Diet And Connecting With The Source

in spirituality •  8 years ago  (edited)


Hello, my fellow being of light! I hope you’re doing well in this moment… Haha, just kidding! Of course you’re doing well in this moment! And if you aren’t, then you obviously are not in this moment. You must be off in a dream of the past or future, or some other reality that has nothing to do with what or who you are; which will only suppress your ability to connect with your true essence and halt you from experiencing the highest form of joy and ecstasy.

Many people are realizing that the greatest form of happiness comes from calming their mind, body, and emotions, and becoming fully aware of every moment. Although many are coming to understand this, they still cannot seem to keep themselves in the present moment and sustain their connection with Life.

So in this article I will present to you the most important information on how to live that exists. You may have read some of the most profound books and teachings on spirituality, and you may have many spiritual practices that you perform to heighten your awareness, but chances are, you are still missing perhaps the most profound piece to sustaining your connection to your true essence.

Not only will this article give you the knowledge to increase your awareness and connection on a level that you may have never thought possible, But it contains the greatest piece of the puzzle that will wake up the entire world and bring our species back to paradise. This is the most important piece to spirituality not only because it will wake you up as an individual, but because it is probably the only method that will raise enough people’s awareness to such a high level that will allow the end of suffering for all human beings on the planet.

I’m sure I’ll already be losing readers at this point because this sounds too good to be true. But if you’re ready to wake up from this nightmare of a reality where most of the world is suffering so that a handful may retain power, and less than 1% of the population has accurate knowledge on how to live, then keep reading, and become one of the very few heroes on this planet that have the knowledge on how to live and change the world.

“Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive – the risk to be alive and express what we really are.”

– Miguel Angel Ruiz

What Is The Source And What Am I?

The Source is God, the Source is Life, the Source is you, the source is me, the Source is all things, and all things are the Source. If you are not familiar with this information, then it may not make much sense; mostly because it’s something that dramatically goes against your years of built up and fortified beliefs. You’ve spent your whole life thinking that you’re something that you’re not, so to take in the following information and then also choose to believe it takes an incredibly open mind.

The problem that people have when it comes to truth, is that truth must be experienced to fully understand it. Teachings can guide you and give you helpful information on how to live, but you will never be able to grasp the amount of joy and pure potential that comes from it unless you actually apply and experience it for yourself. This is why there are so many lost and troubled people today. Because in this society, becoming connected and aware is seemingly a huge amount of work, and so they would rather pretend that it doesn’t exist and continue to live in suffering and complain about what’s missing in their life.

So let me try my best to explain Life. The first thing I think you should know is that you are not human. You are not your body, or your mind, or your emotions, your thoughts, your spirit, your soul; you are none of it. In fact, there is no you. This article that you think you’re reading, this is an illusion. This is just the false perception of a mind that knows nothing. What you perceive as life is absolutely distorted and very far from reality. The mind cannot actually perceive reality for what it is. Reality is infinite and impossible to comprehend. It can only be experienced through total awareness, which can only happen in the absence of the mind/ego.


The mind is merely a survival mechanism. It can be useful in many practical situations, the problem is, almost nobody is conscious enough to be able to use their mind only when needed. Most people are not using the mind, but being used by the mind. They let their minds control them. It is always judging themselves and others, always letting you know whether you can or can’t do something, or if you’re worthy of this or that, or putting thoughts and images in your head that you feel ashamed of.  your mind is your greatest obstacle, which normally takes people most of a lifetime or more to overcome; and over 99% of the world never overcomes it at all. But further in this article I share how to automatically start to relinquish the ego and enhance your connection without even having to do any type of typical enlightenment work (although enlightenment work such as meditation will always be beneficial.)


You are also not your body, as I mentioned. Your body is made up of trillions of different individual cells that each perform their own specific roles, and have separate lifespans. Are you everyone of these different cells? Are you the one that pumps your blood, and digests your food, and grows your hair? No. It is the biology and physiology of all your cells that do this; not you. Even the voluntary actions that you perform (like moving your arms and legs,) are just an illusionary misconception displayed by our limited mind’s perception.

