Law of Polarity

in spiritual •  6 years ago 

From my experience when people meditate they often ask the universe the truly difficult questions like why are we here, or what's the meaning of life. And I can tell you there is a very simple universal answer to this we all discover from asking this question. Life is about experience through one another. Or in even more simple terms relationships. And it doesn't matter if you are a cave man or a wealthy modern heiress. All lives are equally valuable and no matter what you do in life you cant screw it up. And this is where religion will confuse you on life. When a religious person meditates and receives inner wisdom like this they become confused as all their life they believed life was about learning to obey god's commandments or whatever the rules are in their particular church. They believe you can fuck up your life and when they do they choose to be depressed about it and pay more tithes to make them feel better about it. But the truth is you cant fuck it, it's impossible to. In fact the more difficult your life is the better it is for the soul. Pain is always good. Pleasure is also always good they are both experiences we need. A per-conceived religious mind cannot comprehend that bad things are ultimately good things as they are programmed to believe this would be blasphemy and evil thinking and must resist it, and fear it. Believing Satan must be trying to confuse them as their fear and confusion sets in. How can life be so simple as that, they ask themselves. This is why religions often counsel you to not meditate as your inner voice will lead you away from your ego based religious mindset which likely took years to accomplish..... Here is an interesting scenario which is usually the way this simple lesson gets deflected by religious thoughts. 'What about murderers and child molestation and torture'. How can those things be ultimately good things? If they could only see the good that does come from these terrible circumstances they would never ask such things. Then they say what if you are the sinner. Are you saying you would do this and feel like you are doing anyone a favor? Then they stop trusting me and run away. But no I'm not saying anyone including me needs to hurt others. The universe has a way of providing those who need these experiences with perpetrators who also need to experience that side of things. We all will do what we feel, that is a guarantee. It is a misconception that without religion it would be total anarchy, in fact there are many atheist dominated communities where it is quite pleasant and orderly. Yes there is free will but there is also circumstances and everyone will get their challenges both ways, you will be a perpetrator and you will be perpetrated on, no matter if you think of yourself as a good guy or a bad guy. There is a reason why people who die and come back to life often speak of an incredible feeling of love and forgiveness for all who hurt them in life as they could see the whole picture and how important and meaningful those experiences were for them. They often love and appreciate those people even more than their best friends in the afterlife or more specifically in between life or infinity, what ever you wish to call it. A woman recently contacted me after seeing a video I did about this subject. She had a near death experience as well recently and wished to share her story. She lived her whole life in pain and anger because of an uncle who would repeatedly rape her as a child Her pain and anger mostly came from feeling betrayed and helpless. She never got over it nor could she have normal relationships with others. She died for a short while in a car wreck and passed onto the other side. Her uncle was there, her father who allowed it to happen was also there. She felt very bright and strong, she could see everything. She saw the whole of the universe and all her lives before this one, she saw herself as a man perpetrating on others in a different life, She saw the spirit envoy giving her an opportunity to see the other side of this, she needed it. She saw a close soul in her family volunteer to serve in this regard. She could see the sacrifice and love this person had for her she never knew in life, as she was completely blind and had to be blinded to truly understand this. She saw how important it is for us all to be blind in our lives, and to start fresh. Each life is a new start and though we cannot choose our circumstances we can choose what we do with our circumstances. She learned that you can love someone and hurt them at the same time, and typically those people who love you were prompted to hurt you. There is no sweet without the sour. This is the law of polarity.

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