It Works.

in spiritual •  7 years ago 


I have noticed a particular pattern that works. The Bible cannot lie. When the Bible tells us to rejoice with those who rejoice, and to mourn with those who mourn, it is a statement that is backed up by God, and it comes to fulfilment when we take appropriate steps towards it.

I remembered during one of our services, that our Reverend spoke about another Pastor who bought a car. As at that time, our Reverend did not have a car. So, when the friend came to celebrate the purchase of that car with him, our Reverend asked the man to drive to the filling station first, and our Reverend bought fuel for that car, to show his excitement for what God did for his friend and to seed, so he can receive such gift too. After few months, God blessed our Reverend with a car of his, which was even better than the one he celebrated with his Pastor friend.

I meditated on that and I made it a point of duty, to be intentional about it. Few weeks after, a friend of mine told me I should go with her to get a new phone. We fixed a day and time and I followed her. We picked the phone she needed together, she paid and did every other thing she wanted to do and we left. While leaving, I told her I need to get something and she followed me. I took her to a place where they sell recharge cards. I bought the one for her network and handed it over to her. She laughed and knew what I was trying to do, because she was also in service that day when our Reverend shared that story. At that time too, my phone was already giving me issues and sparing money to get another one was the last thing on my mind.


Few months down the line, I got a brand new Samsung phone that I didn't even pay for. I discussed with my director at work about how my phone packed up and people might not easily have access to me. He gave me a blank cheque and told me to write whatever amount the phone costs, when i get to the place they sell phone. I was blown away. The phone I got was also better.

Lastly, I shared a testimony in Church, and when I was done, a friend of mine also walked up to me, and she said "I receive this testimony too", and she gave me 200 naira (our local currency). I took it and smiled. As at that time, she was still looking for job. This past Sunday, she reminded me and said, "Remember the day I sowed into your life? I have gotten a good job even without serving (National Youth Service Corps). They even promised to retain me when service comes, and afterwards. You are a fertile ground". I was so excited, and I am still excited. The good thing is, she get to work only thrice in a week too. What a bargain. Better than phone right? Exactly. It always get better, when you do it with the right mind.

God is a God of principle and process. He has spoken and He will not go back on His Word. If it works for one, it will work for all. We just need to leverage on it and see God at work. We should do it intentionally and with a great heart too. We should attach a meaning to it when we do it. Once has God spoken, twice have we heard, that all Power belongs to Him.


Is there anything you are trusting God for? Look for people around you who have those things and sow a seed into their lives. Now, go to God in prayer and tell Him why you did what you did, and watch Him do for you, your long awaited request. Rejoice with those who rejoice. Let your heart be true. Let go of every envy, anger and hurt. If God did it for someone close to you, it means God is in your neighbourhood and you are next. Leverage on it.

Jeremiah 32:27 (New International Version)
"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?".

I end on this note.



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My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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Wow, I use to tell any person around me this; every other thing can change, but the word of God shall reign, there is no logicality in the way he operates. I love the God I am serving because he is a mystery.

God is always blowing our mind. He is always coming up with mind blowing surprises. His Word can never change, though we humans sometimes like to find a way around it, but He will never change His standard for anyone. Conforming to His ways always pay the greatest dividend. I am glad you have proven this too. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Wow! @olawalium I am super excited for you. God truly never owes any man nothing. However, intentionality and consistency is required to reap the seeds sown. I am so amazed at your intentionality from the spoken word from Rev. It takes a man that understands process and the blessings that comes with it to key into the spoken word.

I have also learnt something right now and I will share my testimony soon!

Thank you so much darling. I am so delighted you have learned something and i can't wait to listen to your testimony. Thanks pretty.

Wow, I use to tell any person around me this; every other thing can change, but the word of God shall reign, there is no logicality in the way he operates. I love the God I am serving because he is a mystery. Sharing is caring.

Wow, I use to tell any person around me this; every other thing can change, but the word of God shall reign, there is no logicality in the way he operates. I love the God I am serving because he is a mystery. Sharing is caring.

Thank you so much. I really have a lot i am adking God for and i know he will hear me. Your post is really inspirational. Life is so full of challenges, messages like this are good to the soul

I am so glad you found this helpful. God has heard you and He will act swiftly. Rest in His finished works.

I'm inspired above and beyond, and I key into this.
Thanks for sharing

Thank you so much. Much appreciated brother.

It is not unbelievable, it is just how it works. Life they say is phenomenal. And if you do not believe that, well I'm sure you know that our solar system is spherical. It is the reason why when you are a beach a look at as the waters look like there is no end to it. And it is the same reason why whatever goes around, comes around.

You plant, you harvest. And you don't put yam in the ground and pluck mango.

Thanks for this piece @olawalium

Absolutely. Life is about principles and following God's Word gives better reward. Thanks a lot brother.

"Meditate on this word of the Lord day and night ,so that it shall not depart from thee and you shall have good success " is what the Bible says.
You practicalised it. Cool

Absolutely. God's Word is applicable to our daily lives. Glad you like it too.

Yes it would work for me too as long as it work for you

God bless those that have a good heart, and if you help your neighbor, God pays back in multiple way!

Absolutely brother. Thanks a lot.

This is truely inspiring, indeed it works...

Thanks for this. I am glad you found it inspiring.