Please STFU: A Poem About When Steem Hits $50-100

in spiderblogger •  7 years ago 


During times of hardship, just remember that someday soon we will all be financially free!

As the price of Steem goes down to up
then down again, ah just my luck
I dream of day of $100 and up
so I scream to my boss, please STFU

Work days get longer, I blog through the ruts
and good days too, whale votes are my crutch
Co-workers annoying, Steem hits $50 I'm done
I'll announce my departure, please STFU

My leave will be swift, no two weeks to makeup
no hugs, no goodbyes, please spare me your hugs
On Steemit Full-time, lord what has he done
I'll politely just tell them to STFU

You may say that I'm reckless, or think that I'm dumb
Or financially free, my life is so fun
lunch seems to be over, I guess it's my luck
Time to get back to work, and STFU

Hello all, I hope you got a kick out of my lunch time poetry! I clearly had a bad morning at work, but Steemit never fails to rectify any anger or frustration I may have in my everyday life!

This poem if you haven't guessed, is all about what I will do when the price of Steem hits $50 or $100! Of course I wouldn't tell anyone to actually STFU, but I will surely think it! I can't wait for the day where I achieve financial freedom and escape this never ending rat race!

Days like today I value because, this is when I am my most creative! You will be surprised what your actually capable of when your backs against the wall!

Hopefully this put a smile on someone's face who is having a bad day! Just know that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always a reason to smile! Until next time, this has been a message from your friendly neighborhood #spiderblogger!


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Haha awesome poem. Would be so cool if Steem made it up to 50 USD level, but realistically, I can see it going to 15 USD within 1-2 years :)

Man I think we are going to see 15 in a few months once SMTs drop! Thanks!!! Happy you liked it!

Mannnnnn when that happens, I'm not even going to stick around for long enough to say ST*U, there will be an overkillcoin-shaped dust cloud and a hole smashed through the wall, just like in Looney Toons...

Oh wait... I work from home... no smashing holes in walls I guess ☺

Lmao who needs walls on a private island ;)

Love it! Press on fella! That freedom is coming for you.

Haha thanks Lydon!!! Yeah I think 2018 will be a great year for all of us!!

😂😍 It’s a great poem! Easy to read and to engage with.
I was already having a good day but it still stole a big smile from my lips.

Hahaha happy you enjoyed it 😁😁😁

Hey there @waphilip
Can you give me a holla
If you think the price will hit $50-$100
For our Steem Dolla

Bahahahaha, well played sir. Well played.

Very well played ahaha


Made it hit 1 dollar! (;

What a great use of words, can't even say much, so speechless!!!!..... Thumbs up Fan!

What a great use of words, can't even say much, just so speechless!!!!! Thumbs up Fan!

dude this was absolutely hilarious keep it up my man

yes, my face is smiling after reading this. will be great if we exceed all expectations

Hope that will be soonest because i cant for that great moment