Kim Jong.
No-one knows the spun of earth's life but people do know that the earth will not outlast its real age for its non recycling energy consumption and destruction of the surface. Who knows weather the people will perish before the aerth ? Since the time of dynamite, human bomb of any other form of poisonous bomb and other means of killing people have attempted to kill people only opposed to the patient of volunteers in the hospitals. A small pinch of a needle requires to be medicated while millions millions of rupees are being spent for mere killing people why ? Who will win in the race of power show off South Korea or America ? Is it possible that a single man can rule over the world or should it be so ? Does Kim Jong un knows the history of the world or not of what has he learnt from Hitler, Napoleon. If a country creates a fear for the rest of the world, what would the use of fuctioning of the big powers of U.N.O. What is the reason of Kingk John's being so ferocious against the U.S.A. ? Who will discover the reasons and remedies for an amicable settlement of this drama with real nuclear bomb? Why are the veto powers silent? Will it be a big question untill the whole of the world will shudder with an unexpected death for all big and small, reach and poor, brilliant and dull only with a few for the seeds? Who will reply?
The reply is not hard if man would support spiritualism opposed to materialism which has in it the power of respect, good habits, humanism, usage of conscious about what's and what's not, established in great book written by great men about great things, which is also being preached. We chide the children for spilling little milk also but dare not tell a person who became less unknowing than a child, we do not try to rectify them as we do with children, but we only go on reproaching them, calling them terrorist, vagabond, destroyer etc. We have forgotten Lord Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Socrates etc.... They were the salt of the first water and purest knowledge. So, let's try to understand them, believe and obey them, and try to understand why Lord Krishna had to leave for Mathura, Mohammed to Medina and Jesus had to die for ? That's all for setting up peace and stopping hatred and war. Same with the case going on with the peace loving people. We should have faith that something good must turn up. Let's not have any destruction in the world. Remember that love alone conquers over anxieties. It's a short message to the misled class of people who tend to destroy the world to restore personal interest, who loves Kim Jong un or whom does he love and what has caused to lack love in him ? Please reply veto powers of the world. Don't let suffer the common people.