrum-streaming-api-for-eosio

EOS Tribe is committed to continue work on creating innovative solutions for EOSIO.

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Wow looks awesome you guys, looking forward to trying this out. Generally we found that with more traditional methods we got problems processing data for accounts having more than 2 million transactions like eosio.bpay or eosio.trail so this will no doubt breeze through those, will let you know!

Yeah, needed this. Nice job.