Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance.
Everyone talks about this Non-Sense only when the So-Called Bad Things Happen to them in their Experience of Living LIFE. They then may contemplate Giving Up on their Dreams i.e. Think about Procastinating, Letting Go and All other Non-Sense which you'll Most Probably Regret later on if You're able to Employ your Common-Sense.
Otherwise, it's ALL blame game i.e. blame this one or that one or that One (Referring to GOD) instead of Accepting your Faults and Taking Responsibility to make the Necessary Corrections so that You Can get back on Track to Destination DISSOLUTION.
So without further adieu, let's begin.
What's Acceptance??
Why Acceptance??
Who Accepts what??
Where and What to Accept??
How to Accept what you need to Accept??
These are a Couple of Questions that Come to Mind when you talk about ACCEPTANCE in General.
Hello Guys,
Welcome Back Onboard to a Series of Posts that are Intended to Educate, Entertain and Enlighten your Perspective about SPIRITUALITY and the Spiritual Process in General.
Now Before I Proceed with this Post here's what you NEED to know before you indulge in the Delicacy of this Post.
There's a lot of Jargon being Floated about YOGA on the Internet and most of it's made for Profit. They don't care a HOOT about your Practice of the Process and Most IMPORTANTLY your Possibility of Exploding into Enlightenment. Hence the Advice being offered seems Ridiculous and Absolutely Stupid to Pursue.
Whereas, it's the Most Profound Thing you can Experience.(Making Profits by Solving Problems of other People in the PURSUIT of Creating Wellbeing for the Entire Human Population being another Phenomenal Experience.)
Getting back on Track.
Many aren't Even Involved with a Live Experience of the Process and just blurt out Random Utterances which they might have accumulated from the Internet and a Couple of Books on Spirituality by a hyped up SomeBody who seems to be Having Hallucinations (95% Sure) which are mistaken for the Internal Experiences of Realizations.
How do I know??
If you're an Expert in Pizza baking and let's say you work for Domino's as a World Class Pizza Chef. Now I make A Recipe and write all sorts of Non-Sense with the Best Possible Packaging along with the Intention of Selling it and you choose to buy it.
Now Once You Read it won't you Know Because of Your Involvement, Experience & Expertise with Pizza Baking that ALL of this is UTTER CRAP and just Crap sold with the Packaging Creating the Picture of Cream in your Mind.
I don't know about You but I would definitely Reject whatever the Hell is written in that Book??
Because you Love Pizza Baking and are Really Passionate about it then won't YOU get Angry at Me for Misleading the Masses about Pizza Baking??
You would Right. You would Scream and Yell at Me for Distorting and Ruining something that's So Near and Dear to You.
SAME HERE with everyone who's Devoted to YOGA for Arriving at their Beloved Possibility of Exploding into Enlightenment.
So with these Posts I Intend to Act as A Deviation and A Distortion Catcher for All the Hungry Seekers who seem to be Mislead by the Media and Arrogant Wealthy Pricks and A Community of Believers and Disbelievers who have Concretized Conclusions about Anything and Everything and are Exclusive in the Experience of Living LIFE whereas Spirituality a.k.a. The Spiritual Process is only Possible in Experiencing Internal Solitude and Living LIFE via Inclusion and Involvement.
Now Time to ACCEPT that I'm Better than Iron-Man. LOL. 😂.
Acceptance. Haha. Just Refreshed your Mood didn't I huh??
Nevermind. Acceptance. Hahaha.
Ooh, this has it's OWN PLACE in the Spiritual Process.
So far we've Explored the Foundation of Spirituality. Then we've taken the Bold Decision towards Making the First Step Towards Enlightenment and Experiencing Samadhi I.E. Living in the State of Balance and Blissfulness.
Now if you Dare then come Join Me into taking the Next-Step into The Womb of the Creator and his Creation. The Name of this Step is "ACCEPTANCE."
Remember the Questions we encountered above??
The Wh (Who, What ... How) of ACCEPTANCE.
Let's Clarify our Confusion so that we can get Confused again in an Endless Repetitive Manner. Literally.
Because Confusion leads to Clarity and Clarity leads to Confusion in a Repetitive Manner Endlessly.
This Cyclical Experience becomes Non-Sense after a Considerate Amount of Involvement with it a.k.a. ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS and then you want Freedom from it. Now if You ABANDON (More on that in Future Posts) the Process and Exit without Going All the Way then it only Becomes a Step Back and if you don't intend to BounceBack then you're just Wasting your Innate Possibility of Exploding into Your Enlightenment and Fortunately with the Help of the Right Guru taking you through the Process Properly (from Start to Finish) you can Experience Samadhi within Yourself.
However, if you don't Find a GURU then these Posts can be very useful for Fueling your Hunger for Seeking about the Truth of your EXISTENSE and Realizing that you're NOT the Body and Not Even The Mind. ( May GuruSaheb always keep You FAMISHED regarding your Seeking for the Truth of your Existense.)
How do you Trust Me??
My Work over here is From My Personal EXPERIENCE with My Guru "Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj." He's Charismatic, Witty and a Lovably Organised Chaotic Cosmic Mess which only He Seems to be Knowing how He Handles.
All your Doubts are Welcomed and the Comments Section is Always Open for Debate 24X7,365 Days of the Year until Either You or I Leave the Physical (May GuruSaheb Bless You with a Conscious Exit instead of a Compulsive One.)
So What's Acceptance??
Acceptance is just your Innate Ability to Perceive Reality (First the Immediate Reality in front of You then the Existential i.e. Witnessing The Source of All Creation.) the Way it's in Front of You Without Distorting it with your Prejudices, Assumptions, Beliefs, Philosophies and Ideologies, ETC that SOCIETY imposes Upon You for the Continuity of it's Constipated Expression of Wellbeing.
