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Universal and Personal Prayers.
First of all, before you share my most sincere prayers, I
wanted to remind you of the word "prayer" that has been so much obscured
by all those who no longer believe in God, or his power
mystical and miraculous, which is nevertheless always
whole world, but that goes totally unnoticed for most
of us, as if it were "luck"
particular will) that had turned out well for some people and
that it was the misfortune desired by "God" or "Lucifer" which touched the
others, which is to say that almost everyone lives in the
confusion because he can not really discern who God is (the good) and
who is Lucifer (evil).
Modern man is confused in notions of good and evil, and
until he has fully reconciled with our Lord
God, he will not even be able to read my prayers by believing it would be
than 1% to be really "friendly" with the latter.
But let's pretend I never told you about God
Nothing. Indeed, what will be at the heart of the mystery of this little
collection is the love of its author, in other words, that of my soul.
And if even my soul leaves you marble, then I do not know too much
what to say to you, if not to keep hope because what you are going to read
below is far from being a utopia, a dream or a chimera. No he
this is a real possibility because the gospel itself speaks about it and
because my soul also greatly feels the need to
share what she believes and what she thinks about the future
of our current world.
Thus, the prayers that will follow are for me "true prayers",
that is, they are at once altruistic demands that you-
even could largely want to do it out of love for your
next, in other words, others.
Because do I remind you, a "true prayer" is a prayer made
for others, and leave it entirely in the hands of God
so that it is realized completely because, as it says in
the Gospel: "All things are possible to him who believes" and also: "For
man, it may be impossible, but never for God. But
attention, the delay is not that of an e-mail or that of a click of
mouse. God takes time to realize things; so, do not you
never impatient when you have made a sincere prayer before
our Lord God, incarnate in Jesus Christ, his son, and whose spirit
Saint lives in our Most Holy Virgin Mary.
Since my basic religion is the Catholic religion, I invite you to
pray exactly as I pray, because obviously, my roots are
implanted in this religion, but if you have your own prayers
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corresponding to your own religion, and whose
intentions are pure and truly dedicated to our Lord God,
and well meaning to everyone, so of course, I will
totally invites to replace these Catholic prayers: "I greet you
Mary "and" Our Father "by your own prayers, since they alone
will allow you to move forward in life, and that is my goal, that you
go forward with the love of God in your heart.
As for Buddhists, Hindus, and all those who do not
believe not at all in one single creator God who created
heaven and earth, angels, etc. I invite them to recite the prayers
otherwise they would have nothing special to recite for God,
since for them, God does not exist and he is an illusion ...
You can now start by reading each of the prayers
following, and soak up their deep meaning so that they
penetrate the very depths of your being and change the course of
events on our beautiful planet as well as for the salvation of all its
inhabitants !
Here are the Universal Catholic prayers JVSM and NP that I invite you
to recite after each of the prayers below:
- JVSM: abbreviation of "Je Salue Marie" is
the equivalent of the following Catholic prayer: "I salute you
Mary, full of graces, the Lord is with you, you are
blessed among all women, and Jesus, the fruit of your
entrails is blessed. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for
we poor sinners now and at the hour of our
death. Amen! "
- NP: abbreviation of "Our Father" is the equivalent of the
following Catholic prayer: "Our father, who are in heaven,
may your name be sanctified, may your kingdom come,
will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us
today our bread of this day, forgive us our
offenses, as we forgive too, to those who
have offended, and do not subject us to temptation, but
deliver us from evil, because it is to you that belong, the
reign, power and glory, for centuries and
centuries. Amen! "
1 .. We will all become wise! JVSM
2. We will all become volunteers! JVSM
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3. We will all become aware! JVSM
4. We will all become enthusiastic! JVSM
5. We will all become curious and caring! JVSM
6. We will all become awake to the mysteries of God! JVSM
7. We will all make the happiness of others! JVSM
8. We will all love the universe from the bottom of our soul! JVSM
9 .. We will all make our happiness like that of others! JVSM
10 .. We will all have the gift of recognizing the essence of things and
beings, despite their appearance! JVSM - NP
11. We will all live in peace with people! JVSM
12. We will all live in harmony with people! JVSM
13 .. We will all love our neighbor, regardless of his ethnicity or
his culture ! JVSM
14 .. We will all become good! JVSM
15 .. We will all become charitable! JVSM
16 .. We will all become generous! JVSM
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17 .. We will all become nice! JVSM
18 .. We will all become fully reassured when we
will leave our house! JVSM
19 .. We will get rid of all our routines! JVSM
20 .. We will get rid of all our addictions! JVSM - NP