To give you an idea of the limitations of our mind, it has been discovered by physicists that what we perceive as solid matter, is actually just an illusion created by our senses, and in reality is made up of 99.99% empty space.  Meaning, the body that you reside in, the chair that you sit on, the laptop or phone that you are reading this with, are not really here the way you perceive it to be.  It is all a mind made concept that has nothing to do with true reality. It is just an elaborate trick of the ego.


You are also not your emotions or feelings. Your emotions are mostly just a survival mechanism, and the one that it protects most is the ego. It is possible to have different feelings that guide you closer towards your true essence, but for the most part, they are just a defensive reaction to protect your ego from dying. Your ego does not want to go away. It is very self absorbed and power hungry, and will try to do anything it can to sustain itself and cause more misery to you. If there is no ego, then there is not much use for emotions, for you only react emotionally if you have an ego created belief that you’re attached to. Destroying the ego means destroying all attachment to beliefs. It is ok to believe something, but if it is something that you are not currently experiencing right now in the moment, than you should never write it in stone as the truth.

Belief is not a problem, but attachment to belief will weigh you down and will not serve your growth. It will also cause you to react emotionally when someone tries to threaten your belief. If you have no attachment to thoughts and beliefs, then there is no reason for the body to produce an emotional reaction to protect the ego.


You are not your soul/spirit. Although this is heading more towards the right direction, it still is not the whole truth. It might be accurate to say you are THE soul, or THE spirit. Because in the big picture of life, there is no separation. You are pure energy. You are the creator of all things, and so am I.  But we did not come into this life as individual souls, nor did we think our way into existence like some believe.  “I think, therefore I am,” is not accurate. Life created thoughts, not the other way around.

You and I and every other thing that exists are one. I am not saying this in some metaphorical, philosophical, or new age hippie type of sense. I mean this in the most literal sense; you and I are not separate! No matter how much your mind is telling you that you are where you are, and I am somewhere else, it is just the limited perception of an ego. You are not where you think you are, because your body, mind, emotions, and spirit, are not you! You are everything! And so is everyone else. We are all everything, and we are all nothing. You ARE yourself, but you are not yourself. You actually are in fact, all of your trillions of cells, AND your thoughts, AND your emotions, AND your spirit! But you are also everyone else’s cells, thoughts, emotions, and spirit.

You can think of it as having an act and actors. The whole time that you’ve been alive, you have always believed you were an actor in the act of life. The universe being the stage, and you being one of many, playing their role within the stage. But it has been an illusion this whole time. You are not the actor. You are the act itself. You are not inside the environment, you ARE the environment! You are all things that exist. The actors are just egos that you have identified with, tricking you into believing in separation, and hold you back from seeing the truth.

This has just been a small introduction on life and the source. If you are feeling lost or confused, then please keep reading! The beginning is the most radical part of the article for anyone who has not yet been introduced to these understandings. The rest of the article should help give some clarity to all this!

“I’m stuck in that awkward stage between birth and death.” – Unknown

Why And How To Connect With The Source

Why should you strive to gain a deep connection with the source? Because the source is what you are! It is your most true and authentic being! Everyone on the planet longs for more. Whether it’s materials, knowledge, love, or higher awareness, we always strive to become higher. Most people have no idea of the truth of reality. They have been placed in this mad, hell of a society, and are corrupt from the day they start forming in the womb. Since the day we are conceived, our natural development is corrupted with the eating habits of our host mother.  Almost all birth defects are due to the mothers unnatural diet, which we are forced to sustain ourselves with as a developing fetus. And when you mix that with the insane procedures of chemical shots and vaccines after birth, and then also with unnatural formulas and breast milk substitutes on a hardly developed human body, you have a recipe for autism, ADD, ADHD, cerebral palsy, failing immune systems, premature delivery, poor brain and physical development, and sudden infant death syndrome.

Unless you are living properly, the likelihood of your child developing one of these or many other symptoms is very high.  But even if a child is lucky enough to have parents with strong genes, and who eat a somewhat clean diet, and have no major negative physical conditions, then they still find themselves in a world where they cannot speak their mind or express themselves and be their authentic self. They are told by their parents, teachers, friends, and the rest of society, what is good and bad; right and wrong. They are told how to act and behave, and if they do what they are told, they are a good boy/girl, and if they express themselves in a way that society thinks is “wrong,” then they are very bad, and may even be disciplined for being themselves. So they learn to fall in line, do as their told, and not question the insane rules of society; which they knew from the beginning were corrupt and unfair.