Time for the Next Question.
Why Acceptance and No Rebellion??
Acceptance helps YOU Identify your Mistakes and only when you can Identify your Mistakes and then Accept and Embrace them as a Part of Yourself then only will YOU 100% Consciously Grant Yourself, "The Permission to Improve upon your Follies and become a Better Version of Yourself."
The Reason this is Important is that THE LIFE within YOU (Not the Person that you Created for your SURVIVAL Purposes and got Entangled to in the Process of Living Your LIFE) is concerned with Blossoming into a Full-Fledged LIFE and the Only Way that's Possible is VIA CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT of something or anything within Yourself.
If you Rebel then in this Situation you're Unconsciously Ensuring YOUR OWN DEMISE by investing Portions and Portions of Your LIFE ENERGIES against their Very Longing which is LIMITLESS EXPANSION.
How do I know this??
ABSOLUTE AND INTENSE INVOLVEMENT with Anything(In my case the Presence and the Process offered by Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj) leads to Insight. So if you want to know then you need to Simply Sit in one place for 24 Hours and be a Witness to Your Body and Mind.
If you Practice this with ABSOLUTE INVOLVEMENT AND INTENSITY in a Committed Manner then You'll Realize A Certain Space between them and that's where the Magic of LIFE Manifests. But it's on the Inside and NOT The Outside (Reminder of the 2 Principle. Your Life is Your Karma and it's Experience Happens within You.)
Okay, I think so you might have gotten some understanding as to the What and Why of Living in Acceptance may look like when YOU plunge into this EXPERIENCE with either a Realized Spiritual Master or an ETERNALLY and INTENSELY HUNGRY "I DON'T KNOW."
Time for The Next Question ...... And 🥁 Drum Roll. 😂😂.
So Who Accepts what??
It's Pretty obvious that you as the Subject (More on the Subject-Object Methodology in Future Posts to Come.) Accept the Reality in Front of You so that you can Identify, Accept and Embrace your Doing and then via this Method: Attention-Acceptance-Inclusion-Making the Necessary Adjustments and Compromises-Moving Forward with the Experience of Your Life's Story and helping others do the Same till they Commit-Strive and Arrive at their Most Beloved Destination DISSOLUTION.
But Why do you want to move forward??
Why Not Invest in Stagnation and Regression??
Simple Answers.
A). If you want to Know then the only WAY is to move forward with your Method of Wonder-Intense Longing-Seeking-Knowing.
B).You could Invest in Stagnation and Regression(Reminder of Principle 2 i.e. Your LIFE is your KARMA I.e. it's 100% your Making from within Yourself.) But then you won't know the Joy of Growth and more Importantly don't you want to know what you Don't Know. 😂😂😂.
Now Where and What to Accept??
You just Need to Accept and Embrace the Reality in Front of You i.e. The Inevitability of this Moment and if for some Reason you're NOT ABLE to Experience this then This Method ought to help(It's 100% Natural Because it's been taken from Nature. Lololololo. Hahaha.)
Methodology: Acceptance-Inclusion-Making the Necessary Adjustments and Compromises-Moving Forward with the Experience of Your LIFE'S STORY.
Where to Accept is a Very Good Question. I Like it. I Like it a lot. So you know that you're a Clever and A Cunning Human-Being but did you know that You can it do that Only in the Inevitability of this Moment?? What a Coincidence right?? 😂😂. So I guess Everyone gets the Hint. 😂😂.
How to Accept what you need to Accept??
Just Look at the Situation in which You Exist as it's without Distorting it with your Prejudices and Assumptions and then Just Embrace this Fact that this is the way it's in front of You. Now this is what YOU CAN DO and this is what YOU CAN'T DO.
So Common-Sense Suggests that You Invest EVERYTHING you've got into your CAN DO'S because that's ALL YOU Can Do. Right?? 😂😂. If think you can do everything and IGNORE the Can't Do's then you'll only End Up NOT doing what you CAN DO and become A Disastrous and Anxiety Ridden LIFE both for Yourself and Everyone Around YOU.
Now Since everyone knows that this is NOT going to lead to Wellbeing the Question arises why even bother to take the Next-Step. Common-Sense. Isn't it so?? ( 😂😂 Inviting some Inclusion and Involvement so that you can loosen up your Serious Rigidity and Repetitiveness and Becoming Receptive to Divine Grace.)
So Acceptance helps you to Transition from being Alive to Awake to Alert and Finally Aware(Hopefully being AWARE of the Dimension which is Beyond the Physical within Yourself Because that's the Intention.)
It's only in Acceptance can you Witness/Realize and Experience "Surrender and Gratitude."
A Lack of Profoundness regarding Acceptance of Life won't make you Arrive at the Realization of Acceptance and Surrender.
Only if you're Experience of LIFE is Rooted in Reality and Not Your Psychological Drama then via ABSOLUTE AND INTENSE INVOLVEMENT with Everything and Everyone you come in Contact with be it Internal or External will Your Experience of LIFE be a PROFOUND ONE instead of a Constipated Expression of Perversions via The Belief Systems, Philosophies, Ideologies and Prejudices and Assumptions that Society Dumps into YOU and YOU Unconsciously Develop in the Process of Living Your LIFE via Morality and Ethics based on the Belief Systems that make YOU Seek Confirmations and Concretized Conclusions in Communities instead of a Unique Blossoming of your INNATE POTENTIAL.
So that about Wraps up the Basics of Living Via Acceptance, Inclusion and Embrace through which the Innate Longing of Expansion finds Expression in an Exuberant and Equanimous Manner instead of it Leading to Exclusion and then Snowballing into Depression, Racism, Etc.
Hope You Enjoyed your Stay.
May the Blessings of GuruSaheb always be WITH YOU.