21 .. We will all get rid of our anxieties! JVSM
22 .. We will all be in good physical, psychic and
spiritual! JVSM
23 .. We will all reach intense states of happiness even if on
earth, we must go through some suffering because there is no love
without suffering and no suffering without love! JVSM
24 .. We will all have good waves that will radiate around
we and who will bless all the inhabitants of this planet, that this
be down here, or in the kingdom of heaven! JVSM
25 .. We will all have peace, humility and love of God in our
hearts and all our grudges of the past will have flown away thanks to the
Divine and sacred mercy from the highest! JVSM
26. We will all have a lot of compassion for all
humanity! JVSM
27 .. We will all have in us a lot of love for all
humanity! JVSM
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28. Contempt, indifference, hatred or lukewarmness will no longer exist
in our hearts ! JVSM
29 .. We will never be alone again because God will be present in our
hearts at every moment of our life! JVSM
30 .. There will be no more disappointment felt because of another or
because of ourselves because it will emerge from each other a
overwhelming passion for truth and a total overflow of attention
for all of us ! JVSM - NP
31 .. We will all forever depart from those who inherited sin
original but we will all have eternal life thanks to the
sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the cross of
Calvary. He is the messiah, he is still alive, he is the son of God
sitting to his right, so tempted that we would admit it one day,
or at least receive this holy revelation, whether in passing
by prayer or by some other means such as confession! JSVM
32 .. When we receive the holy spirit promised by Jesus Christ,
we will be born again by the Holy Spirit of God. Perception
of our flesh will be like that of Jesus Christ at the end of his life.
We will walk by the spirit and never by the flesh, it is one of the
dearest desires of our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
even if for many of us, it will take patience,
the assiduity, obedience and above all perseverance to arrive
a day to this goal! JVSM
33 .. One day we will all be worthy of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ and we will all go to the kingdom of heaven, so tempted that
you fully accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
in our lives, and as the legal owner of our hearts! JVSM
34 .. We will never be too nervous because we
will all have cold blood at the right time! JVSM
35 .. Our minds or bodies suffering from a disease will all be healed
and released from his hold on eternity, whether here down or in the
Kingdom of Heaven. JVSM
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36. We will all have a ray of sunshine in our hearts and we
will also have a perfect state of health so we all wrap
joy in everyday life! JVSM
37 .. One of the signs that we really respect the word of God on
earth, is to receive heaps of insults, offenses and reprimands. But
as our lord and savior Jesus Christ so well said:
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness because they
will see God "so we will know the joy of our Lord God
in the kingdom of heaven if we do His will! JVSM
38. Our hope as well as our hope in eternal life, our
strength, our love as well as our breadth to live by the Holy Spirit of
our Lord God, will always guide our life! JVSM
39 .. that it is difficult, with all these modern electronic devices,
we have never been so addicted, to regain our taste
of humanity and social relations. But thanks to Jesus Christ,
thanks to the Blessed Virgin Mary, all those who have lost
the taste of life will find it again! JVSM
40. We will all become serene and we will all adapt to
all new things breaking our usual routine, and so,
making us move away from our comfort zone. JVSM - NP
41. We will all feel surrounded by all the people of the
planet! JVSM
42. We will all have an acceptable weight and even if some of
we will prefer by choice to stay fat, their physical and moral health
will be perfect here below and in the kingdom of heaven! JVSM
43. All our houses will be the houses of God, and only he
will live with us inside. It will be the end of Lucifer's time
was looking for trouble and destroying our homes through separation,
anger and all those things that did not come from God! JVSM
44. All our houses will sanctify the name of the Lord! JVSM
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45. All our houses will glorify the name of the Lord! JVSM
46. It will be good to live in our homes, which will all be sources of
sacred and divine peace! JVSM
47. We will all become confident and full of certainties! JVSM
48 .. Our mind will be both flexible as an elastic and solid
as a stone to lead us ever more straight in life,
whether it be here below or in the kingdom of heaven! JVSM
49. We will all be covered with the holy spirit of God,
in other words, his warmth, his love, his splendor, and his
size of the soul ! JVSM
50. All our joints will be blessed by our Lord God!
51. All our muscles will be blessed by our Lord God! JVSM
52. All our hearts will be blessed by our Lord God! JVSM
53. All our thoughts will be blessed by our Lord God! JVSM
54. All our words will be blessed by our Lord God! JVSM
55. All our deeds will be blessed by our Lord God! JVSM
56. Our kind spirits will set an example to all those
who do not yet have a great sweetness and a great quality of soul
as our Most Blessed Virgin Mary or our Lord Jesus Christ!
