Real ObviousAss spiritiual Reasons Why More Advanced Sci-Fi Tech isnt Public

in spiritual •  7 years ago 

  1. we co-create our reality

  2. we believe it has to take decades or more 2 ahcieve when it already exists

  3. or we have 2 have some war with the old toliet order 2 get it out 2 everyone

  4. we just aren't comofortable with it yet becuase we dont feel humanity is quite evolved positively spirtuality mature wise.
    Example= IF u can just order a inter-dimensional teleporter on amason. Well yea think about for most of us who incarnated decades ago. Earth was in a thousands year old dark age that just recently in the past few years we began 2 briefly pop out of more a and more fairly slowly at first .
    N lately this year abit moreso. So from that standpoint.

  5. isnt it being shared with the masses and us really because we dont truely want that reality yet! collectively. I exists i would guaranntee you all the physical possession and money i own it does. We will shift to that when we are ready or you. You can unplug from the collective and create/co-create your own seperate reality. While either leaving here competly or still interacting with the rest. Then there by changing everything as everything we do echoes throughout not only this universe but all of creation!

  6. source aka our highselves for most of us unless your from a star race with a base in our star system or some anicent civilzation that exists in a parallell reality. near here. generally won't give u more amasing gifts unless it and you know your ready 2 gradiuate to more positive realities and will use the gifts for such.
    (example= Star trek replicator /quantum devices, powered by a higher dimensional energy antenna, to provide everything to everyone that needs it. & open sourcing the tech . Instead of hoarding stuff or using it 2 subjugate others like by materlising like a giant army as fast as you would in literally a video game/

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

5) isnt it being shared with the masses and us really because we dont truely want that reality yet!
It should be truly instead of truely.