Our Spiritual Journey and Energy

in spiritual •  7 years ago 

The Universe is made of energy. We are made of energy. We all know what having a vibe about something feels like. Energy is vibes! That is you reading and tapping into the energy around you. We are all capable of this. We all have gifts and abilities we can tap into. It is available to everyone on earth. I am sure most of you have had a premonition. Had something pop into your head and then come true! That is you tapping into the higher dimension than the one we live in on earth. I will explain 3 dimensions as simply as possible.

The 3rd dimension is earth. It is where we live. Our jobs, houses and cars exist in the 3rd dimension. It is our basic wants and desires we have in life. I want that new iphone. I want a bigger house and nicer car. This is a 3rd dimensional way of consciousness. Our basic survival needs are met here. The 3rd dimension of consciousness is about fear and lack in our lives. When we grow tired of this way of living. We have usually reached rock bottom in our lives. We have grown tired of the 3rd dimension and are striving for a better way of living.

The 4th dimension is right above the earth. It is not an actual place we go it is a level of consciousness. When we have a premonition our consciousness is in this dimension. It is when your consciousness reaches this dimension we receive our special gifts that are unique to us. You may be a natural healer. You may be able to feel energy. You may be able to know when something happens before it happens. This is tapping into our 4th dimensional consciousness. The 4th dimension of consciousness is about faith and searching for answers. This dimension is all about seeking and learning about ourselves.

The 5th dimension is where unconditional love exists. We realize we are all connected and nothing is an accident. Everyone we meet is for our growth and theirs. We trust in the Universe. We spread kindness and love. We love ourselves and are comfortable giving and receiving love. We have a positive outlook on life. We are filled with love and joy. We now care about every living thing on earth. We want everyone to succeed in life. We have love for everyone even strangers we meet.

The goal of spirituality is to reach the 5th dimension of consciousness. Where life is not perfect but we can handle it in our own perfect way! The 5th dimension of consciousness is all about Love, Acceptance and Peace! When you change yourself you change the world!

Energy travels through these dimensions and us from the earth through us in a spiral. Energy travels through our chakras. I will explain chakras more in another post.

Thank you Love and Light,

Dawn Bailey

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