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57. There will be no more dominant or dominated on earth and in the
Kingdom of Heaven. JVSM
58. We will all have childhood memories that will make us
good. No more trauma and painful memories, we
welcome all with all the love of God! JVSM
59 .. All our dreams will come true if, and only if, they are in
agree with God's will when we pray for their
realization, and that these dreams are pure, in other words: altruists and
above all, conform to the most perfect charity required by God! JVSM
60. Temporary or recurrent tiredness, and sometimes very difficult to live
for some people, will be transformed into a strong desire to act and
create new things, and therefore, to wake up when God has it
chosen for us. Indeed, that is why we must always
to keep hope in a corner of our soul! JVSM - NP
61 .. Our minds will be light as rainbow so much that the
burden of the psychic and physical sufferings of our lives
will be completely worn by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
who will have forgiven us all our sins, faults and failings, and
this, of course, for eternity! JVSM
62. Love will triumph on earth and in heaven by faith in
Most Holy Virgin Mary and in her son Jesus Christ! JVSM
63. Good music, good song, good movies will open the
hearts of the most insensitive souls of this planet and will make them
believe in the creator of heaven and earth: God! JVSM
64. We will all have fun as little children for
the most humble games on this planet! JVSM
65 .. All adults who have forgotten or lost their childhood spirit on
will find! JVSM
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66. All the signs of heaven will guide us when we feel ourselves
still lost on earth! JVSM
67 .. All people who are currently struggling to integrate
socially integrate because they will have acquired the art of
recognition of people's emotions thanks to God! JVSM
68. All the light and the divine goodness of our Lord God
will shine in our hearts and make us authentic! JVSM
69. We will all orient ourselves in the way, the truth and the life,
in other words, in Jesus Christ our Lord! JVSM
70. If our relationship with our spouses turns out
virtuous and beneficial to God's eyes, so that means he
we will get married, and if God has a sacred mission for us, then
we will marry God by being a man or a woman
church, etc. (according to religions)! JVSM - NP
71. We will understand everything that we do not understand
before, because our Lord God will give us perfect lucidity
on our situation! JVSM
72. We will all love our neighbor as ourselves. JVSM
73. Our thoughts, behaviors, words and deeds will never please
to everyone here below. Except, most likely, in the realm of
heavens ! JVSM
74. Our parents, families, friends, and all those who do not
are not strangers, and even, and especially those who are foreign to us,
will be blessed not only by God but also by ourselves, because
we will all have learned to love each other, despite our
differences, despite our apparent tensions, and especially despite the fact
that we firmly believe that a person is foreign to us! JVSM
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75. Our Lord God prepares us to receive wonderful gifts
to do good on earth and from the kingdom of heaven! JVSM
76. All alcohols and medicines, taken in reasonable dosage and
in accordance with the lucidity of our good doctors, will be blessed! JVSM
77. All those who drink or take drugs will know
which dosage to respect for their well-being! JVSM
78. We will accept all things as they are and we
we can all modify the ones that can be! JVSM
79. All children and adults in the world will be blessed and will become
or will the children of God become again, even if they already are
currently, like all of us, but with the difference that they
will also know in their own heart! JVSM
80. We will all become strong and resilient when people
will take our sensitivity to make us feel guilty! JVSM - NP
81. The incalculable force of our love will allow us all
to face adversity on earth! JVSM
82. We will all sing when we are in a mood whose
The glow seemed to be extinguished! JVSM
83. We will all smile even when we are crying because we
will be happy in our hearts at all times despite the suffering
inner caused by our neighbor who is suffering! JVSM
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84. We will feel guilty even when the wicked of this
world will seek to make us feel guilty. Pray for their soul,
so that they repent of this evilness apparently
intrinsic but that will remain so, we hope for them, not
forever! JVSM
85 .. All musicians will be blessed and all their music will bless
all those who will listen to them! JVSM
86 .. All the painters will be blessed and all their paintings will bless those
who will watch them! JVSM
87 .. All the babies of the world, who are in us, or outside of
we, will grow in the pure and real blessing of the holy spirit of
our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Virgin Mary living
forever! JVSM
88. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ will spread all over the
planet and on all human beings who will all become charitable,
peaceful, good and pleasant! JVSM
89. All men and women will know how to listen to each other
others and will live together and in perfect harmony! JVSM
90. All the cooks of the world will make meals that will be