Now that they are well trained, they spend most of their waking hours in school, learning 95% irrelevant nonsense. The purpose of public school is to further orient and prepare the child for the same type of societal slavery they are expected to endure for the rest of their lives.  Now, after a childhood mostly wasted, they are prepared for an adulthood mostly wasted.  They must now become a slave to money.   To work the next 40 or more years of their life; wasting this precious gift that has been given to them.  And it is all to keep you distracted and controlled, so that you may never have time to discover the great truths of life.

Life is not supposed to be this way, and it does not have to be.  Unfortunately, the human race has fallen from grace and paradise.  We have disrupted the laws of life and have become corrupt and twisted from our true nature.  Now, we live in a world where very few individuals have most of the power and control, and they do everything in their power to keep us distracted in this rat race society to keep us from the truth.  But in the words of these pages holds the keys to your escape and happiness (if you are willing to apply them.)  You must learn to connect with your true essence, for if you are not getting connected, you are being distracted, and will fall further into despair and suffering.  Your heart longs to connect with your true essence.  Without connection, there will always be a void in your heart, and you will always search for something to fill it with, such as materials, sex, drugs, food, knowledge, relationships.  But these things will always leave you unsatisfied and looking for the next thing that will distract you from your longing to connect with yourself.

So now that we’ve talked about why you want to get connected, let’s talk about how.  In this society, we are taught that we should always be productive.  That we should always be working towards something; e.g., a good education, a nice house, a great relationship, more money, more knowledge, personal projects, better health, greater fitness, better character etc.  It is a great thing to strive to be better, but your attachment and obsession with productivity and advancement will lock you into a egoic prison That will suppress your ability to connect and live life fully.  It will cause you to further developed your crazed, ceaseless monkey mind that distracts you from cultivating true joy.

We have been programmed to believe that if we aren’t doing something, that we are lazy, and we are wasting time and not moving forward with our life.  If you’d like to develope yourself, become better, and climb the unending mountain of success, by all means, work on yourself, improve yourself, learn, strive for physical greatness!  I too, enjoy learning new things, and developing all these humanly aspects of life.  It is fun and enjoyable and exciting.  But if you are looking for absolute truth, absolute peace, absolute knowing, absolute ecstasy and pleasure, then you will not find it in these activities.  You will find it when you give up on the want or need for all of these things.  You will find it when you let go of attachment, when you surrender to the here and now, when you finally give up on trying to obtain peace, happiness, perfection, relationship, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual gain, when you give up on everything, that is when everything becomes available to you.

To experience the fullness of life, you must do nothing.  You already are life itself.  You already are peace, love, and ecstasy.  Anything that you do, is only an interference to your authenticity.  We are always trying to improve ourselves by searching outward for a better life and more well-being.  But you are already perfect.  You cannot improve yourself, you can only hinder and corrupt your perfection when trying to “better” yourself through outside sources.

Masters and teachers spend many years, sometimes Whole lifetimes trying to improve themselves, trying to learn everything about spirituality, traveling to many exotic and sacred places, and studying many spiritual texts, only to finally realize that it was all a distraction, and all they had to do was absolutely nothing.

You must realize that you are standing in the way of yourself.  The only thing standing between you and eternal peace, happiness, and vibrancy, is you.  You are condemning yourself to a lifetime of suffering, because you believe that you are this body and this mind and these emotions.  You have become attached to the identity of this body, and the beliefs of this ego, and the energy of these emotions.  You may be afraid of the idea that everything I’m saying could be true, because that means that you have lived your whole life believing a lie.  But if you are radically open minded, and do not hold heavy attachment to your beliefs, then you will be able to feel in your heart that what I’m saying is true.  Your being will be vibrating with happiness and a sense of freedom, because you know you are finally discovering the truth, and there is nothing more exciting than knowing that you can finally become your true essence, and liberate yourself from suffering and illusion.  The brave and heroic truth seekers will be ecstatic to have found these teachings.  If you are afraid or in disbelief, then it means you have some work to do on letting go, and widening your consciousness.

