May all beings be free.

in spiritual •  3 years ago 


Hey, I fully appreciate everybody wanting to get back to “normal” and so get out in the sun, take the masks off and socialize, because you all did your part and got yourself “jabbéd”... so you don’t need to worry about anything... because the same people who told you it was a problem are telling you it’s not a problem… which is a problem... unless you don’t see it as such, and then good for you ... you passed the test and now you can see reality any dang way you like.

But allow me to say this… if you do not recall ALL that has happened these past 14 months… If you do not make very clear markers in your heart and memory of all and everything that went down (and is absolutely STILL going down)... then you risk summoning it all back… to fill in ALL that unconscious space you left it… with potentially much greater vengeance than the first time around.

This is so because anyway you slice it, what happened to us these 14 months was and continues to be a SPIRITUAL war and we are not at the end of it... not by a long shot.

In fact, we may still be smack at the BEGINNING of it, and just because the cat keeps going away for a time, doesn’t mean that it won’t return and maybe doubly or even triply hungry for more tender mouse meat.

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