Tips and Tricks for Incremental Reading

in speedreading •  3 years ago  (edited)

Incremental Reading is one method of reading articles and learning/retaining information. Incremental reading is a method for learning and retaining information through reading that involves systematic summarization, progressive merging and gradual breakdowns of e-articles.

Incremental reading is a study technique which makes it possible to read thousands of articles simultaneously and not become lost. It is basically the technique of breaking down articles in logical steps so it is easier to digest the knowledge.

The amount of articles you read incrementally could reach one hundred thousand, and given the underlying skills, you would not be overwhelmed. In Incremental Reading, you may rapidly import and output more reading material than you can efficiently handle. This is why incremental reading and processing of information is helpful in thoroughly studying concepts. Without this systematic approach, the reader will soon become lost in the overload of information while studying dozens of subjects simultaneously.

Instead of a linear read through articles one at a time, incremental reading works by keeping a big list of articles or ebooks (usually dozens or hundreds) that need to be read, and read parts of a few articles at each sitting. Incremental-processed articles would undergo re-reading/review periodically. Incremental Reading Plugin uses Ankis regular planning, however, IRs process is very different than conventional flashcard reviews.

Supermemo is worth a try for it..For extra info, mnemonic cues, and pure fun in learning, the article that you are gradually reading through on SuperMemo may be illustrated with meaningful images taken from its contents, or other sources. Using progressive reading to work your way through the progressive study guides is one of the best ways to rapidly improve your mastery of SuperMemo and study techniques.

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