Everything is perfect.  Everything is one.  Everything is bliss.  Everything is as it should be.  Like Shakespeare said, “there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

As I’ve said before, you suffer because of your attachment to your beliefs.  There is nothing wrong, yet you believe there is.  To one individual, the stormy weather is gloomy and dreadful.  To another, it is beautiful and enjoyable.  In reality, the stormy weather is neither dreadful nor beautiful, and it is also both dreadful and beautiful.  A storm is just a storm, and nothing more.  But we have all developed individual perspectives that limit our ability to experience life fully.  We attach labels, feelings, emotions, memories, thought patterns, and beliefs to everything in our life, and it takes away the purely blissful experience of being with the world as it is; without judgement or labeling, without good or bad, or enjoyable or unenjoyable, but as it actually is.  

Your perspective is denying you joy and bliss at the highest level.  As far as the human experience goes, everything in this life is perspective.  Every human has a different perspective on everything.  And every human perspective is right, and every human perspective is wrong.  As a human being, your perspective is your life.  If you have one perspective, and someone else has another, than whose is right?  They are both right, and both wrong, because they are both meaningless.  If someone believes one thing, then it is true for that person, and the same for the other.  They are both just meaningless beliefs from the perspective of a limited human mind.  Perspective is what creates the human experience, but it is what hinders the experience of your true being.  As with all other things, it is perfectly fine to have perspective as long as you are not attached to it.

A great practice that you can implement right now, and at all other times that you are consciously aware enough to do so, is to focus on your body as you do everything.  Even now as you’re reading this, try to become aware of your body as you read.  Read this text as if you are using your whole body to read it.  Feel the energy of your body.  Become very aware of how your body is feeling and what it is doing.  In this state, your awareness is raised.  You are able to be more in the moment; less distracted and more focused.  This is something that you should make a regular practice.  Anytime you can remember to do so, go inward, and fully embrace your body and heart in everything you do.  As you’re driving or walking down the street, as you’re eating, reading, speaking and listening, having sex, and every other activity that you do, always try to remember to fully become your body as you do these activities.  It will put you in a high state of awareness, and will let you more fully experience life, and will enhance everything that you do.  You will be in the moment, where good and bad mean nothing, where there is no judgement, and where there is ecstasy in every moment; no matter what your situation.

Being out in nature can sometime automatically put you in this state.  When we are in nature, we are in the presence of perfection and pure beauty.  It is a place where everything is as it should, and there is no need to be anywhere or do anything.  Being in nature calms our mind, and resonates with our true being, putting us in a greater state of consciousness.

Although you are not your body, the way to connect with your true essence is through your body.  Your body is the catalyst between the physical and the metaphysical.  It is like an antenna receiver, which openly receives source energy that flows through it.  Your body is the temple that holds the Soul.  If your temple is toxic and defiled, then the light of your essence becomes dimmed and you lose connection to the Soul.  If you keep your temple sacred and clean, you will receive the strongest connection; your mind will become calm, and your body will become like a shining beacon of light to all you come into contact with.

This is why, although you are not your body, you cannot forego the conditioning of your body all together and still be able to reach the highest level of consciousness.  Body, mind, emotions, and Spirit are all interconnected with one another.  If one is out of balance, they are all out of balance; and therefore will not be able to hold a strong connection to life if any of these aspects begin to waiver.

From what I have experienced, and have seen in others as well; keeping the body clean and properly maintained is the easiest and fastest way to enhance all aspects of your being, and provide you with the quickest and most effortless connection to the source.  Right now, your body carries a heavy burden.  Much, much heavier than you can imagine at that.  If you are like 99% of the population, then right now, your body is no majestic temple.  It is more like an old broken down house that is rotting from the inside out.  Defiled with thrash and litter everywhere, and the foul stench of death; and getting worse by the day. this is the biggest reason that there is so much disconnect and confusion in the world.  Because we treat our body like a dumpster, and it dilutes our connection to the source and all other aspects of our human senses, which in turn, darkens our thoughts and behaviors, and causes us to become hostile and creates a ravenous lust for sex (which our society thinks is normal, because they have never experienced their natural state of body and mind.)

