The past month may have been challenging for many of us! Between the powerful end of the Capricorn-Cancer eclipse cycle and the retrograde position of Saturn in Aquarius, July was a tedious therapy session for many signs.
Fortunately, space is on our side this month. Despite the fact that mid-August may bring a few surprises, this month we will be able to achieve the desired results.
The Aquarius Full Moon at the start of the month signals the promise of satisfaction and illumination – the best time to cash in on the hard work we’ve been doing over the past six months! Emotions are usually at their highest in the light of the full moon, but Aquarius’s cool air winds create a detached atmosphere. You have to drop the ego and stop being aloof!
There is the possibility of flashes of genius insight at lightning speed, such electricity can shake your body – literally. Not a joke, we all need to tune in to the natural, physical world and take note of everything that the sixth sense tells us.
Since August 4th, self-expression is colorful, with theatrical speeches and stories that add a little light to our lives. Show what you are capable of!
Venus enters Cancer on August 7 to focus emotions on sensitivity. Venus is all about self-esteem, money, love, and values, and we have an almost psychic understanding of these things as she goes through the intuitive sign of Cancer. Although now there is a tendency to take everything personally – especially rejection. The key is to surround yourself with caring friends who make you feel safe.
If something makes you feel unsafe this month, you may get nervous and moody. Venus in Cancer wants you to respect your instincts.
Vesta enters Leo on the 11th, revealing the artist in each of us. When Vesta rules the house and the hearth, in Leo she calls us to open our creativity. This asteroid has been illuminating the creation of joy all month.
But with light comes shadows. Don’t be surprised if on the 12th you come face to face with your own shadows. Your defenses kick in and inherited fears surface. More precisely, the fear of not living up to expectations, the fear of not being taken seriously, the fear of making mistakes.
When Chiron is in aspect with Saturn, your own harshness or contempt for failure can easily drive you into the ground.
In fact, the more flexible you are, the better – at least in the second half of the month. You will need all the mental faculties you can muster. Although the planet of surprises is still six years away in Taurus, the five-month retrograde rotation shakes things up in our material world. Shocks, scandals, breakdowns and breakthroughs lead us to radical change, so we all need to open our minds and grow through this.
Under the New Moon in Leo on the 18th, we find safety. There is a chance that we will be praised for something. However, this praise and admiration sheds light on our fear of criticism. How can you expect improvement if you don’t accept feedback from others? Everyone fails, but the real achievement is to muster the strength to be who you are destined to be, even in the face of your mistakes.
Don’t let self-criticism get the better of you on the 22nd. With the entry of the Sun into Virgo, you can detail your mistakes under the microscope. The practical earthly energy of Virgo knows that it is useless to cry over spilled milk. Instead, it’s time to get organized.
On August 25th, you may feel more motivated than ever.
The only thing to be afraid of now is inaction! It’s time to gather your intentions and let your arrow fly forward.