remedies for our body! JVSM - NP
91 .. All electromagnetic waves will be blessed and all
those who will receive them will be in perfect health thanks to the
Heavenly protection of God, Jesus, saints and angels. JVSM
92. The journalists will announce and take care of everything
good and good in the world because the world will no longer be left between
Satan's hands for a limited time and for the salvation of souls but
by God, our heavenly father, and for eternity when the day will come
for him to send us, for good, his only son in all his
glory: Jesus Christ to literally save us from the antichrist,
all of us who will be believers in Jesus Christ, our Savior! JVSM
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93. All the trauma we have experienced in our past is
will turn into pure trust in God and therefore in life! JVSM
94. All people will heal of their diseases because what is
impossible to man is possible to God, whether on earth or
in heaven! JVSM
95. All who have faith and live by their faith will have
trust and absolute hope in eternal life because it is real and
Jesus Christ proved it to us by opening the door of paradise by his
resurrection! JVSM
96. The notion of tramp or homeless person will no longer exist in the world because
everyone will be equitably and harmoniously in possession
wealth sufficient for their survival and the survival of all! JVSM
97. This world will be even more wonderful and we will see the beauty of
earthly paradise in the image of the heavenly paradise of our Lord and
Savior and glorious Jesus Christ, as well as our most Holy Mother
Heavenly to all, Mary! JVSM
98. Our divine love will shine to its climax thanks to God,
saints, archangels and angels who have not fallen. JVSM
99. We will see more and more miracles through signs and
wonders that only God through his messengers (the
unseen angels) will be able to give us so that we know
exactly what to do in our life! JVSM
100 .. All the teachers of the planet will teach with
enthusiasm and real passion to their students and these will be
all studious and eager to know the wonders that God has created,
for God will of course be very present in teaching! JVSM - NP
101. The kind discipline and authority of all the parents of the
planet, will teach their children the virtues of existence! JVSM
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102 .. All the singers, actors, dancers and all those who
will practice an artistic profession, will discover a unique style
thanks to God ! JVSM
103. All the amnesiacs will recover the memory and forget their
past traumas thanks to God! JVSM
104 .. All the "satanic" chaos that is presently present in
the minds of sick people will order themselves and be subject to
strict divine laws, for their greater blessing. JVSM
105. The kingdom of heaven promised by God will come to the earth and
will invade us with all his deep and perfect blessing! JVSM
106. The bodies and minds will all be enduring, persevering and
patients, to respect the most perfect love and obedience of
our Lord God! JVSM
107. The soul of each one will adapt to all that will require of the
perseverance, stamina and patience. JVSM
108. All human beings will only have friends and will be
all brothers, because everyone will live wisdom of humility, love and
of humor! JVSM
109. The false separation that currently exists between men and
the women will let their meeting take place! JVSM
110. Humanity will be more patient and much more tolerant than
at present, thanks to obedience to the commandments of
God ! JVSM - NP
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111 .. All countries that are currently arid and lack
cruelly drinking water, will be wet and their water will be drinkable,
by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! JVSM
112 .. All the meals of the planet will be blessed, whatever the
beliefs of those who will eat them! JVSM
113 .. The board games and all the music will brighten up the hospitals and
centers for the physically disabled or
psychically, before the glory of Jesus Christ falls on each
of them by faith and heal them immediately if that is their
ardent desire in their souls and that well-intentioned people are praying
for them, before satan, sickness and death disappear from this
planet! JVSM
114 .. Everyone will be protected and will just have to make real prayers
built and beneficent to get by in their life! JVSM
115. All the prisoners will be questioned thanks to Jesus
Christ, because of the men of faith who will preach the gospel in the
prisons and convert them to repentance and do only good in
their future life for the glory of God, the almighty father! JVSM
116 .. All those who will go crazy seeing their computer
Plant, will regain lucidity by repairing what is defective
in their computer, by the help of the Lord! JVSM
117 .. All the radio stations of the world will be made so as to
what all those who listen to them will be blessed! JVSM
118 .. All TV channels will be made in such a way that
all those who will look at them and listen to them will be
blessed! JVSM
119 .. Anyone who wants to have an animal
will have it, by the grace of our Blessed Virgin Mary
as well as by the grace of his son Jesus Christ, and by all the saints,
angels and archangels interceding on our behalf! JVSM
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120. All the people who are now selfish will be altruistic,