When your temple is clean, your thoughts become clean automatically and effortlessly.  You will no longer feel the uncontrollable urge for sex, and all that powerful sexual energy then becomes available to be used towards further enhancing the other aspects of your being.  I don’t think I will go too deep into sexual energy in this post; though it is a very important component of connection.  In this post I want to focus on how you can obtain total connectivity through keeping your body clean (namely through diet.) So let us now talk about the part we have all been waiting for (or at least the part that I’ve been waiting for.)  Let’s talk about how simply eating the way that nature designed for you to eat, will automatically connect you to the source at a level you never knew possible.  Many spiritual practitioners spend decades trying to reach the level of awareness that this can bring to you without even having to perform any traditional or typical spiritual practices or disciplines.  Let’s begin!

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

– J. Krishnamurti

Diet: The Key To Paradise

Correcting our diet is the only way for humans to overcome our problems and revert back to paradise.  If you have never experienced eating a natural human diet for an extended period of time, then this probably sounds ridiculous.  That is because you have lived your whole life in a body that is far less in all aspects then what it is naturally supposed to be.  You have never even fully experienced what it is like to be human.  Because of our unnatural lifestyles, we have only ever felt what it’s like to be a half-assed human.  I wish I could share in words, how much peace, and beauty, and connection you gain to all living thing by eating your species specific diet; but I would never be able to convey it to you.  It is beyond anything you ever thought possible.  If people knew what they were missing by not eating their natural diet, they would cry in horror at how they have previously been living their lives, then they would cry out in complete joy and bliss to be able to finally experience truth.

Unfortunately, no one does know what they are missing, and most do not believe the benefits to be true.  Like trying to explain color to a man who has never had vision, what your natural diet can do for you is beyond the comprehension of anyone who has not experienced it for themselves.  So now we’ll go into the natural human diet, and how it is so powerful.

I will not go too deep into why this is our natural human diet, because I already have other articles and videos that go over everything about our natural diet.  So I will just say this: humans are a species of anthropoids (which is the species classification for all great apes.) all of our anthropoid cousins (chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, and gorillas) are all a frugivorous species, meaning most of their diet consists of fruit, and is the easiest food on the planet for them to digest and utilize.

Because of the monetized society we live in, we have been labeled as omnivores so that the trillion-dollar animal agriculture industry can continue to profit handsomely.  And now we have plenty of false science to back up why we should eat meat and cheese, which was all created by scientists who were paid by the industry to specifically look for nutritional selling points, so they could sell as much as possible.

But if you ever did any kind of digging into this matter, it becomes painfully obvious that we are great apes with nearly the same anatomy, and identical digestive systems as our anthropoid cousins, and it makes no sense that all other anthropoids would be a frugivorous species, and for some reason, we turned out to be omnivores.  This is just a clever marketing tool, because it allows businesses to preach that as humans “we can eat anything because we’re omnivores.”  You may not agree at first, because you have so many references that support your belief about why we’re omnivores (this is the power of being exposed to marketing everyday since the day we’re born,) but if you can forget about all the brainwashing for just a moment, and look into both sides with an open mind, you will find that it is most logical and evident that humans are frugivores.  Not only can I say this with 100% confidence because of the all the facts and evidence out there, but more importantly, I can say it because I have experienced the total bliss of our natural diet myself. Nothing on the planet is more energizing, cleansing, hydrating, nutritionally balanced, easy to digest, satisfying, and pure, than sweet, juicy fruit!  And anytime I eat anything else, I feel less than optimal.  But when I eat fruit, it is like being invited into heaven.  And anyone who has experienced a fruitarian diet for an extended period of time will say the same thing.  Nothing compares to fruit.

I’m now going to move on to how exactly it is that fruit enhances your connection to source.  If you’d like to get much deeper details on the human diet, then go ahead and read my other article “species specific diet for humans.”  Or watch my videos on YouTube.

Basically, what you want is for your body to be so clean and light that you barely notice it at all.  It is very difficult to stay connected and have most of your energy focused on awareness when your body is aching and in pain and stiff and dehydrated all the time.  It’s like being stuck in an uncomfortable jail cell 24/7.

You have many physical blockages in your body, which can be due to your physical health, as well as your emotional and spiritual health.  Remember they are all connected and intertwined, and a deficiency in one aspect will clearly show itself in all aspects.

Having pent-up emotions and being attached to certain thoughts will manifest themselves in your physical body as stress and tension, which will acidify the body and stiffen you up, while also causing inflammation and a constricted flow of blood, lymph, and life force energy throughout the body, which means you are constantly “feeling” your body in ways that you really don’t want to be.

