
in spiritual •  7 years ago 

Hello :) i am paige in Texas, and i was bourne with the ability to see and commune with spirits. Trust me, i have been called crazy, delusional, satanic, and trippin'; however, it seems like i am actually just a Necromancer. Since i am sick of hiding who i am to fit, i am just going to tell it like it is. I can heal ghosts and help them leave the lower realms, but i don't really understand it because it is just natural to me. My mentor in Indonesia does this as well so i am not the only one that i personally know of who was just bourne like this. At this time i would like to publish a blog i did in rebuttal to claims that i am evil or satanic. Hell, i don't even believe in satan like many other Pagans so how am i satanic?

How Does Wikipedia Define Necromancy???
The term "neromancy" seems to be misunderstood by a lot of people. ANY type of working with the dead is Necromancy and it can be a beautiful communion with our departed loved Ones. For instance, when people talk about how much they miss their departed loved one, they don't ever believe me when i say it's not that hard to still "be with them in Spirit". Of course, there are evil and bad people in ALL things that pervert the goodeness of it. Wikipedia plainly states that "necromancy is a supposed practice of magic involving communication with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the deceased as a weapon, as the term may sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft"

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The simple act of communing with dead loved ones is "necromancy" according the definition, and there is nothing scary of evil about that. Of course, the dead are Sacred to me and i would never disrespect them or their wishes unless they are evil souls who must be dealt with accordingly. The rest of what I wish to express has already been said by others so I will link their articles. The article "Important Rules for Practicing Necromancy" can be found at

The article "How to Setup Ancestor Altar & Give Offerings" is located at
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I think it's horrible that people call you such awful names as "crazy" or "delusional" or whatever. I'm very interested in occultism, so I can relate to the abuse that you suffer. Many people are militantly sceptical, while some others thing we're demonic. Either way, both types bully us - I find the "sceptics" are the meanest, though.

I for one really respect what you do. I hope that your ability in necromancy brings you joy. It is a great thing to be able to invite spirits into our lives or to maintain relationships with loved ones that have transitioned. What you do is great. made me cry & made me feel relaxed too <3 thank you for being so open...yes, people can be mean, but i will share a secret with you that makes me laugh every-time...most of those who call me crazy are in for a huge surprise when they die and find out ole paige ain't so crazy agree with you that the skeptics are worse and seem to delight in being mean... YES!!! it is great to have so many friends & i am deeply grateful for Them and all the "Exorcism" type work They help me with...Blessed Be )O( michellegibson p.s. the Occult is fascinating and it's so wrapped up in every day society and people don't even realize it

Great post! It really bothers me when people confuse being Pagan with Satanism.

thanx deerjay :) me too, and that's what made me decide to explain some of this stuff from the perspective of the "darker side" for facebook groups... Blessed Be )O(