
in spiritual •  7 years ago 

An essential part of your journey is having balanced chakras. This ensures energy flows through you smoothly. We have 7 major chakras. These are spinning vortexes of energy located in our body. They can be underactive or blocked. Repressed emotions that we haven’t dealt with from our past block our chakras. Each chakra has a purpose and meaning.

Root Chakra- Located near our tailbone this chakra is our survival chakra. Issues with feeling safe and secure will block this chakra. When our basic needs as a human aren’t met this chakra will be unbalanced. Having enough food to eat, enough money, a home to live in and a job to pay our bills relates to this chakra. The color for this chakra is red.

Sacral Chakra- This chakra located under your belly button and above your pelvis relates to sexual issues and relationships. Abuse and issues from relationships in our life causes this chakra to be blocked. Traumatic relationships from our past that haven’t been healed. If you were abused in any relationship and haven’t processed the emotions in a healthy way will cause blockages in this chakra. The color of this chakra is orange.

Solar Plexus Chakra- This is our personal power chakra located under your sternum and above your belly button. If you feel powerless and that you have no control over your life. This can cause a blockage in the solar plexus chakra. This chakra relates to self-esteem and confidence in your self. This chakra relates to standing up for yourself and not allowing yourself to be taken advantage of. The color of this chakra is yellow.

Heart Chakra- This is our love chakra located in the middle of your chest by your breastbone. If you lack self-love or have a hard time giving and receiving love this chakra could be blocked. If your heart has been broken and you never dealt with those emotions. Your heart chakra will have blockages. The color of this chakra is green.

Throat Chakra- This chakra is our communication chakra located at the base of your throat. If you have problems communicating your wants and needs or feel like your voice is not heard this chakra could be blocked. You will have fear of speaking your truth. The color of this chakra is sky blue.

Third Eye Chakra- This chakra is our intuition and wisdom located between our eyebrows. Your imagination, creativity, and inspiration relates to this chakra. Have you just ever know something about a situation without knowing how? Without any evidence or proof you just know the truth. Having lack of clarity in life or being close minded can cause blockages in this chakra. The color of this chakra is indigo.

Crown Chakra- This chakra has to do with our spiritual connection located on the top of our head. Our faith chakra and belief in a higher power. Our connection to the universe. Blockages in this chakra will leave us feeling unsupported in life and disconnected. Do you have to believe in God to have a healthy crown chakra? No, just a belief in something higher than you. Something out there that has your back and supports you. The color of this chakra is white.

When these chakras are balanced and aligned with each other. You will feel lighter and like life is flowing and you are flowing with it. When blocked you can be depressed or anxious just dragging yourself through life. Life is a drag and you are just getting by. If the chakras are left blocked. Blockages can manifest into physical issues.

I suffered from blocked chakras that manifested into physical problems. I spent a lot of money and time going to doctors and specialists. They could see I had hives, a stiff neck and shoulders and even chest pains. I had expensive tests run and took medicine I didn’t need. All tests came back negative. I was healthy but I didn’t feel healthy at all. I was miserable.

I was lucky to meet a woman that did energy work on chakras. Within a couple sessions all my symptoms and issues were gone. I went for about 4 months every week or two. It was expensive but worth it. I highly suggest seeing someone if you can.

If you don’t have access to a healer or can’t afford one. There are plenty of chakra clearing meditations on the internet. Youtube has meditations for this purpose and is free.

Repressed emotions are stuck energy. Our emotions consist of energy and vibrations. Processing emotions from our past and facing our fears is a healthy practice. Is it painful? Yes, that is why people avoid it but the pain does go away when we face it. You will be a stronger healthier person in the long run.

Love and Light.

Dawn Bailey

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