A raw food, and more specifically, a fruitarian diet is the easiest food for your body to digest, assimilate, and excrete.  Most cooked meals take at least 12 to 24 hours to fully digest (if not longer.) But any sweet juicy fruit only takes a couple hours on average to digest, with probably a maximum of 4-5 hours, and most melons digest in as little as 30-45 minutes.  This is very important to note, because digestion may be the most energy intensive and prioritized function of the body.  The body does not put very many functions before digestion.  This means if your body was in the middle of cleansing and you just ate something, the body must now slow down or completely stop its healing process so that it may work on digestion.  This is why you get so tired after a big cooked meal (especially meat,) because to be able to handle that kind of unnatural load, your body must typically use around 80% of its total energy reserves just to try to deal with what you bombarded it with, which means not much energy left for any other bodily activity other than sleep.  And when someone’s typical meal takes over 12 hours to digest, and they eat 3 meals a day with snacks in between, you can bet they are going to be sluggish and tired all day every day, and feel like they need coffee and energy drinks just to get them through the day.

So as you can see, a typical diet is not very suited for connecting with your authentic self, and becoming more conscious.  The average person has 4-8 meals (or more) backed up in their digestive system at all times because of how difficult it is for your body to digest and eliminate cooked food, which means your body is always being weighed down by a heavy, toxic waste load that will never allow you to feel truly light and liberated from the pain of your body.

Most people don’t even realize what type of pain they are in until they correct the problem and finally realize what it is like to live in a natural human body.  Fruit relieves the body of so much digestive stress and gives you much more energy to be used towards anything else you want. This is one of the greatest benefits of raw living fruit.  For truly, there is no greater way to heal and connect than to have all the energy you possibly can at your disposal for the body to do its work.  Like I said earlier, you and your body are perfect, but you keep getting in the way of your authenticity by always trying to do something that is not in line with Truth and Nature’s laws.  So to Best rejuvenate every aspect of your being, it is best to do absolutely nothing.  And by that, I refer to fasting.  Consume no food for as long as you can and let your body go to work on itself.  There is no healing method greater than fasting, and there is nothing that will put you at higher connection with the source.  This is why fasting is practiced by every major religion in the world, and is mentioned in the Bible over 70 times.  It is without a doubt, the greatest physically healing and spiritual practice in the world.  It frees up all your energy to be put towards bodily repair and connectivity.

Aside from fasting, fruits and freshly prepared raw juices are the best thing we can consume for the purest body possible.  Now, it’s going to take a lot of time before you’re able to feel the full benefits of eating this way, and to tell you the truth, you will probably go through a rough time getting to such a great state of purity.  It is not as if after a lifetime of eating unnaturally, you can simply start eating fruit and quickly feel like a super hero.  Most of us have dug ourselves in a massive hole of rotting, putrefying garbage that we have passed off as food for the last 20, 30, 40 years or more!  It will not be such an easy climb out of this hole of suffering.  We have committed the greatest sins against the natural law of our biology, and the cost of redemption and the greatest peace and joy you’ve ever know, is the discomfort of detoxification.

Detoxing a lifetime of abuse is no walk in the park.  Not only will you have uncomfortable detox symptoms for a while, but you will also have to deal with cravings, habits, and rising emotions that have been suppressed your whole life.  Cooked food is the most addictive substance in the world; more so than cigarettes, alcohol, crack-cocaine, and meth.

Not only is it massively addicting, it is also a major suppressant of emotions.  If you have emotions come up that you don’t wish to deal with, the easiest way to suppress it is to eat.  Your body will no longer have the energy to fully express emotion, because digestion takes priority, and if your eating a big cooked meal to rid yourself of the difficult emotion, then you will likely trap that emotion in your physical body for the rest of your life; unless you do some conscious emotional work to release it or stop eating cooked food long enough for your body to cleanse itself and bring all your suppressed emotions to the surface to finally release them and lighten the physical burden they put on your body.

These are the things you must push yourself through if you are ever going to have enough totally free energy to feel connected at the highest level.  It’s going to take a great amount of energy to restore your body to natural purity, but once you are very clean, your energy will automatically start to go towards higher functions, such as increased awareness and connectedness to the source, as well as increasing the acuteness of all of your natural human senses.

