Ego/Inner Child

in spiritual •  7 years ago 

This is one of the most helpful things I have done for myself along my journey.

We all have heard of the ego. That little voice in your head that is constantly being judgemental and critical of you and others. It often sabotages you, is mean to you and others. It is that little nasty voice that tells you that you are not good enough, you can't do anything, you will never succeed.

I would like to tell you that as evil as it is, it is another aspect of yourself. And since it is an aspect of yourself it cannot be killed. It is in fact, your inner child. The part of you that didn't get enough of anything when you were young. Not enough love, kindness, compassion,and respect, among other things. Those other things only you can know.

I am here to let you know that there is a way to give that child what he or she needs. What do children love to do. Play. When you feel like swinging on a swing do it, coloring do it. Playing or creating in any way is you expressing yourself in a soulful way. All creativity comes from the soul.

What you can do to calm that nasty voice in your head is make this statement to it.

"Inner child, I ask that you please find the things that are for my highest good. I ask you do this for me and I will allow you to play and create whenever the urge comes over me." Thank you.
State this clearly and out loud. If by chance you hear some nastiness, after that a simple reminder to the child of the task you have given to him/her.

By saying this you have given your inner child/ego a task. This will keep him/her busy doing something and will keep this aspect of yourself from being the nasty voice in your head judging you and criticizing you. image

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