I am not an SEC attorney but just to ask the question is this fund actually legal under the current SEC rules (506(b), 506(C), REG A, REG CF, 504 etc.) or some other exemption I do not know about? Basically my question is what steps did you take to make this fund compliant with or exempt from SEC regulation. If this is not compliant or exempt aren't investors and you at risk?
Also what tax reporting would investors receive? Schedule K-1?
Not to say any money would or is going to be taken but what protections are in place for investors? I have seen many ICO/investments run off with the money. If I understand correctly the account is just a Steemit account with the Steem Power in it under control by one person. That leaves a large amount of risk for investors in my opinion.
What types of fees are associated with this? Or did you retain a certain % of the tokens as a promoted interest? ex. 15% go to you and 85% get sold to investors. Can you elaborate on the fee or compensation structure and how you get paid? That would be an important thing for me to know if I were to invest.