Great Sphinx

in sphinx •  2 years ago 



The Great Sphinx is a huge statue that combines the body of a lion and the head of a human being, located on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, where it guards the three pyramids that date back to the era of the Old Kingdom. It is believed that the Great Sphinx was carved during the reign of King Khafre, son of Khufu, who built the Second Pyramid at Giza. The Sphinx was a symbol of the god Hor-em-Akhet, or Horus on the horizon, who was associated with the sun and kingship ..

The Great Sphinx is made of limestone, and is about 73.5 meters long and about 20 meters high. It has been exposed to erosion and damage due to weather, earthquakes, and human activity. Its nose and beard are missing, and the identity and purpose of its maker are still debated among Egyptologists ..

The Great Sphinx is one of the most famous historical monuments in the world and has attracted the interest of visitors, artists and writers for centuries. It is also the source of many myths and legends that tell of its secrets and powers ..

The power of the Sphinx is a theme associated with the myths and legends that surround this colossal statue. Some people believe that the Sphinx represents immortal power and the greatness of ancient Egypt, and that it protects the pyramids and tombs from thieves and enemies ..

Sometimes, the Sphinx is associated with some stories and fairy tales, such as the dream painting carved by King Thutmose IV, which tells how the Sphinx appeared to him in a dream and asked him to clean the sands of the desert from his body, promising to make him king of Egypt23 There are also some allegations that are not The confirmed supernatural or magical powers of the Sphinx, such as its ability to shoot rays from its eyes, or to hide secret catacombs under its body, or to change its shape on the night of the full moon ...

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