“When all the earth shall be a garden, then shall all the bodily world become free from old age and death, from corruption and rot, forever and forever.” – Jesus Christ

The End Of Suffering

Paradise is inevitable.  Peace on earth, and the end of war, poverty, greed, crime, hunger, and all needless suffering sounds like a pipe dream that will never be a reality to most.  But the world is waking up more and more everyday, and as more beings awaken into consciousness, the more rapidly its momentum becomes.

The suffering that the human ego has created is probably something that is unavoidable.  We are in the adolescent stage of our species’ existence.  We are young and curious and rebellious towards our mother (Nature) and Father (Source), who hold all the wisdom to life and existence.

They nurtured us, and gave us everything we needed in young primate state.  But now that we have developed a mind of own, we have turned our backs to our all-knowing and nurturing mother and father.  We want to do things our way. We want to feel what it’s like to have power and control, and to see what we can get away with and how far we can take our misbehaviours before reaching the point of destruction.

The mind’s lust for power and greatness, and its insatiable curiosity has opted us out of nature, and created hell for our species and many others on this planet.  Not to say that this is a bad thing.  This is, in fact, perfectly normal, and our rise out of a young unconscious species, and into an awakened adulthood could not happen any other way.

It is unfortunate that we put ourselves through hell and suffering by becoming attached to our developed egos, but that is all part of growing up.  Now, as a species, we are nearing the end of our adolescent phase, and discovering that paradise and the truth can only be found in the wisdom of the mother and father after all; and not in the childish and needy ego that only desires to keep you stagnant in hell, and divert you from your true being.

With this article, and all of the other content that I share, it is my hope to awaken and ignite a fire inside of you to become the best that you can be, and reconnect with your authenticity.

As you read this, most of the world suffers.  Although we may know the truth, and have the option to eat a clean, natural diet that connects us with Source, and be able to do daily practices towards higher awareness, most of the world does not have this option.  They are poor, and starving, and being taken advantage of by greedy organizations.  Society has pushed them into a pit of deprivation, and their main concern is just having enough food and water for the day.

The awakening process has started and is gaining momentum, and the conscious shift will happen inevitably.  But the more people that this message reaches in a short amount of time, the more awakened beings we will have to become a major contributing force in waking up the rest of humanity.

The suffering process may perhaps be necessary for our evolution, but it has now gone on long enough.  Today, we have all the knowledge, resources, and social communication we need to completely end all earthly suffering, and live on a sustainable, abundant planet for all human beings and every other living creature.

Now is the time of heroes and peaceful warriors.  It is an incredibly exciting time to be alive and be able to actively participate in this evolutionary shift of a species, and the end of a mad world.  The heroes of this planet are emerging and paving the way.  Soon, we will have an entire generation of peaceful warriors that will be such a dominating positive force on the planet, that it will force all humans into the conscious tipping point, and free us from our own madness.

I hope you will choose to be one of the brave heroes paving the way to paradise for all beings!  How do you become a hero with the potential to change the world? Very simply, as John Rose says,  You just get reconnected and become the best that you can be! When you become the best that you can be, your only mission in life becomes making everything around you the best that it can be!

How do you become the best that you can be?  The easiest and quickest way to become your greatest, authentic self, is to start eating a natural human diet of raw foods.  I do not believe there is anything that can connect you faster and at such a high vibrational level with Life than raw, living foods; fruits being the highest vibrational food on the planet. Realign yourself with Nature by eating the foods she originally provided for us, and your connection to Source will come automatically.

The world is waiting for you to become a shining light and a beacon of hope for others to follow.  Find out for yourself what you’re missing by getting on a raw vegan or fruitarian lifestyle for a while.  Or if you want to see results and detox even quicker, then do as John Rose recommends and go on a “solid food vacation,” meaning a juice cleanse.  You can drink nothing but fresh juice for a few weeks, or as long as you can go, and you will feel drastically rapid results!

Getting reconnected is truly all that matters in this human experience, everything else is secondary, and will have no meaning or value if you are not doing it out of true authenticity; which comes from being fully connected.  So get connected my beautiful friend!  Live naturally, become the best that you can be, and show others how to do the same!

Thank you so much for reading.  I hope it has been beneficial to you, and I wish you much peace and joy on your journey!  Talk with you again soon – Hyatt Smith from AbundantSource

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