that is, their ego will be put aside to be replaced by their
soul, which, being much smaller than the ego, will show through
the divine light of the sacred heart of Mary and Jesus! JVSM - NP
121 .. All those who are currently afraid of losing their
money by giving it to the underprivileged will have the gift of knowing
how much to give them exactly so that the balance is maintained
between their wealth and that which they will offer to their neighbor! JVSM
122 .. All those who are "judged" (though Jesus has told us
well said that one should never judge but love those who
persecute), as the "most wicked" of us, and who
are often manipulated people, will become completely free, and
so, nice when they realize that controlling others by their
suffering innumerable sufferings, it is to be oneself
controlled by the desire to control, and therefore, in truth, in truth, I you
say it, (as Jesus would say), not to be free from his will! JVSM
123 .. Full of miracles (physical or moral healing) will occur
in the world, which will give faith to everyone! JVSM
124 .. All the innocent will be protected from the wicked! JVSM
125 .. All the restaurants will be blessed and all those who eat there
will be blessed! JVSM
126 .. All the elderly will have a holy spirit and body
and will be blessed through the intervention of the very high here down or in the
Kingdom of Heaven ! JVSM
127 .. All coffees will be blessed so that they all become a factor
of peace in our daily lives instead of being a factor of
tension, stress and nervousness! JVSM
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128. All houses will be decorated for your glory, and
only for your glory! JVSM
129 .. All memory will be given back to the amnesiacs except their
past traumas (have I already said it would be an illustration
perfect of my humor, this last word being the fusion between the word
"Humility" and the word "love")! JVSM
130 .. All the reason will be given back to those who have it
currently lost for various reasons that only God knows
precisely. JVSM - NP
131 .. The taste of reading will be given back to all those who do not like
more read, thanks to the perseverance and courage given by God to those
and those who believe in him now or who will believe in him later, but
nothing is lost for anyone, the proof, you have read this collection of
prayers so far, which is already a "sacred" "sacrifice" if I can
to express myself thus, on your part! JVSM
132 .. The taste of food will be given back to all those who
currently suffer from anorexia! JVSM
133 .. The appetite for food will decrease for all those and
those who are currently suffering from bulimia! JVSM
134 .. The psychosis of those who are currently suffering from
"Mysticism", that is, people who think they are God
instead of humbly serving him, he will be transformed into respect,
love, and in total humility towards him! JVSM
135. God will help us to do and to do all the work that we
We are currently judging "too painful" for us. Our laziness
intellectual or physical will disappear for good thanks to God! JVSM
136 .. We will remember that Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin
Mary, the saints and all the angels will always be with us, when
our ballads, and everything we do, if we believe in their
presence. Thus, our life will be always more joyful! JVSM
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137 .. Our creativity will increase so that whatever we create
be good for those around us! JVSM
138 .. We will be strong during our diet because we will have less
hungry in the day thanks to God if he agrees with our will
to lose weight and if it is in harmony with our surroundings! JVSM
139 .. The gardens will all be blessed so that we can breathe all their
perfume and feel the joy of living! JVSM
140. All minds will be pacified so that they will not cry out after
everybody ! JVSM - NP
141 .. People with mental or physical illnesses will be
healed miraculously, by the power of prayer if the will of
God is to heal them for the salvation of their souls! JVSM
142 .. Illness and death will have completely disappeared from the surface of
the earth when Jesus Christ returns in all his glory! JVSM
143 .. When Jesus Christ in all his glory, will have done his work
against the antichrist, the earth will turn into an earthly paradise where
everyone will be immortal! JVSM
Humanity will have forgiven all the suffering caused by
the warlords currently judged by the men of "despicable"
(Which, I admit, is also my case, because I can not help but
to judge those who have declared wars)! JVSM
145. We pray for all those who are judged
"Dreadful" so that our judgment becomes filled with grace and
beneficence in their regard! JVSM
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146 .. All people who are currently taking drugs will be
freed from their addiction! JVSM
147 .. All people in the world will be enlightened beings to
the suffering of their neighbor and will do benevolent things to
their respects! JVSM
148 .. All the stress that is currently experienced by many people
will turn into well-being and peace when Jesus and Mary will be
present in their hearts! JVSM
149 .. All television programs will be blessed and their
viewers will be blessed by what they will see and hear! JVSM
150 .. All the people who are currently pronouncing words
traumatic and with an alarming tone will change tone! JVSM - NP
