
in spirituality •  7 years ago  (edited)

This will tick a lot of egos off but the word quantum placed beside the word spirituality is meaningless! Quantum this quantum that--blah, blah, blah is all it is when it comes to spiritual claims and that is exactly what these are: spiritual speculations and nothing more at this point in time. Now I guess I'm going to have to parse this out:)

Spiritual claims need to have data supporting them if they are to be taken seriously, and in fact, they need to have a lot of data to transition from speculation to *fact and we are nowhere near that juncture! So, please, until one can offer up the data which will allow the transition from speculation to spiritual fact then I think it behooves all honest spiritualists to speak in terms of metaphysical speculation and not overreach with claims that are not factual.

Now, of course, I hope that one day these claims could be more than speculation but until that day comes please, please, please, practice honesty within your metaphysics or you're defeating the purpose of any meaningful spiritual quest.

I may add here that the quantum field or quantum entanglement tells us absolutely nothing about *free will or reincarnation and karma. Please don't act like the foundation of physics tells us anything about these issues-it doesn't; although perhaps one day it could, but that day is not today. There is also the issue of teleology here but I won't get into that now other than to say that no spiritual mechanisms driving the universe have been confirmed. Yes, interesting data on Morphic Resonance and such, also ideas like the Implicate Order and Involution--all speculative at this point.

Once again I will repeat that science today is establishing that free will as its traditionally been known is illusionary especially as it relates to mythological religious claims. Moreover, as speculation, the dimension of time as the Akashic exists as past, present, and future simultaneously which, if true, would lead us to reasonably speculate that everything has already happened!

If the human science project one day offers up enough data on reincarnation to move it from speculation to fact that still would tell us absolutely nothing about the template and intentions behind the reincarnation process.

And as an adjunct to this, sadly, and somewhat tragically, IMO., the materialist atheist community has deluded themselves into thinking that they're living this sovereign objective life! Nothing could be further from the truth and this community is either deluded or complicit in the conspiracy of the elites who control civilization via the most bizarre forms of spiritual metaphysics (spirituality they take as fact). I believe there is overwhelming evidence and data to support the assertion that the world is being run by a spiritual cabal of Jews, Jesuits, Freemasons, and Islamists who've controlled civilization since at least the time of Egypt. Why the material atheist community wants to deny these facts in one very interesting question indeed. I've pointed out many times that the worlds financial structure has also been patterned on Christian symbolism and we know that the spiritual esoteric symbolism of this cult permeates every area of human endeavor. Yes, atheists are practicing a covert esoteric form of Christianity via the worlds financial machinations.

One more point here as speculation: if the earth is populated by non-human entities posing as humans ( various Nephilim theories) then we can reasonably assume that they are lying through their teeth about who they are and what they are up to. What we still couldn't know though in the context of God and religion is if God is telling them to lie! Did God tell the serpent to lie in Eden? And that is a very interesting question indeed especially from a sovereign theistic perspective ( as that God would have no challengers and is moving ALL the chess pieces on this earth).

*NOTE: science has confirmed the positive effects of yoga and meditation on the human body-mind and as good as that is science has not confirmed any other claim within these parameters, especially claims of Kundalini ( subtle energies could be real), or Merkaba fields ( it's possible they do exist). Until such a time as these claims are confirmed they should 100% be treated as spiritual speculation and nothing more. I'd also add the claims of spiritual sex as promoted in The ArkanumHow difficult would it be to study empirically 100 couples over a period of time and draw data on any unusual phenomenon? Well, the claims within this esoteric tradition are phenomenal with zero data to back them up! Extraordinary claims should require evidence and data. Empirical data within Tantric traditions should be studied, too! But the academies prefer sleep I guess:D

*NOTE: it's possible that one-day science could confirm the existence of consciousness after death and that perhaps the quantum field does play some role in this but it's sheer speculation at this point in time.   

The bloody symbolism is everywhere! Even in back alleys. This pic doesn't really capture how defined this is via a rear view mirror.
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This is soo beautiful..thanks for taking time and sharing this wonderful thoughts.you are not only a good musician but also a good philospher..thnks for letting us know this sight of yours.

Cheers brother!

Cheers ! have a good day .

Reminds me of this video on Pseudo-science

Yeah, I'm aware of all these. The only two that I would look at further and continue serious study on:
crop circles and meditation especially as it relates to kundalini and subtle energies. But the studies need to be done accurately and without bias.
On the other hand, atheists and materialists are not as free as they think they are and may very well have to surrender to The Noahide Laws soon to be ushered in by the Jewish Messiah. That this Cabal will be able to this right under the nose of the skeptics and atheists is truly shocking, IMO...
Someone needs to challenge this religious Cabal but no one seems to be able to stop them.

There are many things commonly seen as pseudo-science that I still thoroughly look into. If you have a strong will and a certain confidence with your discernment, you can pick the flakes of truth out of the bullshit. Its what tends to separate leaders from followers and its not for everyone unfortunately. When they are not cut out for it, that's how you get false prophets and useful idiots.