151 .. All the so-called "idealists" (a bit like me
finally), will, in fact, be heralds of a better world,
where there will be only beings filled with love, humor, humility and
of wisdom! JVSM
152 .. All people will know that it is necessary to do good to their neighbor in
loving them and not judging them or showing them their defect! JVSM
153 .. We will all have an intelligence of signs and sobriety
intellectual! JVSM
154 .. Our will and our perseverance will be in us! JVSM
155 .. All animal species that are currently on the way to
disappearing will reappear all on earth one day when God will have it
decided, because all those who have disappeared are present
in the animal paradise see even the kingdom of heaven! JVSM
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156 .. There will be no one who dies of cold in the world because the
temperature will be everywhere ideal (normal, I am an idealist)! JVSM
157 .. There will be no one dying of hunger in the world because
God will give food to all those who ask him
with insistence and with faith! JVSM
Everyone will respect each other in the world, whatever their
culture, their philosophy or their religion! JVSM
159 .. All the revelations of God will allow us to do
exactly what to do with our life! JVSM
160 .. We will know all our gifts so we know all about
How it will work for progress in our life! JVSM - NP
161 .. We will become a perfect all day and all worthy to
our Lord Jesus Christ and we will all go to paradise if tried
it has really repented of our sins and that was
really turned to God! JVSM
162 .. All singers will be blessed so that their song we
arouses compassion, love and suffering of others, instead
us asleep and prevent us from having full awareness of
that suffer the others that are around us! JVSM
163 .. The truth will set us free and lies disappear from the face
of the earth ! JVSM
164 .. I know that all my prayers will be blessed for all my
Readers are blessed and edified by them! JVSM
165 .. The houses will be washed and purified by those
who live there and their fragrance will be a source of eternal welfare! JVSM
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166 .. All living beings obtain eternal life if they believe in
God or before their death! JVSM
167 .. All one day we will be courageous and volunteers by
will and the grace of God! JVSM
168 .. All cartoons, manga or others, will be a source
positive inspiration to those who watch them! JVSM
169 .. All drugs in the world will be blessed so
anyone take them does not suffer more side effects! JVSM
170 .. All those currently dependent on their computer
will no longer be by the grace of God! JVSM - NP
171 .. The power of the mind rule the body, so that any
personne physiquement malade, se remette debout ! JVSM
172.. Toutes les femmes enceintes, ainsi que leur embryon ou leur
bébé seront bénis si et seulement s'ils croient au pouvoir mystique de
Dieu sur la terre comme au ciel ! JVSM
173.. Tous ceux qui désirent gagner aux jeux de hasard et d'argent, y
arriveront si et seulement si c'est la volonté de Dieu, et que leurs
intentions sont en accord avec les commandements de Dieu, ce qui, je
dois bien l'avouer, est très rare que ça se produise, car justement Dieu
déconseille les jeux d'argent dans la bible ! JVSM
174.. Tous les bruits de la planète ont déjà un volume qui n'est pas
assourdissant ou trop stressant pour celles et ceux qui sont sensibles
à ces derniers ! JVSM
175.. Toutes les lumières de la planète auront une intensité qui ne
will not blinding or too stressful for humanity! JVSM
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176 .. All the smells of the planet will have a fragrance that will
not polluting or too stressful for humanity! JVSM
177 .. All cinema movies inspire beautiful and pure thoughts
for all mankind! JVSM
178 .. All those who now believe in superstitions, the
spirits (pure as impure) will be simply to believe in
Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary instead! JVSM
179 .. Our Lord Jesus Christ we will increase our altruism
and our humility! JVSM
180 .. Our Lord Jesus Christ we will know the love and
all possible moral virtues connected with it, including charity,
hope and faith in God! JVSM - NP
181 .. Any witchcraft and evil magic and even the one
rated as "good" by some people, will no longer
match for the power of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
will cut into pieces all the hidden forces of the earth! JVSM
182 .. We all have found the taste of flowers, as in our
youth, and we humerons all their fragrance and delicately
respect for our Lord! JVSM
183 .. All knowledge workers, despite their
intelligence, will feel more contempt or indifference for
manual workers! JVSM
184 .. All manual workers, despite their great agility,
will not experience more contempt or indifference for workers
intellectuals! JVSM
185 .. The true politeness will be part of this world! JVSM
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186 .. All pharmacies will be blessed so that everyone who enters,
comes with remedies! JVSM
187 .. All Baby toys will be blessed so that they all
awake to a higher level of sensitivity, intelligence and
spirituality! JVSM
188 .. Love will be in the heart of everyone! JVSM
189 .. And now, all prayers are already over!
190 .. May they raise you spiritually as well as all
Other people on the planet!